Title Odrednice akumulacije socijalnog kapitala stanovništva Zadra : višerazinsko objašnjenje
Title (english) Determinants of Social Capital Accumulation of the Population of the City of Zadar : a multilevel analysis
Author Mislav Dević
Mentor Saša Božić (mentor) MBZ: 237371
Committee member Željka Tonković (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 278523
Committee member Ivan Puzek (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 329700
Committee member Anja Gvozdanović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 298663
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 316 - Sociology
Abstract Ovo istraživanje za cilj je imalo istražiti socijalni kapital zadarskog stanovništva. Socijalnom kapitalu pristupalo se koristeći kvalitativne i kvantitativne istraživačke metode te pri tom povezujući deskriptivnu fenomenologiju Amadea Giorgija, te adaptivnu-teoriju za čiji je razvoj zaslužan Derek Layder. Deskriptivno-fenomenološkim pristupom prvo je istraživano značenje triju društvenih fenomena – društvenih veza, povjerenja i građanskog angažmana. Prema nalazima te studije društvene
... More veze primarno su orijentirane na sigurnost i socijalni hedonizam, a karakterizira ih i trajnost te lokalnost. Osjećaj sigurnost je bitan i kod fenomena povjerenja, koje se prema iskustvima sudionika izgrađuje u dužem vremenskom hodu, kao proces u kojem se ukazano povjerenje, uglavnom bliskim osobama, opetovano testira. Građanski angažman s druge strane predstavlja fenomen vrlo varijabilan u pogledu značenja koja mu sudionici kvalitativnog istraživanja pridaju, te oblicima djelovanja koje uključuju u značenje tog fenomena. Angažman je uglavnom fokusiran na pitanja očuvanja društvenog reda. Kao bitan aspekt građanskog angažmana mogu se navesti angažman fokusiran na estetsku skrb za urbani okoliš, te masovniji oblici periodičnog angažmana, potaknuti simpatijom i sažaljenjem spram potrebitih. U adaptivno-teorijskom dijelu disertacije SK je raščlanjen u dva teorijska modela. Prvi od njih razmatra ne-lokalni oblik SK, dok drugi razmatra SK susjedstva. Kod ne-lokalnog SK bitni čimbenici koji doprinose akumulaciji SK su obrazovanje te religioznost individue, te koncept amoralnog familizma koji ima nešto zamršenije efekte na različite dimenzije SK, pri čemu je taj proces odgovoran za izostanak određenih segmenata SK, dok u drugim slučajevima potiče njihovu vitalnost. U kontekstu političke participacije bitnim se pokazuje i osjećaj političke bespomoćnosti. Drugi cilj disertacije bio je i testirati Putnamovu teoriju SK. Na razini ne-lokalnog modela ta teorija je u većoj mjeri potvrđena. Kod SK susjedstva ključni čimbenici u izgradnji SK su religioznost, te obrazovanje individue. Pored toga bitnim čimbenicima se pokazuju i emocionalna privrženosti susjedstvu kao društvenofizičkoj cjelini te gustoća naseljenosti stambenog područja. Kod testiranja Putnamove teorije na razini susjedstva rezultati su pokazali da je teorija u potpunosti potvrđena, dok takve nalaze sugeriraju i rezultati testiranja te teorije i na razini svake od triju stambenih zona u kojima je ta teorija razmatrana. Nalazi istraživanja ukazali su da se kod teorije SK radi o vrlo korisnoj sociološkoj teoriji koja se potvrđuje na različitim teorijskim razinama. Pored toga rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju kako je SK sklop međusobno jačajućih mehanizama koji su relativno neovisni o urbanističko-arhitektonskim značajkama unutar kojih se ti procesi odvijaju. Ovo istraživanje ima i značajan metodološki doprinos, budući da se radi o novijem metodološkom razvoju, kako u pogledu povezivanja fenomenološkog istraživanja s kvantitativnim istraživačkim pristupima, tako i zbog samog povezivanja deskriptive fenomenologije s adaptivnom teorijom. Less
Abstract (english) This research was set to explore social capital of the inhabitants of the city of Zadar. Social capital was researched by use of both, qualitative and quantitative methods, and for that purpose it combined two research approaches – Giorgi's descriptive phenomenology and Layder's adaptive-theory. In the phenomenological part of the research three phenomena were examined - social ties, trust, and civic engagement. This research section indicated that social ties are mainly focused on
... More social support and social hedonism as well as that they are characterized by permanence and locality. Feelings of safety is also an important constituent of the phenomenon of trust, which according to the experiences of the research participants is built in a longer time and among persons that are closely related. Civic engagement shows great variety, both in the meaning participants ascribe to the phenomenon as well as types of attitudes and actions they include in the constituents of the phenomena. Engagement is mostly focused on the issues of social order maintenance. An important aspect of that phenomenon is engagement aimed at the esthetics of urban landscape and periodic, mass engagement triggered by the awareness of the problems of the persons who need certain type of help. In the adaptivetheory part of the dissertation social capital was analyzed in the context of two theoretical models. First addressed non-local model while the other analyzed social capital within the neighborhood. In the first model social capital, according to the research results was determined by the education and religiosity as well as the concept of amoral familism. The latter concept has complex effects on the accumulation of social capital in which it is responsible for both, lack of certain aspects of social capital as well as for their vibrance. In the context of conventional political participation, the feeling of political powerlessness was also important in explaining lower levels of that type of civic engagement. The second goal of the thesis was also to test Putnam’s theory of social capital. On the first level in which social capital was explored Putnam’s theory was largely confirmed. In the context of neighborhood social capital, the key processes relevant for the accumulation of social capital are religiosity and education, as well as neighborhood attachment and the urban density. The testing of Putnam’s theory on this level showed that the theory can be fully confirmed. The results of this research indicated that social capital theory is relevant on different levels on which it was explored as well as that it is relatively autonomous from the urban context in which social capital as a self-accumulating mechanism exists. This research also had methodological contribution, since it is one of the rare research approaches that combines phenomenology and quantitative research methods, as well as for combining descriptive phenomenology and adaptive theory. Less
socijalni kapital
društvene veze
građanski angažman
amoralni familizam
Keywords (english)
social capital
social ties
civic engagement
amoral familism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:384580
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Sociology of regional and local development Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje sociologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje sociologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-03-09 08:03:37