Title Utjecaj medija na mentalno zdravlje djece
Title (english) The Influence of the Media on the Mental Health of Children
Author Lucija Barać
Mentor Nataša Skitarelić (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Matek Sarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Skitarelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Klaudia Duka Glavor (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-10-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract U današnje vrijeme, život bez medija i medijskog utjecaja gotovo je nemoguć. Svakodnevica modernog čovjeka uvelike je pod utjecajem suvremene tehnologije. Razvoj tehnologije i medija doveo je do toga da je nemoguće pronaći pojedinca, posebice adolescenta, koji ne konzumira medijske sadržaje. Svaki peti adolescent koristi društvene mreže više od pet sati dnevno, što utjecaj društvenih mreža na njihovo mentalno zdravlje čini neupitnim. Mentalno zdravlje širok je pojam koji se odnosi na
... More emocionalno, psihološko, bihevioralno i društveno funkcioniranje osobe. Korištenje medija i tehnologije može nositi sa sobom različite rizike za dobrobit mentalnog zdravlja djece i mladih. Povećanim korištenjem mobilnih uređaja, računala i društvenih medija može doći do razvoja ovisnosti o tehnologiji, što negativno utječe na svakodnevni život, odnose i školske rezultate. Da bi društvo zdravo funkcioniralo, nužno je razviti cjeloviti pristup prevenciji psiholoških poteškoća djece i adolescenata koje su posljedica prekomjernog izlaganja medijima. Prevencija, pravovremeno prepoznavanje i rana intervencija su pritom najvažniji. Problematikom mentalnog zdravlja djece ne bave se samo stručnjaci, već sve osobe koje sudjeluju u životu djece i mladih. Medicinske sestre svakodnevno ostvaruju kontakt s korisnicima zdravstvene zaštite kao i njihovim obiteljima što ih čini aktivnim sudionicima u procesu prevencije, unaprjeđenja, ranog prepoznavanja i rehabilitacije mentalnog zdravlja djece i adolescenata. Less
Abstract (english) Life without media and media influence is almost impossible. Everyday life is influenced by modern technology. The development of technology and media made impossible to find an individual, especially an adolescent, who does not consume media content. One in five uses social networks for more than five hours a day, which makes the impact of social networks on their mental health unquestionable. Mental health is a broad term that refers to a person's way of emotional, psychological,
... More behavioral and social functioning. Like physical health, it ranges from good to bad, and varies over time at different stages of life and is exposed to different conditions. The use of media and technology can carry various risks for the welfare of children and young people. Increased use of mobile devices, computers, and social media can lead to the development of technology addiction, which can negatively impact daily life, relationships, and academic performance. In order for society to function healthily, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive approach to the prevention of psychological difficulties caused by excessive exposure to the media. Prevention, timely recognition and early intervention are important for the protection of adolescent mental health. Mental health issues are not only dealt with by experts, but by all persons who participate in the lives of children and young people. Nurses maintain close contact with health care users and their families every day, which makes them active participants in the process of prevention, improvement, early recognition and rehabilitation in the field of mental health issues. Less
mentalno zdravlje
Keywords (english)
mental health
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:896987
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: Magistar/magistra sestrinstva (Magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-17 08:23:02