Title La metaphore conceptuelle dans "La fee carabine"
Title (english) The conceptual metaphor in "The fairy gunmother"
Title (croatian) Konceptualna metafora u "Vili karabinki"
Author Đurđica Bobić
Mentor Barbara Vodanović (mentor)
Committee member Vanda Mikšić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Vodanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Frleta (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-06-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Romance Studies
Abstract Le thème principal du présent mémoire de master est l’analyse des métaphores et métonymies conceptuelles dans La fée carabine de Daniel Pennac. Le but est présenter les métaphores et métonymies conceptuelles dans le roman, ainsi que leur traduction en croate. D’abord, on a expliqué les caractéristiques des métaphores conceptuelles. Puis, suit une analyse des exemples tirés du roman. Un grand nombre de métaphores et métonymies, dans le roman analysé, sont traduites avec leur équivalent dans la langue cible, c’est-à-dire, avec la métaphore ou la métonymie de la même signification. Selon George Lakoff et Mark Johnson la métaphore est partout, dans notre pensée, dans nos actions et dans notre langue. Nous utilisons les métaphores dans la communication quotidienne sans être conscient. La métaphore conceptuelle est composée de deux domaines conceptuels. Un domaine est plus compréhensible en termes d’un autre domaine. Enfin nous formulons la conclusion que beaucoup de métaphores dans le roman sont utilisées pour communiquer des situations simples et quotidiennes, pour donner une atmosphère sympathique et intéressante du polar. L’approche théorique de ce mémoire est cognitive.
Abstract (english) The main theme of this master thesis is the analysis of the concetpual metaphors in the novel „The fairy gunmother”. The aim is to present the metaphors and metonymies in the novel and their translation in Croation. First, we have explained main caracteristics of the conceptual metaphors. Then, we have analyzed the exemples pulled of the novel. A large number of metaphors and metonymies, in the novel, is translated with equivalent in the target language, that is, with the metaphor or metonymy of the same meaning. According to George Lakoff and Mark Johnson the metaphor is everywhere, in our thought, in our actions and in our language. We use the metaphores in the daily communication without being aware of it. The conceptual metaphor consists of two conceptual domains. One domain is more understandable than the other domain. Finally we give a conclusion that many metaphors in the novel are used to communicate simple and daily situations, to give a nice and interesting atmosphere of the thriller. The theoretical approach of this report is cognitive.
Abstract (croatian) Glavna tema diplomskog rada je analiza konceptualnih metafora i metonimija u „Vili karabinki” autora Daniela Penaca. Cilj je predstaviti konceptualne metafore u romanu i njihov prijevod na hrvatski jezik. Zatim, objašnjene su značajke konceptualne metafore. Slijedi analiza primjera iz romana. Veliki broj metafora i metonimija u obrađenom romanu, preveden je u većini slučajeva, sa ekvivalentom u ciljnom jeziku, to jest, sa metaforom ili metonimijom koja ima isto značenje kao i u izvornom tekstu. Prema George Lakoffu i Mark Johnsonu, metafora je prisutna svugdje, u našim mislima, djelovanjima i u našem jeziku. Mi se nesvjesno koristimo metaforom u svakodnevnim razgovorima. Konceptualna metafora se sastoji od dvije konceptualne domene. Jedna domena je pojednostavljena terminima druge domene. Rad završava zaključkom da je velik broj metafora iz romana korišten u komunikaciji u cilju da se ostvari interesantna i duhovita atmosfera krimića. Korišten je kognitivni pristup istaživanja.
La fée carabine
le domaine cible
le domaine source
la métaphore conceptuelle
la métonymie conceptuelle
Keywords (english)
conceptual metaphor
conceptual metonymy
„The fairy gunmother”
source domain
target domain
Keywords (croatian)
ciljna domena
izvorna domena
konceptualna metafora
konceptualna metonimija
„Vila karabinka”
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:647850
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-08-31 12:14:47