
Wenn Kinder von Staat und Familie verraten werden. Am Beispiel von Werken von Susanne Schädlich und Thomas Raufeisen
Wenn Kinder von Staat und Familie verraten werden. Am Beispiel von Werken von Susanne Schädlich und Thomas Raufeisen
Nikolina Telebar
Die autobiografischen Romane „Immer wieder Dezember. Der Westen, die Stasi, der Onkel und ich“ (2009) von Susanne Schädlich (geb. 1965 in Jena) und „Der Tag an, dem uns Vater erzählte, dass er ein DDR-Spion sei. Eine deutsche Tragödie“ (2010) von Thomas Raufeisen (geb.1962 in Hannover) thematisieren die Rolle der Stasi, des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der DDR im Leben der zwei Ich-Erzähler und ihrer Familien. Mit dem Umzug aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) in die...
Wertevermittlung durch Brüder Grimm
Wertevermittlung durch Brüder Grimm
Maja Žulj
Die Grimms Märchen sind die meist bekannten Erzählungen der deutschen Literatur. Mit ihrer bildhaften und einfachen Sprache, Motiven und Merkmalen eignen sie sich besonders gut für die kleinsten Leser, die Kinder. Die Märchen bereichern ihren Wortschatz und Wissen, vermitteln aber auch wahre Moral und Lebensweisheiten. Bei diesen Lebensweisheiten sind an erster Stelle die Werte zu verstehen. Diese Arbeit präsentiert am Beispiel zwei Grimmschen Märchen, Schneewittchen und Aschenputtel,...
Wertevorstellung in Franz Grillparzers „Der arme Spielmann“ und Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs „Die Judenbuche“
Wertevorstellung in Franz Grillparzers „Der arme Spielmann“ und Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs „Die Judenbuche“
Melisa Rumora
Diese Abschlussarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Vorstellung von Werten in Franz Grillparzers Novelle „Der arme Spielmann“ und Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs Novelle „Die Judenbuche“. Das Ziel dieser Abschlussarbeit ist zu erklären, was Werte eigentlich sind und wie sie sich unterscheiden, und zu zeigen, dass Menschen oft verschiedene Werte im Leben haben und verfolgen. Auf den Beispielen der zwei Hauptfiguren der Novellen wird gezeigt, wie unterschiedliche Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse...
Willingness to Communicate among Croatian High School Learners
Willingness to Communicate among Croatian High School Learners
Nikolina Sapunarić
Willingness to communicate (WTC), which belongs to the area of individual differences (IDs), affects the process and result of second language (L2) learning. The concept of WTC in the second language context attempts to explain why some students choose to communicate in a certain situation- while others refrain from communicating. The aim of this thesis was to examine WTC among Croatian high school learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) and the relationship with L2 anxiety and...
Women in The Handmaid's Tale
Women in The Handmaid's Tale
Antonela Pizek
The aim of this thesis is to show how women’s roles in Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale are related to traditional gender roles and how this affects women’s reproductive rights. The thesis will look into the performative character of gender roles by referring to Judith Butler and display how it dictates women’s behavior and society’s expectations of women. It will examine childbirth as a part of the female gender roles and the emergence of the fetus as the “victim”...
Women in The Selected Novels of Kate O'Brien
Women in The Selected Novels of Kate O'Brien
Vana Rogina
This final paper sets out to analyze female characters in the selected novels of Kate O’Brien: Without My Cloak, The Ante - Room and Mary Lavelle. The analysis focuses on O’Brien’s representations of women mostly trapped in the clutches of the Catholic Church, the family and conservative Irish society. The paper discusses these protagonists as women who were given voice to articulate many of the forbidden issues of Kate O’Brien’s time.
Women’s Experience in Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill's Poetry
Women’s Experience in Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill's Poetry
Lucija Pelin
This final paper sets out to analyze selected poems from the 1990 poetry collection “Pharaoh’s Daughter” by contemporary Irish female poet Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill. The aim of the paper is to explore how Ní Dhomhnaill’s poetry challenges traditional gender stereotypes in Irish society and male-dominated poetry and demonstrate how the author redefines and portrays women’s experience. Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill writes about Irish womanhood, female experience, but also about topics which were...
Word-formation in English and Russian
Word-formation in English and Russian
Ivana Milanović
This final paper deals with word-formation in English and Russian. It analyzes the differences, as well as the similarities, between various word-formation processes in the aforementioned languages and explains the semantic, syntactic and prosodic features of new words. Moreover, an overview of basic notions needed for the study will be introduced in order to offer a better understanding of morphemes and the classification of affixes in Russian and English. Furthermore, word-formation in...
World (of) Literature: Translating Lauren Groff's Short Fiction
World (of) Literature: Translating Lauren Groff's Short Fiction
Ena Jurakić
Because of the wide range of definitions, theories and approaches, the complex notion of world literature remains a major topic of debate in literary studies. This thesis attempts to offer an overview of different scholarly takes on what the concept of world literature refers to, identify the criteria and discuss the impact of various extraliterary factors in determining the quality of literary works, as well as highlight the significance of the translator's contribution to the growth of the...
Wrong Men & Notorious Women in Hitchcock's Films
Wrong Men & Notorious Women in Hitchcock's Films
Ivan Konjić
Alfred Hitchcock was a movie director who found his way to success through the thriller genre. This thesis focuses on the analysis of five thrillers – The 39 Steps, The Lady Vanishes, Rebecca, Spellbound, and Notorious – the films which Hitchcock directed between 1935 and 1946. What these films have in common are the typical characters of wrong men and notorious women. Along with using these motifs, Hitchcock used his specific camera work and mise-en-scène to create unique films which...
XML i njegova primjena u MARCXML i MODS standardima
XML i njegova primjena u MARCXML i MODS standardima
Daniel Knežević
Svrha ovog rada je opisati XML kao jedan od najvažnijih označiteljskih jezika, objasniti njegovu primjenu te istaknuti važnost primjene XML-a u knjižnicama u suvremenom informacijskom okruženju. U prvom dijelu rada opisan je označiteljski jezik XML, odnosno njegova povijest kao i kratki pregled jezika koji su mu prethodili, njegovi osnovni pojmovi i sintaksa, popratne tehnologije i primjena, a uz to su navedeni i odgovarajući primjeri. Također, napravljena je njegova usporedba s...
Young Adult Fiction in the 21st Century – “The Land I Lost” by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan
Young Adult Fiction in the 21st Century – “The Land I Lost” by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan
Lorena Gudac
This thesis discusses young adult fiction in the American literature of the 21st century while following its beginnings and development in the 20th century. It discusses the most prominent characteristics of young adult fiction at different points in time in the history of American literature and investigates how young adult fiction of the 21st century became what it is now. Moreover, the thesis discusses the importance of Cassandra Clare and her The Mortal Instruments series that impressed...
