Title Die Schuldthematik in Günter Grass„ „Im Krebsgang“ und Tanja Dückers„ „Himmelskörper“
Title (croatian) Obrada krivice u „Korakom raka“ Güntera Grassa i „Nebeska tijela“ Tanje Dückers
Title (english) Issue of guilt in Günter Grass‟s „Crabwalk” and Tanja Dückers‟s „Celestial Bodies”
Author Martina Čirjak
Mentor Goran Lovrić (mentor)
Committee member Slavija Kabić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Jeleč (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Lovrić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract In Günter Grass„ Novelle „Im Krebsgang“ (2002) und Tanja Dückers„ Roman „Himmelskörper“ (2003) werden die Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen sowie der Untergang des Schiffes „Wilhelm Gustloff“ im Jahr 1945, der als das größte Schiffsunglück aller Zeiten angesehen wird, behandelt. In beiden Werken versuchen drei Generationen einer Familie, die Vergangenheit zu bewältigen: die Enkelgeneration, die diese Ereignisse nicht selbst miterlebt hat, die Elterngeneration und die Großelterngeneration. Die unbewältigte Vergangenheit der Eltern- und Großelterngeneration überträgt sich auf die Enkelgeneration. Durch dieses unbewältigte Trauma ist die Klassifizierung der Figuren als Opfer oder Täter nicht eindeutig. Die Übertragung der Geschichte vom kommunikativen ins kulturelle Gedächtnis leistet zudem in beiden Werken einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Identitätssuche. Während die Novelle „Im Krebsgang“ das Leiden der Deutschen und historische Fakten hervorhebt, stehen im Roman „Himmelskörper“ die Auseinandersetzung mit der Familiengeschichte und der eigenen Schuld im Vordergrund. Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen sind wichtige Bestandteile der deutschen Geschichte und sollten deshalb in der deutschen Literatur verarbeitet werden. Dabei sollte sowohl das Leid der Deutschen als auch ihre Schuld berücksichtigt werden.
Abstract (croatian) U noveli Güntera Grassa „Korakom raka“ (2002) te u romanu Tanje Dückers „Nebeska tijela“ (2003) obraĎuju se bijeg i progon Nijemaca, kao i potonuće broda „Wilhelm Gustloff“ 1945. godine, koje se smatra najvećim brodolomom svih vremena. U oba djela tri generacije obitelji pokušavaju ostaviti prošlost iza sebe: unuci, koji nisu osobno svjedočili tim dogaĎajima, njihovi roditelji te bake i djedovi. Prošlost koju roditelji te bake i djedovi nisu uspjeli zaboraviti, prenijeli su na svoje unuke. Klasifikacija likova u žrtve ili počinitelje nije jasna zbog neriješene prošlosti. TakoĎer, prijenos priče iz komunikacijskog u kulturno pamćenje u oba djela daje važan doprinos zaboravljanju prošlosti te traženju identiteta. Dok novela „Korakom raka“ ističe patnju Nijemaca te povijesne činjenice, u središtu romana „Nebeska tijela“ su suočavanje s obiteljskom prošlošću i osobnom krivicom. Bijeg i progon Nijemaca su važni dijelovi njemačke povijesti i stoga bi se trebali obraĎivati u njemačkoj književnosti. Pri tome bi se patnja Nijemaca, isto kao i njihova krivica, trebala uzeti u obzir.
Abstract (english) Günter Grass‟s short novel „Crabwalk” (2002) and Tanja Dückers‟s novel „Celestial Bodies” (2003) deal with the escape and expulsion of the Germans as well as with the sinking of the “Wilhelm Gustloff” in 1945, which is considered to be the largest shipwreck in history. In both literary works, three generations of a family are trying to overcome the past: the grandchildren who have not witnessed these events themselves, the parents and the grandparents. The parents‟ and grandparents‟ unresolved past is transmitted to the grandchildren. The classification of the figures as victims or perpetrators is unclear due to this unresolved trauma. Moreover, the transfer of the story from the communicative to the cultural memory makes in both works an important contribution with regard to coming to terms with the past and the search for identity. While the short novel „Crabwalk” emphasizes German suffering and historical facts, the dealing with family history and personal guilt is at the centre of the novel „Celestial Bodies”. Escape and expulsion of the Germans are integral parts of German history and should therefore be dealt with in German literature. Thereby, German suffering as well as their guilt should be taken into consideration.
Flucht und Vertreibung
Wilhelm Gustloff
Täter oder Opfer
Keywords (croatian)
bijeg i progon
Wilhelm Gustloff
žrtva ili počinitelj
zaboravljanje prošlosti
traženje identiteta
Keywords (english)
escape and expulsion
Wilhelm Gustloff
victims or perpetrators
coming to terms with the past
search for identity
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:011789
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-12-06 09:16:55