Abstract | Cilj je ovoga završnog rada prikaz slobode u romanu „Braća Karamazovi“ Fjodora Mihajloviča Dostojevskog. Na početku je riječ o samom autoru koji je jedan od najvećih svjetskih pisaca svih vremena i njegovu stvaralaštvu. Kroz prikaz slobode istražuje se kako pojedini filozofi poimaju slobodu, ali i kako je sloboda za Dostojevskog središnja tema koja je povezana s temom o zlu. Za dobro i zlo smatra se da su djeca slobode, čovjek je slobodan da se opredijeli za određeni izbor. Kada ne bi bilo izbora, ne bi bilo ni slobode. Sloboda može biti negativna i pozitivna. Ako se sloboda doživljava kao teret, obveza, nemogućnost da se nosimo s našim izborima, onda je sloboda negativna. S druge strane, pozitivna sloboda je svjesno prihvaćanje svojih izbora i odluka, takva sloboda je usmjerena prema određenim vrijednostima, u sebi uključuje poznavanje dobra. Ivan Karamazov predstavnik je negativne strane slobode jer ga takva sloboda vodi u zlo i zločin. Njegov brat, Aljoša Karamazov, svjestan je činjenice da je sloboda nužna za dostojanstvo čovjeka te postupa u skladu s tim, usmjeren je prema vrijednostima koje vode u dobro. Upravo kroz razgovor njih dvojice koji predstavljaju suprotnosti, pokreće se tema o patnjama, slobodi i Bogu. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this thesis is to present the concept of freedom in the novel The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. First, the discussion focuses on the author himself, one of the greatest writers of all time, and his body of work. Through the portrayal of freedom, it is explored how certain philosophers perceive freedom, and how for Dostoevsky, freedom is a central theme closely tied to the theme of evil. Good and evil are considered to be the offspring of freedom, as people are free to make their own choices. Without choice, there would be no freedom. Freedom can be seen as negative and positive. Freedom understood as a burden, obligation, the inability to deal with our choices, represents the negative concept of freedom. On the other hand, the positive concept of freedom is the conscius acceptance of one’s choices and decisions. This type of freedom is directed towards certain values and includes the knowledge of good. Ivan Karamazov can be considered a representative of the negative view of freedom, as this kind of freedom leads him to evil and crime. His brother, Alyosha Karamazov, is aware that freedom is necessary for human dignity and acts accordingly, directing himself toward values that lead to good. It is throught the conversation between these two, who represent opposites, that the topic of suffering, freedom, and God are brought into discussion. |