Title Musterijenska kultura na prostoru jugoistočne Europe
Title (english) Mousterian culture in southeastern Europe
Author Kruno Bogdanović
Mentor Dario Vujević (mentor)
Committee member Dario Vujević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mate Parica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-10-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Prehistoric Archeology
Abstract U ovom radu istražena je problematika musterijenske kulture na prostoru jugoistočne Europe. Radi se o kulturi nastaloj tijekom geološkog razdoblja pleistocena, a tradicionalno se veže uz razdoblje srednjeg paleolitika, odnosno između oko 200 i 25 tisuća godina. Ova kultura kao cjelina može se pratiti u tri osnovna pogleda. Prvu karakteristiku čini geomorfologija prostora. Naime, razdoblje musterijenske kulture datirano je u razdoblje četiri velike oledbe (glacijala) koje su odijeljene toplim razdobljima (interglacijalima). Zbog ovih čimbenika, razdoblje musterijenske kulture relativno je različito od današnjeg doba u pogledu klime, flore i faune. Druga karakteristika musterijenke kulture su njeni nositelji. Ova kultura datirana je mnogo prije pojave anatomski modernih ljudi, a pripisana je tzv. neandertalcu. Ovdje se govori o hominidu koji se svojim anatomskim činiteljima razlikuje od čovjeka kakav je danas. Treća karakteristika je materijalna kultura. Nositelji ove kulture koristili su alatke napravljene od različitog kamenja koji je raznim tehnološkim procesima pretvoren u upotrebljivu alatku. Osim kamenih alatki, prisutne su i koštane te drvene alatke. Drugi dio rada obrađuje lokalitete na prostoru današnjih država Slovenije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Crne Gore, Albanije i Grčke. Izdvojeno je ukupno 35 lokaliteta iskorištenih kao uzorak za specijaliziranje ovog dijela Europe, naspram ostatka prostora gdje se ova kultura prakticira. Posljednji dio rada bavi se detaljnom analizom prostora i materijala na prostoru jugoistočne Europe. Na temelju geomorfoloških karakteristika, kao i karakteristika vezanih za litičku industriju, izdvojene su dvije zone: kontinentalna i primorska. Kontinentalnu zonu čine lokaliteti s prostora Slovenije, kontinentalne Hrvatske, sjeverne Bosne i Srbije. Ono što izdvaja ovu zonu je pojava tzv. šarentijen tipa musterijena. Njega karakterizira velika zastupljenost strugala u odnosu na ostale alatke te upotreba kvarca i kvarcita kao sirovinskog materijala. Najbolje je vidljiv na lokalitetu Krapina. Primorska zona obuhvaća prostor čitave istočne jadranske obale te prostor Albanije i Grčke. Ovu zonu karakteriziraju dvije pojave: nazubljeni musterijen i mikromusterijen. Mikromusterijen obuhvaćaju litički nalazi čija veličina ne prelazi 5 cm, a razlog tome je loš sirovinski materijal. S druge strane, nazubljeni musterijen karakterizira velika zastupljenost nazubljenih alatki ili nazubljivanje ostalih alatki.
Abstract (english) This paper has researched the problematics of the mousterian culture in southeastern Europe. It is about a culture which formed during the geological age of pleistocen, and is traditionally placed during the middle paleolithic in between 200 and 25 thousand years ago. This culture as a whole can be viewed trough 3 main characteristics. The first characteristic is the geomorphology of the area which refers to the mousterian culture being dated into the age of four great glacials, which are divided by warm ages known as interglacials. Because of these factors, the age of the mousterian culture is relatively different than our age in terms of climate, plant life and animal life. The second characteristic of the mousterian culture are its carriers. This culture is dated long before the appearance of anatomically modern people and is attributed to the neanderthal. The neanderthal is a humanoid whose anatomic attributes are different than the modern humans attributes which we know today. The third characteristic is material culture. The carriers of this culture used tools made out of different types of rocks, which were turned into usable tools by various technological processes. Other than stone tools, there were bone and wooden tools. The second part of the paper is analyzing the archeological sites in the following countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece. As a sample, 35 sites were analyzed to focus specifically on this part of europe compared to other areas on which this culture is spread. The last part of the paper focuses on a detailed analysis of the area and material in southeastern europe. Based on geomorphological characteristics as well as the lythic industry characteristics, we can divide the area into two zones: the continental and the submarine zone. The continental zone is made out of sites from Slovenia, continental Croatia, North Bosnia and Serbia. The main characteristic of this zone is the appearance of Charentian type mousterian. Its main feature is a big usage of sidescrapers compared to other tools and the usage of quartz and quartzite as raw materials. It is best represented on the site of Krapina. The submarine zone is the area which includes whole east Adriatic coast and sites in Albania and Greece. This zone is characterised by two variants: denticulate mousterian and micromousterian. Micro-mousterian is defined by lythic artefacts whose size is not over 5 cm, and the reason for that are bad raw materials. On the other hand denticulate mousterian is characterised by a great usage of denticulate tools, or denticulation of other tools.
jugoistočna Europa
zupčasti musterijen
Keywords (english)
southeastern Europe
denticulate mousterian
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:004210
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-23 12:55:07