pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn unizd:7787 dissertation "Odnos osjećaja i moralnog osjećaja kod Spinoze i Kanta" "Renić, Ivana" ifzg:264 "book chapter" "Humanism vs. competency: Traditional and contemporary models of education" "Zovko, Marie-Élise; Dillon, John" ifzg:268 "book chapter" "Understanding the Geometric Method: Prolegomena to a Study of Procline Influences in Spinoza as Mediated through Abraham Cohen Herrera" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:267 "conference presentation" "Worldly and Otherworldly Virtue: Likeness to God as Educational Ideal in Plato, Plotinus and Today" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:257 "journal article" "Impassioned by Passion: Knowledge and Love in Plato and Spinoza" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:273 "conference presentation" "Impassioned by Passion: Knowledge and Eros in Plato and Spinoza" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:258 "journal article" "Involved in Humankind. Nature, Virtue, and the Good We Desire for Ourselves and for Others" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:276 "book chapter" "Naturalism and Intellectualism in Plato and Spinoza" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:188 "book chapter" "The Metaphysical Character of Philosophy" "Zovko, Marie-Élise; Zovko, Jure" ifzg:278 "conference paper" "Bologna and Beyond: A Critical Reflection on the Ends and Means of the Bologna Process" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:259 "journal article" "Der systematische Zusammenhang der Philosophie in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft. ""Zweite Aufmerksamkeit"" und Analogie der ästhetischen und teleologischen Urteilskraft" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:279 "conference paper" "The Way Up and the Way Back are the Same: Plato’ s Analogies of the Sun, the Line and the Cave and the Path Intelligence Takes" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:260 "journal article" "Die Analogie des Lebens und der Erkenntnis : Franz von Baader und das neue Denken der Naturwissenschaft" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:280 "book chapter" "Hegel und die Grenzen der Dialektik," "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:261 "journal article" "Plato's Heracliteanism Reconsidered" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:262 "journal article" "Die Spätphilosophie Schellings und die Kehre im Denken Martin Heideggers" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:263 "journal article" "The Open-Ended Universe: Liberating Time. Studia hermeneutica" "Zovko, Marie-Élise" ifzg:281 "conference paper" "Religious Ontology and Ontology of Religion in the Later Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling and Fr. v. Baader" "Zovko, Marie-Élise"