Title Les éléments kinésiques de la communication non verbale des élèves en classe de FLE
Title (croatian) Kinezički elementi neverbalne komunikacije učenika na nastavi francuskog kao stranog jezika
Title (english) Kinesic elements of students' non-verbal communication in French as a foreign language class
Author Eva Raspudić
Mentor Rea Lujić Pikutić (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Vodanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Frleta (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Magali Sylvie Ruet (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Francophone Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract L'objectif de ce mémoire était de découvrir les signes non verbaux les plus émis par les élèves en classe de FLE. Comme échantillon pour notre recherche qualitative, on a choisi six lycéens et, en utilisant la méthode descriptive et la technique d'observation, on a essayé de déchiffrer leurs messages non verbaux et d'identifier les formes les plus courantes. On a porté notre attention uniquement vers les éléments kinésiques. À savoir, on a observé leurs gestes (principalement les mouvements de la tête et des mains), la posture (la façon dont ils s'assoient et se tiennent debout), les expressions faciales (position des sourcils, des lèvres) et le regard (le regard direct, le regard bref). Selon notre propre jugement, on a choisi trois bons et trois mauvais élèves pour découvrir s'il y avait des éléments de communication non verbale caractéristiques pour les uns et pour les autres. Par conséquent, on a remarqué qu’ils utilisent principalement des gestes de la main, ainsi qu'il existe des comportements qui ne sont caractéristiques que d'un groupe d'élèves. Ces différences de communication non verbale entre ces deux groupes sont surtout visibles dans la façon dont ils s'assoient et regardent l'enseignante, mais aussi dans leurs expressions faciales. À la fin de l'observation, on a mené un entretien avec l’enseignante qui nous a confirmé les différences dans le comportement non verbal de bons et de mauvais élèves. Cependant, la classification des élèves dans ces deux catégories conduit à la possibilité de l'apparition de stéréotypes qu'il faut absolument éviter.
Abstract (croatian) Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je uočiti koji su to neverbalni znakovi koje učenici najviše emitiraju na nastavi francuskog jezika. Kao uzorak za naše kvalitativno istraživanje izabrali smo šest srednjoškolaca te smo koristeći se deskriptivnom metodom i tehnikom promatranja pokušali dešifrirati njihove neverbalne poruke, kao i identificirati najčešće oblike. Fokusirali smo se samo na kinezičke elemente. Naime, promatrali smo njihove geste (uglavnom pokrete glavom i rukama), držanje (način na koji sjede i stoje), izraze lica (položaj obrva, usana) i pogled (direktan pogled, kratak pogled). Prema vlastitoj procjeni, odabrali smo tri dobra i tri loša učenika kako bismo otkrili postoje li elementi neverbalne komunikacije karakteristični za jednu i drugu skupinu. Tako, primjetili smo da učenici uglavnom koriste geste rukama, kao i da postoje ponašanja koja su karakteristična samo za jednu skupinu učenika. Te razlike u neverbalnoj komunikaciji između ove dvije skupine najviše su vidljive u načinu na koji sjede i gledaju nastavnicu, ali i u njihovim izrazima lica. Na kraju promatranja, napravili smo intervju s profesoricom koja nam je potvrdila razlike u neverbalnom ponašanju dobrih i loših učenika. Međutim, svrstavanje učenika u ove dvije kategorije dovodi do mogućnosti pojave stereotipa koje svakako treba izbjegavati.
Abstract (english) The aim of this thesis was to find out which non-verbal signs are the most emitted by students in French language class. As a sample for our qualitative research, we chose six high school students and, using the descriptive method and the observation technique, we tried to decipher their non-verbal messages and identify the most common forms. We focused on observing only the kinesic elements. Namely, we observed their gestures (mainly head and hand movements), posture (the way they sit and stand), facial expressions (position of eyebrows, lips) and eye contact (direct, brief). According to our own judgement, we chose three good and three bad students to discover if there were elements of non-verbal communication characteristic for one and for the other group. Therefore, we noticed that they mainly use hand gestures, as well as there are behaviors that are characteristic only for one group of students. These differences i non-verbal communication between these two groups are mostly visible in the way they sit and look at the teacher, but also in their facial expressions. At the end of the observation, we did an interview with the teacher who confirmed the differences in the non-verbal behavior of good and bad students. However, the classification of students in these two categories leads to the possibility of the appearance of stereotypes which must absolutely be avoided.
bons élèves
communication non verbale
éléments kinésiques
mauvais élèves
Keywords (croatian)
dobri učenici
francuski jezik
kinezički elementi
loši učenici
neverbalna komunikacija
Keywords (english)
bad students
French language
good students
kinesics elements
non-verbal communication
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:659403
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-29 13:04:01