Abstract | Ples je neizostavna aktivnost u dječjem vrtiću iz razloga što se njime djeca zabavljaju, ali i razvijaju u različitim područjima. Osim što mogu plesati samostalno (individualno), djeca mogu plesne i ritmičke aktivnosti prolaziti i u grupi, s odgojiteljima i ostalom djecom te, pri tome, koristiti strogo zadanu koreografiju, ali i improvizaciju čime se razvijaju njihova mašta i kreativnost. U ključne karakteristike plesa ubrajaju se ritmičnost, pokreti tijela, koreografija, izazivanje emocija, stil i estetika, interakcija s prostorom, timski rad i partnerstvo, tjelesna kondicija i vještina, tradicija i kultura te improvizacija. S obzirom da se djeca, posebno rane i predškolske dobi, intenzivno razvijaju, jako je važno da su tjelesno aktivna, a jedan je od tih načina upravo ples. Za njihov cjelokupni razvoj jako je značajno stjecanje glazbenih kompetencija jer one doprinose razvoju slušnih, motoričkih, kognitivnih, emocionalnih i socijalnih vještina djece. Razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti u ovom razdoblju života temelji se na igri, istraživanju i spontanom izražavanju kroz različite glazbene aktivnosti. U skladu s time, za potrebe ovog diplomskog rada, proučila su se prethodno provedena istraživanja i provele su se aktivnosti u šibenskom vrtiću nakon čega se došlo do sljedećih zaključaka: osim toga što djeca pozitivno reagiraju samo kada čuju glazbu, posebnu emociju kod njih izazivaju razne pjevačke i plesačke aktivnosti. Čak i kod nekolicine djece koja su pružala jednu vrstu otpora prilikom ovih plesnih i ritmičkih aktivnosti, vrlo brzo su se pojavile želja i zainteresiranost za istima. Djeca su pokazivala mnoštvo pozitivnih emocija prilikom sudjelovanja u svim aktivnostima, stalno su tražila „još“ te je, što je iznimno važno, kod njih zabilježen iznimno značajan pomak u njihovom kognitivnom, motoričkom, emocionalnom, socijalnom i fizičkom razvoju, što i je zapravo glavni cilj provođenja plesnih i ritmičkih struktura. |
Abstract (english) | Dancing is an essential activity in kindergarten because it amuses children, but also develops them in different areas. In addition to being able to dance independently (individually), children can also go dance and rhythmic activities in a group, with educators and other children, and, in doing so, use strictly set choreography, as well as improvisation, which develops their imagination and creativity. The key characteristics of dance include rhythmicity, body movements, choreography, evoking emotions, style and aesthetics, interaction with space, teamwork and partnership, physical fitness and skill, tradition and culture, and improvisation. Given that children, especially those of early and preschool age, are developing intensively, it is very important that they are physically active, and one of those ways is precisely dancing. The acquisition of musical competences is very important for their overall development because they contribute to the development of children's auditory, motor, cognitive, emotional and social skills. The development of musical abilities in this period of life is based on play, research and spontaneous expression through various musical activities. Accordingly, for the purposes of this thesis, previously conducted research was studied and activities were carried out in the kindergarten in Šibenik, after which the following conclusions were reached: in addition to the fact that children react positively only when they hear music, a special emotion is evoked in them by various singing and dancing activities. Even with a few children who offered some kind of resistance during these dance and rhythmic activities, the desire and interest in them appeared very quickly. The children showed a lot of positive emotions when participating in all the activities, they were constantly looking for "more" and, what is extremely important, an extremely significant shift in their cognitive, motor, emotional, social and physical development was recorded, which is actually the main the goal of implementing dance and rhythmic structures. |