Title Pojam ludila kroz interpretaciju Michela Foucaulta
Title (english) The concept of madness through Michel Foucault's interpretation
Author Ivana Černeha
Mentor Ivan Koprek (mentor) MBZ: 177315
Mentor Iris Tićac (komentor) MBZ: 206925
Committee member Jure Zovko (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 176590
Committee member Ines Skelac (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 375490
Committee member Josip Ćirić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 238170
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2025-01-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 14 - Philosophical systems and points of view
Abstract Glavni je cilj rada pokazati promjenjivu prirodu fenomena ludila analizom povijesnih zapisa o ludilu, a potom oprimjeriti recentnu raspravu o duševnom poremećaju. Širi cilj rada jest filozofski istražiti i prosuditi povijesnu i suvremenu psihijatrijsku praksu, a pojmove bolesti i zdravlja, odnosno duševnog poremećaja, promatrati kao kategorije s praktičnim posljedicama koje se ogledaju u medikalizaciji života uopće. Razmatranja u radu pod utjecajem su autora Michela Foucaulta koji fenomen ludila prati (tumači i interpretira) od srednjega vijeka pa do klasicizma, kada se ludilo izražava i unificira kao duševna bolest. Foucault će tvrditi da psihijatrijska praksa nastaje kao odgovor na zamijećenu devijantnost među europskim stanovništvom, stoga je uloga prve psihijatrije kontrolirati i isključivati, a potom upitnim terapeutikama liječiti. Prema tome, imenovanje nekog stanja duševnim poremećajem ovisno je o društveno-kulturnim prilikama pa je opravdana primjedba o nejasnom stvarnom početku bolesti. Rad u pozadini implicitno propituje autorove teze, poput uvjeta u kojemu nastaje psihijatrijsko znanje, načina na koji se putem ono jezika simulira i točke u kojoj se takvo znanje zaustavlja. U radu se koristi izraz ludilo do trenutka rađanja psihijatrije kao znanosti u 19. stoljeću, kada se pojam mijenja u sintagmu duševni poremećaj. Danas važeća perspektiva biologijske psihijatrije koja dominira kad psihosocijalnom primarno se okreće prema farmakološkim intervencijama za ljudska stanja u kojima je kudikamo nejasna granica je li stanje patologija ili životni problem. Dio je rada posvećen ključnim psihijatrijskim pojmovima i izazovima, poput relativnosti dijagnoza i redukcionizma, na koji se nastavlja rasprava filozofije psihijatrije. Usprkos naporima suvremene psihijatrije za pronalaskom objektivnih (etioloških) objašnjenja za poremećaj psihijatrijske dijagnoze dalje su najproblematičniji moment psihijatrije.
Abstract (english) The main goal of this paper is to show the changing nature of the phenomenon of insanity by analyzing (historical) records of insanity, and then exemplify the recent debate on mental disorders. The broader goal of the paper is to philosophically research and evaluate the historical and current psychiatric practice, and to observe the concepts of illness and health, that is, mental disorder as categories with practical consequences that are reflected in the medicalization of life in general. The reflection in this paper is influenced by the author Michel Foucault, who follows (interprets) the phenomenon of madness from the Middle Ages to the time of Classicism, when madness is expressed and unified into mental illness. Foucault claims that psychiatric practice arises as a response to perceived deviance among the European population, therefore the role of psychiatry is first to control and exclude, and then to treat with questionable therapeutics. Therefore, the designation of a condition as a mental disorder depends on socio-cultural circumstances, so the objection about the unclear actual onset of the disease is justified. In its background, the paper implicitly questions the author's theses, such as the conditions in which psychiatric knowledge is created, the way in which it is simulated through language, and the point at which such knowledge stops. The paper uses the term insanity until the birth of psychiatry as a science in the 19th century, when the term was changed to the phrase mental disorder. Today, the valid perspective of biological psychiatry, which dominates the psychosocial field, primarily turns to pharmacological interventions for human conditions in which the boundary is somewhat unclear whether the condition is a pathology or a life problem. Part of the paper is devoted to key psychiatric concepts and challenges such as the relativity of diagnoses and reductionism, which is continued in the discussion of the philosophy of psychiatry. Despite the efforts of modern psychiatry to find objective (etiological) explanations for the disorder, psychiatric diagnoses are still the most problematic moment of psychiatry.
duševni poremećaj
Michel Foucault
Keywords (english)
mental disorder
Michel Foucault
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:852716
Promotion 2025
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-03-05 11:20:34