Abstract | Stres u radu, koji se sustavnije istražuje od šezdesetih godina 20. stoljeća, tema je brojnih znanstveno-istraživačkih i stručnih članaka i drugih publikacija. Pri tome je dio znanstveno-stručne literature u ovom području orijentiran općenito na stres u radu, dok se dio autora fokusira na stres u određenoj profesiji. U prilog tezi o stresu kao globalnom „poremećaju“ suvremenog doba idu rezultati istraživanja provedenih posljednjih desetljeća koji ukazuju na veliku učestalost doživljaja stresa kao i na porast intenziteta stresa kod nastavnika u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Cilj ovog rada je bio dati sustavni pregled literature u području nastavničkog stresa, s posebnim naglaskom na prevenciju istoga i moguću ulogu ravnatelja obrazovnih ustanova u implementaciji i provedbi programa prevencije. Usporedbom relevantne domaće i strane literature, odnosno teorijsko-empirijskih spoznaja o stresu u radu kod nastavnika u svijetu i kod nas utvrđeni su gotovo identični izvori, načini suočavanja i posljedice, ali ne i ujednačena podrška u prevenciji, redukciji i potpori. U državama razvijenije podrške prakticiraju se stručno osmišljeni, empirijski potvrđeni i unaprjeđivani programi prevencije, edukacije i treninga vještina efikasnog suočavanja sa stresom u radu i njegovim posljedicama kod nastavnika, koji se pokazuju učinkovitima te njihova sustavna primjena značajno doprinosi većoj dobrobiti zaposlenika, kvalitetnijem radu ustanove, zadovoljstvu svih dionika odgojno-obrazovnog rada i unaprjeđenju društva u cjelini. Unatoč pravnoj obvezi i duljem vremenu istraživanja izvora i posljedica stresa kod nastavnika u Republici Hrvatskoj još uvijek postoje nedostaci u razumijevanju istog, a malobrojni su programi prevencije i redukcije njegove pojavnosti temeljeni na teorijsko-empirijskim osnovama pa se stječe dojam da se u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu i obrazovnim ustanovama problem zanemaruje, nesustavno rješava, prebacuje na pojedinca i sl. Proaktivnim djelovanjem uz uvažavanje potreba, želja i stavova zaposlenika te vodeći brigu o usklađenosti i kvaliteti cjelokupnog rada škole, ravnatelji se trebaju angažirati u predviđanju, identifikaciji i redukciji mogućih stresora u radu nastavnika, ali i vlastitom radu. Implementacijom intervencijskih mjera primarne razine ravnatelj može utjecati na redukciju pojave stresa kod nastavnika, pri čemu ne treba isključiti mjere i programe sekundarne i po potrebi tercijarne razine. Uključenost u edukaciju i jačanje otpornosti na radni stres i prije njegove pojave zadaća je zaposlenika i ravnatelja, no nije zanemariv doprinos i obrazovnih autoriteta koji ravnateljima trebaju na razini obrazovnog sustava omogućiti, olakšati i osigurati dostupnost stručno vođenih programa usmjerenih na prevenciju, redukciju i ublažavanje stresa i njegovih posljedica. Stoga je u ovom radu na osnovi teorijsko-empirijskih spoznaja o stresu, stresu u radu nastavnika, učincima stresa na pojedinca i ustanovu te analizi praćenja učinkovitosti programa potpore i obvezama internih dionika rada odgojno-obrazovne ustanove, predložen anti-stres program kojeg bi se moglo, sukladno potrebama i interesu zaposlenika, implementirati, pratiti i unaprjeđivati. Kompetentan i poslu posvećen ravnatelj treba osigurati produktivno poučavanje i učenje na zadovoljstvo učenika, roditelja, nastavnika, školske ustanove i društva u cjelini što, između ostalog, uključuje brigu i angažman u smanjenju stresa kod nastavnika, ali i osobnog stresa, kontinuiranom potporom i implementacijom kvalitetnih mjera i programa sprječavanja, redukcije i eliminacije stresa i njegovih mogućih posljedica. |
Abstract (english) | Work stress, which has been systematically explored since the sixties of the 20th century, has been the topic of a considerable number of professional research and expert articles, as well as other publications. Thereby a part of scientific expert literature has been oriented to stress at work in general, while a part of the authors has focused on a particular profession. In favour of the thesis that stress is a global "disorder" of the modern age go the results of research conducted in the last decades that show more prevalent stress experience, as well as and an increase in stress intensity with teachers in the Republic of Croatia as well as in the world. The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic overview of literature in the field of teachers stress, with particular emphasis on the prevention of it and the possible role of educational institutions headmasters in the implementation of a prevention program. By comparing relevant domestic and foreign literature, i.e. theoretical and empirical findings on stress at work for teachers in the world and in our country, almost identical sources, ways of coping and consequences have been identified, but not uniform support in prevention, reduction and help. In countries that have more developed support, conducted expertly designed, empirically confirmed and improved prevention, education and training programs for the skills in effective dealing with work stress and its consequences for teachers have proven to be effective and their systematic application has significant contribution to greater employee benefit, to more quality work of an institution, the satisfaction of all stakeholders in educational work and the improvement of society as a whole. Despite the legal obligation and longer time of researching the resources and the consequences of stress with teachers in the Republic of Croatia, there is still a lack of understanding of it, while the programs of its prevention and reduction based on theoretical and empirical grounds are very few, and this creates an impression that in educational system and educational institutions this problem is ignored, non-systematically solved, passed on an individual, etc. Acting proactively and thereby taking into account the needs, wishes and attitudes of employees, as well as taking care of the compatibility and quality of the entire work of a school, headmasters should engage in the prediction, identification and reduction of possible stressors in the work of teachers, but also in their own work. By implementing primary intervention measures, a headmaster can influence the reduction of stress with teachers, with no need to exclude secondary and, if necessary, tertiary level measures and programs. Inclusion in education and strengthening of work stress resilience even before it appears is a task of employees and headmasters, but also the contribution of educational authorities who should help headmasters at the level of the education system, as well as ensure the availability of expertly managed programs aimed at prevention, reduction and mitigation of stress and its consequences is not negligible. Therefore, on the basis of theoretical and empirical knowledge on stress, stress in teacher work, the effects of stress on an individual and institution, and the analysis of support program efficiency monitoring and the obligations of internal stakeholders of an educational institution work, this paper has proposed an anti-stress program that could be, in accordance to an employee's interest, implemented, monitored and improved. A competent and dedicated headmaster should provide productive teaching and learning to the satisfaction of students, parents, teachers, school institutions and the society as a whole, which, among others, includes the care and engagement in reducing stress among teachers, but also personal stress, through continuous support and implementation of quality measures and programs of prevention, reduction and elimination of stress and its possible consequences. |