Title Eugene Ionesco et le totalitarisme
Title (english) Eugene Ionesco and totalitarism
Title (croatian) Eugène Ionesco i totalitarizam
Author Marija Maričić
Mentor Patrick Levačić (mentor)
Committee member Mirna Sindičić Sabljo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Vodanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-01-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract L'objectif de cette thèse est la critique de totalitarismes dans les oeuvres de Eugène Ionesco.
Dans ses journaux intimes, Ionesco apporte ses confessions intimes de l’expérience de
l’uniformisation pendant la montée du nazisme en France et en Roumanie. Face aux
relations tendues entre les puissances impérialistes dans la période d'après-guerre, marquée
par le renforcement de communisme dans l’Europe, Ionesco exprimait régulièrement sa
sympathie pour les minorités défavorisées, émerveillé par
... More les personnes qui ont osé exprimer
leur désaccord avec les idéologies établies. En ce sens, Ionesco a soutenu l'idée du
personnalisme, fondé par philosophe français Emmanuel Mounier, comme une philosophie
qui va renverser la dialectique société-individu, en attirant l’attention sur la priorité de
l'individu, un titulaire concret d’une culture, au détriment des entités sociales. Mais ce n’est
que comme le dramaturge que Ionesco dévoile complétement son âme. Dans ses pièces, il
représente métaphoriquement le monde angoissant d’objets, dirigé vers la connaissance et le
progrès historique où l’amour et le rêve représentent un contrepoint à l'univers sombre et
une forteresse de l'humanisme. Less
Abstract (english) The objective of this thesis is the critique of totalitarianism in the works of Eugene
Ionesco. In his diaries, Ionesco brings his intimate confessions of the experience of
uniformisation during the rise of Nazism in France and Romania. During the tense
relations between the imperial forces, in the post-war period, marked by the
strengthening of communism in Europe, Ionesco consistently expressed sympathy for
disadvantaged minorities, amazed by people who dared to disagree with
... More the
established ideologies. In this sense, Ionesco supported the idea of personalism
founded by French philosopher Emmanuel Mounier, a philosophy that will reverse the
dialectics society-individual, drawing attention to the priority of the individual, a
particular holder of a culture, at the expense of social entity. But it is only as the
playwriter that Ionesco reveals his soul completely. In his works, he metaphorically
represents the anxious world of objects, directed to the knowledge and historical
progress, where love and dreams represent a counterpoint to the dark world and a
stronghold of humanism. Less
Abstract (croatian) Cilj ovog rada je kritika totalitarizma u djelima Eugene Ionesco. U svojim
dnevnicima, Ionesco donosi svoje intimne ispovijesti o iskustvu uniformizacije
tijekom uspona nacizma u Francuskoj i Rumunjskoj. Ususret napetim odnosima
između imperijalnih sila, obilježenim jačanjem komunizma u Europi nakon drugog
svjetskog rata, Ionesco je dosljedno izražavao suosjećanje s ugroženim manjinskim
skupinama, zadivljen osobama koje su se usudile javno izraziti neslaganje s
... More ideologijama. U tom smislu, Ionesco je podržao ideju personalizma koju
je osmislio francuski filozof Emmanuel Mounier, filozofiju koja će preokrenuti
dijalektiku društvo-pojedinac, ukazujući na prioritet pojedinca kao konkretnog
nositelja kulture, na štetu društvenih entiteta. Ipak, kao dramski pisac Ionesco u
potpunosti otkriva svoju dušu. U svojim djelima, on metaforički predstavlja tjeskobni
svijet objekata, usmjeren prema znanju i povijesnom napretku, gdje ljubav i snovi
predstavljaju kontrapunkt mračnom svijetu i uporište humanizmu. Less
petite bourgeoisie
Keywords (english)
petty bourgeoisie
Keywords (croatian)
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:629574
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specialization in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-05-05 08:43:21