Abstract | Diabetes mellitus je multifaktorijalna bolest koju karakterizira poremećaj metabolizma ugljikohidrata, masti, lipida, vode i bjelančevina. Spada u vodeće svjetske javnozdravstvene probleme s brojnim komplikacijama. Kožne promjene koje se javljaju u oboljelih, a povezane su s poremećajem krvožilnog sustava, neurološkim zbivanjima ili poremećajem imunološkog sustava, su akantoza nigricans, dijabetička zadebljala koža, ograničena pokretljivost zglobova i skleroderma-like sindrom, dijabetička sklerodermija, eruptivni ksantomi, kutane infekcije, bakterijske infekcije kože, gljivične infekcije kože, dijabetični ulkusi, mikroangiopatije i makroangiopatije. Bolesti kože, nepoznate etiologije, u asocijaciji s diabetes mellitusom su lipoidna nekrobioza, granuloma annulare, dijabetička dermopatija, stečene perforirajuće dermatoze, dermatomikoze, dijabetične bule, glukagonom sindrom. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na značaj kožnih manifestacija kod diabetes mellitusa i kožnih bolesti u asocijaciji s diabetes mellitusom. Nezaobilazna je uloga medicinske sestre u skrbi kože oboljelog od dijabetes mellitusa, kako edukacijskim djelovanjem, tako i širokom procjenom koja se odnosi na kvalitetu života. Vodeći računa o biološkoj, psihološkoj i socijalnoj različitosti pacijenata i uvjeta u kojima žive, pristup pacijentu je nužno individualan, bez okvirnog uklapanja u shemu bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Diabetes mellitus is a multifactorial disease characterized by a metabolic disorder carbohydrates, fats, lipids, water and proteins. It belongs to the world's leading public health institutions problems with numerous complications. Skin changes that occur in patients and are associated with a disorder of the circulatory system, neurological events or disorders of the immune system are acanthosis nigricans, diabetic thickened skin, limited joint mobility and scleroderma-like syndrome, diabetic scleroderma, eruptive xanthomas, skin infections, bacterial skin infections, fungal infections skin, diabetic ulcers, microangiopathies and macroangiopathies. Skin diseases of unknown etiology, in associations with diabetes mellitus are lipoid necrobiosis, granuloma annulare, diabetic dermopathy, acquired perforating dermatosis, dermatomycosis, diabetic bullae, glucagonoma syndrome. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of skin changes as a consequence of the existence of the disease itself diabetes mellitus, and at the same time the importance of skin diseases in association with diabetes mellitus. The role of the nurse in the care of DM patients with educational activity, as well as a broad assessment related to the quality of life is emphasized. Biological, psychological, social diversity of patients and their living conditions have to be included and approach to the patient is individual, without a general fit into the scheme of the disease. |