Title Odnos modernih glazbenih žanrova i alternativnih oblika duhovnosti
Title (english) The Relationship Between Modern Music Genres and Alternative Spiritualities
Author Heidi Vuković
Mentor Katica Burić Ćenan (mentor)
Mentor Suzana Marjanić (komentor)
Committee member Mario Katić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dunja Brozović Rončević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Katica Burić Ćenan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Ethnology and Anthropology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology
Abstract Na Zapadu je, počevši od prošlog stoljeća, a posebice od 1950-ih godina primjetan uspon alternativnih oblika duhovnosti, u kojima je sam pojedinac jedini autoritet na svom duhovnom putu i koji često uključuju eklektičan spektar ideja, vjerovanja i praksi. Pojedini teorijski okviri za raspravu o alternativnim oblicima duhovnosti uključuju njihovo razmatranje u kontekstu medija i popularne kulture, a među njima se ističu teorija kultnog miljea Colina Campbella (1972) i teorija okulture Christophera Partridgea (2004). Jednu od glavnih postavki unutar tih teorija čini ideja da mediji i popularna kultura ne samo što uvelike utječu na daljnje širenje ideja, vjerovanja i praksi iz tog miljea, koji uključuje i alternativne oblike duhovnosti, već ga ujedno i „održavaju“ te potencijalno utječu i na daljni razvoj tih ideja, vjerovanja i praksi i samog kultnog/okulturnog miljea. Glazba je jedan od aspekata popularne kulture koji od šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća pomnije prati i reflektira okulturna strujanja na Zapadu, za koja i potiče interes uporabom duhovnih, okultnih i mističnih motiva bilo u tekstovima pjesama ili u slopu vizualnih imidža glazbenika. Kao dio popularne kulture glazba može utjecati na načine na koje pojedinci shvaćaju svijet, na njihovo ponašanje i vjerovanja, pa tako i na percepciju o vlastitom identitetu. To ju čini jednim od čimbenika koji mogu imati ulogu u procesu konstrukcije identiteta i sustava značenja kod pojedinaca koji se identificiraju s alternativnim vrstama duhovnosti. Međutim, konkretni načini na koje glazba u tom kontekstu djeluje slabije su istraženi. Jedan od istraživačih smjerova uključuje proučavanje uloge koju glazba ima u svakodnevnom životu pojedinaca koji prakticiraju alternativne oblike duhovnosti, a s time i u njihovim duhovnim praksama. U ovom radu iznosi se relevantna teorija vezana uz ovu temu, a potom i rezultati terenskog istraživanja provedenog putem intervjua s pojedincima koji prakticiraju neke od alternativnih oblika duhovnosti. U razgovorima sa sedmero kazivača sa splitskog područja raspravljalo se o načinima na koje koriste glazbu u svakodnevnom životu i u sklopu svoje duhovne prakse, kako bi se dobio uvid u načine na koje glazba može imati ulogu u oblikovanju duhovnih iskustava i osjećaja identiteta.
Abstract (english) Since the 20th century, and especially since the 1950s, there has been a noticeable rise of alternative forms of spirituality in the West, in which the individual himself is the only authority on his spiritual path and which often include an eclectic spectrum of ideas, beliefs and practices. Certain theoretical frameworks for the discussion of alternative forms of spirituality include their consideration in the context of media and popular culture, which include Colin Campbell's theory of the cultic milieu and Christopher Partridge's theory of occulture. One of the main postulates of these theories is the idea that media and popular culture not only support the dissemination of ideas, beliefs and practices from said milieu, which also includes alternative forms of spirituality, but also maintain it and potentially influence the further development of those same ideas, beliefs and practices, and with them the cultic/occultural milieu itself. Since the 1960s, one aspect of popular culture that has been following and reflecting the occult currents in the West has been music, which has also been stimulating the public interest in such topics by the use of spiritual, occult and mystical motifs either in song lyrics or as a part of musicians' visual image. Being a part of popular culture, music influences the ways in which individuals perceive the world, as well as their behavior and beliefs, and thus their perception of their own identity. This makes it one of the factors that are thought to play a role in the process of constructing alternative spiritual identities and systems of meaning. However, the actual ways in which music can have a role in said process are less researched. One of the research directions of interest in that regard includes the study of roles that music plays in people's daily lives, and thus in spiritual lives of individuals who practice alternative forms of spirituality. In this paper, the relevant theory related to this topic is presented, which is followed by the results of field research conducted through interviews with individuals who practice some of the alternative forms of spirituality. In conversations with seven individuals from the Split area, the ways in which they use music in their daily lives and as part of their spiritual practice were discussed, in order to gain insight into the ways in which music can play a role in shaping spiritual experiences and sense of identity.
alternativni oblici duhovnosti
Keywords (english)
alternative spiritualities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:813354
Study programme Title: Ethnology and Anthropology (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra etnologije i antropologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra etnologije i antropologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2025-01-07 09:17:40