Title Viralni marketing na primjeru Hrvatske gorske službe spašavanja
Title (english) Viral marketing on the example of the Croatian mountain rescue service
Author Danira Batinić
Mentor Božena Krce Miočić (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Prikupljanjem primarnih i sekundarnih podataka te analizom istih nastojalo se odgovoriti na postavljena istraživačka pitanja. Primarno istraživanje obuhvaćalo je polustrukturirani intervju kojeg je autorica provela s Jadranom Kapovićem, pročelnikom Komisije za informiranje i analitiku Hrvatske gorske službe spašavanja te analizu sadržaja društvenih medija (Facebook, Instagram i Twitter) istoimene udruge. Analizirane su objave tijekom mjeseca lipnja i srpnja, a osim spomenutog proveden je i
... More anketni upitnik među pratiteljima udruge kojim se htjelo istražiti kakav efekt u javnosti postižu poslane poruke Hrvatske gorske službe spašavanja. U svojoj analizi autorica je opisala koliko često HGSS objavljuje na društvenim medijima, kakvu vrstu objava preferira (tekst, fotografija, video), kako se obraća svojim pratiteljima te kako pratitelji reagiraju na objave (emotikonima, komentarima ili dijeljenjem). Također istaknute su neke objave koje su prikupile najveći broj reakcija od strane čitatelja. Nadalje, rezultati analize sadržaja na društvenim medijima pokazali su kako se broj objava na Facebooku razlikuje od onog na Twitteru i Instagramu te kako objave nisu sinkronizirane. Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja je bazirala svoju komunikaciju većim dijelom na Facebook dok Twitter koriste za prezentaciju različitim poslovnim organizacijama budući da većinu profila na tom društvenom mediju čine poslovni profili. Također, može se zaključiti kako pratitelji prate njihove objave, ali ne reagiraju baš na njih. Svaka objava je popraćena reakcijama koje uključuju „lajkanje“, komentare i dijeljenje ali samo jedna ili dvije mjesečno imaju značajno velik broj reakcija. Primjećuje se i veći angažman pratitelja na Facebooku nego na Twitteru. Rezultati anketnog upitnika pokazali su kako ispitanici imaju pozitivno mišljenje o objavama HGSS-a za koje 92,8% smatra kako su jasne i razumljive. Također, njih 93,9% misli da HGSS svojim objavama privlači pozornost pratitelja. U konačnici, zahvaljujući svojoj zanimljivoj i drugačijoj komunikaciji putem društvenih medija može se reći da Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja ostvaruje uspješan kontakt s građanima. Glavni cilj koji su imali, a to je stvoriti dobar imidž i ugled kako bi im ljudi vjerovali je ostvaren. Svojim objavama privukli su pažnju ljudi, prenijeli im poruku, a oni su tu poruku ozbiljno shvatili. Da su ozbiljno shvatili potvrđuje Jadran koji ističe kako se broj HGSS-ovih intervencija značajno smanjio od kad koriste ovakav način komunikacije kojom nastoje spriječiti slučajeve u kojima je njihova intervencija potrebna. Less
Abstract (english) By acquiring primary and secondary data, and by their analysis, some research questions have been answered. The primary research contained an interview, which the author conducted with Jadran Kapović, the director of the Commission for Information and Analytics of the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (CMRS), and the analysis of the contents of social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) of the same organisation. The posts published during June and July have been analysed, but also, a
... More survey, whose goal was to explore what kind of effect these sent messages from the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service have in public, has been conducted among the social media followers of the organisation. In their analysis, the author described how often CMRS posts on social media, what kind of posts the organisation prefers (text, photos, videos), how it communicates with its followers and how followers react to these posts (by emoticons, commenting or sharing). Also, some posts that have gotten the biggest amount of reactions have been highlighted. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of the social media contents have shown that the number of posts on Facebook differs from that on Instagram and Twitter, but also that the posts are not synchronized. The Croatian Mountain Rescue Service based their communication on Facebook, while Twitter is used for presenting themselves to different business organisations, concerning that the most profiles on that social media are business profiles. Also, it can be concluded that the followers see their posts, but do not react to them. Every post is accompanied by “likes”, comments and sharing, but only one or two posts per month get a big number of reactions. Additionally, it is noticeable that the engagement of followers is greater on Twitter than on Facebook. The results of the aforementioned survey have shown that the participants have a positive opinion about the CMRS posts. 92,8% of the participants find these posts clear and comprehensible, while 93,9% of them think that the CMRS attracts the attention of the followers by posting. Finally, due to their interesting and different communication via social media, it can be concluded that the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service has a successful interaction with the citizens. The main goal, which was creating a good image and reputation so people would trust them, has been accomplished. With their posts, they drew people's attention and had sent them a powerful message, which the followers took seriously. The statement that the message was taken seriously is supported by Jadran Kapović, who points out that the number of CMRS interventions has drastically decreased since they have been using this type of communication, by which they are trying to prevent the cases where their intervention is needed. Less
Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja
društveni mediji
Keywords (english)
Croatian Mountain Rescue Service
social media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:239080
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-11-04 10:04:20