Title Polja kulture u kulturnom turizmu na primjeru grada Zadra
Title (english) Fields of Culture in Cultural Tourism on the Example of the City of Zadar
Author Nina Grgurović
Mentor Igor Kulenović (mentor)
Committee member Igor Kulenović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Kalajžić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mili Razović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-10-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Kultura se može promatrati s dva glavna gledišta. Prvo je tzv. sveobuhvatno shvaćanje kulture, prema kojemu je kultura ukupnost ostataka iz ljudske prošlosti, svi umjetnički izrazi neke zajednice, ali i skup vjerovanja, običaja, tradicija te obrasci ponašanja. Drugo je shvaćanje kulture kao ukupnosti umjetničkih iskaza. U današnje se vrijeme sve više teoretičara i znanstvenika, ali i djelatnika u kulturnom sektoru, priklanja prvom, sveobuhvatnom, načinu poimanja kulture. Kulturni je turizam, po mišljenju mnogih djelatnika i teoretičara turizma, jedan od najbrže rastućih specifičnih oblika turizma. Neki smatraju kako je razlog tomu sve veća želja ljudi za kulturnim obogaćivanjem, dok drugi razlog vide u proširenju samog poimanja pojma kulture, pri čemu se sve više aktivnosti smatra kulturnim aktivnostima. Ovaj se diplomski rad bavi poljima kulture u kulturnom turizmu grada Zadra. Opći je cilj rada utvrditi koja se podvrsta kulturnog turizma može najbolje razvijati u gradu Zadru. Najveća je prilika za napredak turističke ponude u Zadru razvijanje kulturnog turizma. Istraživanjem koje se provelo za potrebe ovoga diplomskoga rada nastojalo se utvrditi koje podvrste kulturnog turizma Zadar može kvalitetnije razviti. Istraživanje se provodilo pomoću dubinskog polustrukturiranog intervjua u kojemu je sudjelovao pet djelatnika iz različitih muzeja u gradu Zadru te sedam turističkih vodiča s licencom za vođenje u gradu Zadru. Iz istraživanja se zaključilo kako Zadar ima najviše resursa za razvijanje turizma nasljeđa, dok za povijesni i turizam umjetnosti nedostaje resursa. Doduše, unatoč brojnosti resursa za turizma nasljeđa, Zadar treba razvijati i sve druge podvrste kulturnog turizma i specifične oblike turizma jer posjeduje i razne druge resurse koji mu to omogućavaju
Abstract (english) Culture can be viewed from two separate viewpoints. First is the so called comprenhensive understanding, in which culture is seen as the totality of remainings from past times, all artistic expressions of a social group, but beliefs, traditions and behavior of people are also included. The other viewpoint is culture as a totality of artistic expression of members of a specific social gruop. In modern times, more and more theorists, scientists, and employees in the tourism sector are leaning towards the first, comprehensive viewpoint of culture. Cultural tourism is, according to many employees in tourism and theorists of tourism, one of the fastest growing subsets of tourism. The reason for its growth could be the growing need of more and more people for cultural enrichment of self, or it could be the broadening of the term culture, which resulted in more activities falling under the category of cultural activities. This graduate thesis deals with subsets of cultural tourism in the city of Zadar. The general objective was to determine which subset of cultural tourism can be developed the best in Zadar. The best oportunity for the further development of the touristic product in Zadar is seen in the cultural tourism. The research that was conducted for this graduate thesis was aiming to learn which subset of cultural tourism can be best developed in Zadar. The research was conducted with the in depth semi-structured interview, in which five museum employees and seven tour guides were interviewed. The conclusions of the research are that Zadar has the most resourses for development of heritage tourism, and it is missing resources for history tourism and art tourism. Still, Zadar should develop all the subsets of tourism, and subsets of cultural tourism, because it is rich with many diverse resources which are needed for diverse subsets.
kulturni turizam
muzejski djelatnici
turistički vodiči
turizam nasljeđa
povijesni turizam
turizam umjetnosti
Keywords (english)
cultural tourism
museum employees
tour guides
heritage tourism
history tourism
art tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:035722
Study programme Title: Cultural Heritage and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulturne baštine i turizma (magistar/magistra kulturne baštine i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-03-06 14:25:17