@phdthesis{ffos:6695, author = {{Pataki Šumiga, Jelena}}, title = {{The (Ab)Use of the Body in Contemporary Anglophone Dystopia}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6712, author = {{Bungić, Jelena}}, title = {{Mythology and Religion in the Works of William Butler Yeats, Seamus Heaney, and Andrew Hozier Byrne}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6749, author = {{Kožić, Dario}}, title = {{Breaking Stereotypes in American Sports}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6734, author = {{Drnasin, Dorotea}}, title = {{Marital Relations and Family in Jane Austen's Works}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6416, author = {{Maligec, Nikolina}}, title = {{"The Haunting of Bly Manor" as an Adaptation of Henry James's "The Turn of the Screw"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6458, author = {{Kolar, Čarna-Senka}}, title = {{Fashion as an Expression of Authenticity, Identity, and Heritage in the Novel Americanah}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6589, author = {{Prtenjača, Domagoj}}, title = {{Geralt of Rivia as a Byronic Hero}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6465, author = {{Delić, Leon}}, title = {{The Role of Religion in Twentieth Century War Narratives}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6623, author = {{Belošević, Lucija}}, title = {{The Digital Age of Feminism}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6441, author = {{Batković, Tena}}, title = {{Feminism, Race, and Sexuality in the Twentieth Century Anglophone Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6455, author = {{Juretić, Karolina}}, title = {{Feminist Thought in Literary Works of Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Austen}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6459, author = {{Mrkalj, Mia}}, title = {{The Genre of Bildungsroman in Contemporary Anglophone Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6355, author = {{Anić, Tihana}}, title = {{Narrative Sovereignty in Contemporary African American and Indigenous Writing}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6468, author = {{Šarić, Danijela}}, title = {{The Topic of Consumerism in Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6020, author = {{Krmar, Alen}}, title = {{The White Presence and the Portrayal of White Characters in African American Slave Narratives}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6067, author = {{Sarić, Magdalena}}, title = {{Environmental Justice in the Works of Linda Hogan}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6042, author = {{Lešić, Stela}}, title = {{Interpretacija izvedbi ženskosti u glazbenim video spotovima: fokusne skupine srednjoškolaca}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6250, author = {{Trkulja, Magdalena}}, title = {{Dracula as the Persecuted Outsider in B. Stoker's "Dracula"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6216, author = {{Petrović, Saška}}, title = {{The Uncanny in H. P. Lovecraft's Short Stories}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6072, author = {{Sršić, Petra}}, title = {{Sexuality, Contraception, and Abortion in Medieval English Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5985, author = {{Benković, Ivan}}, title = {{The Question of Morality in the World of Warcraft}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6249, author = {{Šveger, Ena}}, title = {{J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" as a Bildungsroman}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6199, author = {{Mikulić, Katarina}}, title = {{The Motifs of Plants and Flowers in William Blake's Poetry}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6073, author = {{Stojković, Katarina}}, title = {{Gradski život tijekom prve industrijske revolucije: interdisciplinarna analiza Teških vremena Charlesa Dickensa}}, } @phdthesis{unizd:6554, author = {{Musap, Emilia}}, title = {{Space and the Articulation of Monstrosity within Popular Culture}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6097, author = {{Vukelić, Ana}}, title = {{Women Characters in the Works of Agatha Christie}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5778, author = {{Paradžiković, Mario}}, title = {{The Degeneration of the Imperial Truth into Religious Dogma in Warhammer 40.000}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5800, author = {{Tomakić, Izabela}}, title = {{The Evolution and Significance of American Culture and Its Impact on the Cultures of the World}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5770, author = {{Romić, Iva}}, title = {{The Haunted House in E. A. Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher and Shirley Jackson's Haunting of Hill House/Ukleta kuća u Padu kuće Usher E. A. Poea i Prokletstvu kuće Hill Shirley Jackson}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5790, author = {{Berbić, Tomislav}}, title = {{Escape and Endurance: An Analysis of Philosophical Elements in Tim O'Brien's Vietnam War Trilogy}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5743, author = {{Šovagović, Ana}}, title = {{The Shaping of Identity in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Novels and Veronica Roth's Divergent trilogy}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5569, author = {{Milinković, Ljiljana}}, title = {{Marginalisation of Motherhood in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Lois Lowry's The Giver}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5901, author = {{Prišć, Jasmin}}, title = {{Serial Killer in Thomas Harris's Novels}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5543, author = {{Anić, Tihana}}, title = {{Abuse in Stephen King's Carrie and Veronica Roth's Divergent}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5544, author = {{Dakić, Jula}}, title = {{The Story of Pied Piper in the Works of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and Robert Browning}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5655, author = {{Špiranec, Karla}}, title = {{Scripts and Counter-Scripts of Gender in Contemporary Feminist Dystopia}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5091, author = {{Zakić, Martina}}, title = {{The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Magical Realism and Children's Literature / Bajke barda Beedlea, magični realizam i dječja književnost}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5343, author = {{Martinović, Nera}}, title = {{The Influence of the Ring on Various Races in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5144, author = {{Skrletović, Sonja}}, title = {{Occultism in Horror Fiction: Ira Levin's "Rosemary's Baby"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5075, author = {{Maslak, Antonia}}, title = {{The Fantasy Literature Archetypes in the Harry Potter Series}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5207, author = {{Maligec, Nikolina}}, title = {{Gothic Feminism in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5104, author = {{Svalina, Viktoria}}, title = {{The Concepts of Beauty and Love in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5423, author = {{Lončar, Dino}}, title = {{The Search for Reality in Philip K. Dick's VALIS and The Exegesis}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5424, author = {{Medić, Ana}}, title = {{Transforming Ecocriticism and Inclusivity - Literature and Audiovisual Media on the Example of Guillermo del Toro's Films}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5113, author = {{Božić, Kristina}}, title = {{Feminist Pedagogy in the Works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5422, author = {{Obradović, Zvonimir}}, title = {{The Representation of the American Dream in John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath and John Ford's Film Adaptation}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5219, author = {{Šijaković, Katarina}}, title = {{Feminism in Theory and Practice: Where Did It All Go Wrong?}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5414, author = {{Prtenjača, Zvonimir}}, title = {{Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Superhero Narratives in Post-9/11 Era}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5413, author = {{Marinović, Tajana}}, title = {{Re-Writing/Righting History Through Storytelling: Memory, Identity, and Trauma of Forced Child Removal in Contemporary Indigenous Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5415, author = {{Štefić, Andrea}}, title = {{The Attitude towards Women in Kerouac's Novel On the Road}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5408, author = {{Laban, Andrea}}, title = {{The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement in Contemporary African American Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5412, author = {{Begonja, Lucija}}, title = {{Challenging Gender Roles and Heteronormativity in Selected Works of Fantastic Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4884, author = {{Žigmundovac, Vinko}}, title = {{Social Commentary and Critique in the Victorian Novel}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4751, author = {{Omeragić, Edin}}, title = {{Immersion and Worldbuilding in Videogames}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4932, author = {{Ketović, Marko}}, title = {{Detective Archetypes in Anglophone Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4930, author = {{Orlović, Jelena}}, title = {{The Pursuit of Money in Contemporary American Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4852, author = {{Mikolčić, Monika}}, title = {{"American Horror Story" as Adaptation of E. A. Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4844, author = {{Alić, Filip}}, title = {{The Portrayal of a Soldier in the Poetry of World War I}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4607, author = {{Lulić, Dina}}, title = {{From Subordination to Emancipation}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4628, author = {{Crljenić, Matea}}, title = {{Comparison of Bram Stoker's "Dracula" and Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt's sequel "Dracula the Un-dead"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4616, author = {{Raič, Tea}}, title = {{Educational System in Harry Potter Novels}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4606, author = {{Romić, Iva}}, title = {{Gothic Elements in the poems of G. A. Bürger, J. W. von Goethe and E. A. Poe}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4618, author = {{Jurić, Talia}}, title = {{Slavery in Autobiographies of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4619, author = {{Markasović, Valentina}}, title = {{The Representation of Women in the Army in Contemporary American War and Fantasy Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4627, author = {{Foršek, Nikola}}, title = {{Transhumanism, Ethics and Religion in "Altered Carbon" by Richard K. Morgan}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4891, author = {{Pepić, Antonio}}, title = {{"O Brother, Where Art Thou?" as a Modern Odyssey}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4332, author = {{Maksimović, Andrea}}, title = {{The Child's Perspective in the Literature of the Marginalized}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4331, author = {{Balenović, Aleksandra}}, title = {{The Ideology of the Republic of Gilead in M. Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4105, author = {{Paradžiković, Darko}}, title = {{"Society and the Role of Technology in H.G. Wells's "The Time Machine" and A. Huxley's "Brave New World"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4315, author = {{Pavić, Andrea}}, title = {{An American Slave: Frederick Douglass and the Importance of His Narratives}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4662, author = {{Prpić, Zvonimir}}, title = {{Gonzo Journalism and the Work of Hunter S. Thompson as Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4306, author = {{Bece, Barbara}}, title = {{The Issue of Identity in Chuck Palahniuk's Early Works}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4302, author = {{Šustić, Filip}}, title = {{Women Characters in the Harry Potter Series/Ženski likovi u Harry Potter serijalu}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4161, author = {{Zakić, Martina}}, title = {{Victorian Morality in Thomas Hardy's "Tess of the d'Urbervilles"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4061, author = {{Kulić, Bruno}}, title = {{A Gender's Apocalypse: a Comparison of Power Relations in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" and Naomi Alderman's "The Power"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3985, author = {{Matuško, Jana}}, title = {{Nature vs. Nurture: The Development of Voldemort as a Villain in J. K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" Novels}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3998, author = {{Prišć, Jasmin}}, title = {{The Downfall of Mankind in H.G.Wells's "The Time Machine"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3822, author = {{Šoštarec, Dina}}, title = {{Douglas Adams's "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" as a Representative of Cosmic Horror}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3901, author = {{Prtenjača, Zvonimir}}, title = {{Mechanisms of Control in Alan Moore's "V for Vendetta" and George Orwell's "1984"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4101, author = {{Lončar, Dino}}, title = {{The Fear of the Unknown in H. P. Lovecraft's Works}}, } @inbook{ffos:4400, author = {{Matek, Ljubica and Pataki, Jelena}}, title = {{Adaptation as Emancipation: Semantic Decoding of the Female Protagonist in Kenneth Branagh’s Film Adaptation of Mary Shelley's Novel "Frankenstein"}}, } @article{ffos:4399, author = {{Matek, Ljubica and Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna}}, title = {{The (Im)Possibility of Academic Integrity in John Williams’s "Stoner"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:632, author = {{Žuškić, Alen}}, title = {{Vampire Characters in Anne Rice's "Interview with the Vampire"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2389, author = {{Orlović, Jelena}}, title = {{Analysis of the Vampire Protagonist in John William Polidori's "The Vampyre"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2209, author = {{Lulić, Dina}}, title = {{The Complexity of Human Nature in William Blake's "Songs of Innocence" and "Songs of Experience"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2211, author = {{Pepić, Antonio}}, title = {{The Connection between the Dream Dimension and the Hero's Journey in Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2212, author = {{Medić, Ana}}, title = {{Literature and Contemporary Media: Campbell's Monomyth in video game trilogies "Dragon Age" and "Mass Effect"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2222, author = {{Pavić, Dora}}, title = {{Romantic Elements and the Sublime in S. T. Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2413, author = {{Mautner, Nina}}, title = {{The (Im)Possibility of Healing in Toni Morrison's Novels}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2206, author = {{Ketović, Marko}}, title = {{The Motif of Madness in Selected Short Stories by E. A. Poe}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2205, author = {{Begonja, Lucija}}, title = {{Female Characters and Setting in Shirley Jackson's "We Have Always Lived in the Castle"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2458, author = {{Periš, Lucija}}, title = {{Breaking the Taboo: Slavery and Dehumanization in Adaptations of Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2200, author = {{Vrbat, Ružica}}, title = {{Death of Women in Edgar Allan Poe's Selected Stories}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2535, author = {{Levak, Helena}}, title = {{God as a totalitarian figure in Milton's Paradise Lost}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2476, author = {{Barić, Tea}}, title = {{The Representations of Femme Fatale in Literature and Movies: a Feminist Phenomenon or a Sexual Object?}}, } @article{ffos:1943, author = {{Matek, Ljubica and Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna}}, title = {{Going Home: Narrating Maturity and Safety in Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun and Nick Hornby’s How to Be Good}}, } @article{ffos:1970, author = {{Matek, Ljubica}}, title = {{How to Write about Literature as a Universal Phenomenon: A Recapitulation}}, } @article{ffos:1971, author = {{Matek, Ljubica and Međedović, Sabahudin}}, title = {{Drakula u zrcalu: Upisivanje ideologije u gotički roman}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2447, author = {{Kompar, Marina}}, title = {{Odrastanje i motiv nadnaravnog u romanima "Nigdjezemska", "Koralina" i "Ocean na kraju staze" Neila Gaimana}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:732, author = {{Bezjak, Marta}}, title = {{The Dominant Culture and the Identity of Post-Indian Warrior in Zitkala-Sa's Works}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:626, author = {{Balenović, Aleksandra}}, title = {{Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey" as a Parody of the Gothic Novel}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:610, author = {{Omeragić, Edin}}, title = {{A Study of Horror Elements in H. P. Lovecraft's Short Stories of the Cthulhu Mythos}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:546, author = {{Magić, Antonija}}, title = {{The Nature of Hero(es) in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:667, author = {{Pavić, Sanja}}, title = {{Fantasy Literature and Christianity: Morality in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:409, author = {{Macanić, Vlatko}}, title = {{The Dystopian World of Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:380, author = {{Mišić, Tomislav}}, title = {{The Question of Intimacy in the novels "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley and "1984" by George Orwell}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:403, author = {{Marček, Tamara}}, title = {{Alienation, Isolation and Re-establishment of Identity in British Modernist Novels}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:325, author = {{Gagulić, Jasmina}}, title = {{Stereotypes and Prejudices in the Magical World of Harry Potter}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:267, author = {{Iličić, Mario}}, title = {{The Pursuit of the Almighty Dollar: Salesmen in American Drama and Cinema}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:228, author = {{Kovač, Valentina}}, title = {{Bram Stoker's Dracula: Victorian anxieties and fears}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1323, author = {{Režić, Suzana}}, title = {{Rewriting the Past in Postmodern Slave Narratives}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1199, author = {{Marijanović, Marija}}, title = {{White Supremacist Capitalist Ideology and Feminism in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Toni Morrison's Beloved}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:189, author = {{Relotić, Ida}}, title = {{George Orwell's Animal Farm: From Utopia to Dystopia}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:188, author = {{Kristić, Andrea}}, title = {{Marriage and Women in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:914, author = {{Kovačević, Dea}}, title = {{Narrator, Intertextuality and Humor in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita and Its Film Adaptations}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1220, author = {{Pataki, Jelena}}, title = {{Women in Frankenstein: Mary Shelley's Novel versus Kenneth Branagh's Film}}, } @article{ffos:1966, author = {{Matek, Ljubica}}, title = {{Moć ljubavi i ljubav prema moći: igranje uloga u Shakespeareovoj komediji Na tri kralja ili kako hoćete}}, } @phdthesis{ffos:1581, author = {{Matek, Ljubica}}, title = {{The Family in Contemporary English Language Fiction 1980-2008}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1704, author = {{Pavić, Sanja}}, title = {{Fantasy Literature and Christianity: Morality in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3071, author = {{Ježabek, Tanja}}, title = {{Major Themes and Symbolism in J.D.Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" and "Franny and Zooey"}}, } @article{ffos:1946, author = {{Ljubica, Matek}}, title = {{Desire and the Other in Richard Yates's Revolutionary Road}}, } @article{ffos:1960, author = {{Matek, Ljubica}}, title = {{Književnost i kultura / Ljubica Matek - Tijelo kao knjiga i tekst kao život u filmu Petera Greenawaya}}, }