Abstract | U radu je prikazan obuhvatan teorijski pregled pedagoških koncepcija Friedricha Fröbela i Marije Montessori, pri čemu se naglasak stavlja na Fröbelove darove i Montessori pribor. Iako se ta dva koncepta razlikuju po svojim metodama i načelima, što se može pripisati različitom vremenu i okruženju u kojemu su nastali, njihove koncepcije odlikuje zajednička poveznica. Fröbel i Montessori imaju jedinstven stav, a to je ljubav i poštovanje prema djetetu kao duhovnom biću. Fröbel je vjerovao u važnost igre i korištenje posebnih didaktičkih materijala koje naziva darovima, dok se Montessori pribori oslanjaju na precizno određene principe. Rad je imao za cilj prikazati temeljne odrednice i principe rada dviju pedagoških koncepcija, osobito kroz dimenziju razvoja dječje igre i učenja u ranom djetinjstvu. U radu su prikazani i praktični primjeri dječje igre s Fröbelovim i Montessori didaktičkim materijalima, čime se ilustrira njihov doprinos razvoju i učenju djece. Zbog opsega rada odabrani su treći i četvrti Fröbelov dar te Montessori binomska i trinomska kocka. Metodološki okvir istraživanja temelji se na kvalitativnoj, deskriptivnoj analizi, uz primjenu polustrukturiranog intervjua s pedagoginjom i stručnom savjetnicom za Fröbelovu pedagogiju Heinrike SchauweckerZimmer, koja je i inicijatorica otvaranja Fröbelovog dječjeg vrtića u Hechendorfu u Njemačkoj, koji je također opisan u radu. Rezultati ukazuju na specifičnosti koje Fröbelovi darovi i Montessori pribori unose u dječju igru, posebice kroz poticanje razvoja fine motorike, kreativnosti i samostalnosti. Kroz usporednu analizu života i pedagoškog djelovanja Friedricha Fröbela i Marije Montessori može se zaključiti da oboje, kao istaknuti pedagozi svoga vremena, ostavljaju snažan trag i postavljaju temelje suvremenoga predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. |
Abstract (english) | Comparative analysis of the pedagogical conception of Friedrich Fröbel and Maria Montessori The paper provides a comprehensive theoretical overview of the pedagogical concepts of Friedrich Fröbel and Maria Montessori, with a special emphasis on Fröbel's gifts and Montessori accessories. Although these two conceptions differ, which we can attribute to the origin of the methods in different times, different environments, principles and principles, their methods are characterized by a common link. Namely, Fröbel and Montessori have a unique attitude, which is love and respect for the child as a spiritual being. Through a comparative analysis of the life and pedagogical activities of Friedrich Fröbel and Maria Montessori, it can be clearly concluded that both of them, as prominent pedagogues of their time, left a strong mark and laid the foundations of modern preschool education. Fröbel believed in the importance of play and the use of special didactic materials "Gifts", while Montessori tools rely on precisely defined principles. The aim of the work was to show the fundamental determinants and principles of the pedagogical concepts of Friedrich Fröbel and Maria Montessori, especially through the dimension of the development of children's play and learning in early childhood. The methodological framework of the research is based on a qualitative, descriptive analysis, with the use of a semi-structured interview with Mrs. Heinrike Schauwecker-Zimmer, pedagogue and expert advisor of Fröbel pedagogy and the initiator of the opening of Fröbel Kindergarten Heckendorf in Germany. The paper describes Fröbel's kindergarten in Heckendorf. The results indicate the specifics that Froebel's gifts and Montessori materials bring to children's play, especially through encouraging the development of fine motor skills, creativity and independence. Also, the work shows a practical example of a children's game with these pedagogical accessories, which illustrates their contribution to the development and learning of children. Due to the scope of the work itself, two Fröbel gifts were selected and the fourth gift, as well as Montessori binoma and the tranquity. |