Title Drvorezbarski opus Jurja Petrovića
Title (english) The Oeuvre of Woodcarver Juraj Petrović
Author Heidi Vuković
Mentor Đurđina Lakošeljac (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Josipović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Đurđina Lakošeljac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Šitina Žepina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art
Abstract Među drvorezbarskim radovima 15. stoljeća u Dalmaciji posebno se ističu bolna, izrazito ekspresivna drvena raspela koja se pripisuju splitskom kanoniku i drvorezbaru Jurju Petroviću. O životu i drvorezbarskoj djelatnosti tȇ enigmatične ličnosti svjedoči tek skroman broj arhivskih dokumenata nastalih u vremenu od 1441. do 1478. godine, u kojima se spominje kao kanonik i primicerij splitske katedrale, ali i kao drvorezbar. Uz dva potpisana raspela, u šibenskoj katedrali i u crkvi Gospe od Anđela nad Orebićem, na temelju stilske analize pripisuju mu se još i raspela u crkvi sv. Vlahe u Pridvorju, u splitskoj katedrali Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije, u župnoj crkvi sv. Mihovila u Omišu i hvarskoj katedrali sv. Stjepana te kipovi Bogorodice i sv. Ivana iz kompozicije Raspeća napravljene za crkvu sv. Frane u Šibeniku. S Petrovićevim umjetničkim krugom dovodi se u vezu i raspelo u crkvi sv. Frane u Šibeniku, kao i nekoliko raspela koja kvalitetom zaostaju za onima koja se s većom sigurnošću pripisuju Petroviću – raspelo u crkvi sv. Križa na Čiovu, crkvi sv. Križa u Gružu i u crkvi sv. Križa na Krapnju. Uporabom naturalističkih elemenata pri isticanju znakova mučenja i boli na tijelu, kakvi su ustanovljeni na brojnim „bolnim“ raspelima 14. stoljeća, te njihovim uklapanjem u novu viziju skladnog, renesansnog oblikovanja ljudskog tijela, Petrović je razvio prepoznatljiv i osoben stil kojim se istakao kao jedan od najvažnijih kipara 15. stoljeća u Dalmaciji. U radu se ukratko kontekstualizira nastanak fenomena „bolnih raspela“, donosi se pregled arhivskih dokumenata u kojima se spominje ime majstora Jurja Petrovića, analiziraju se njegova potpisana djela i ona koja mu se pripisuju s većom ili manjom sigurnošću, te se upućuje i na postojeću problematiku vezanu uz atribuciju pojedinih raspela.
Abstract (english) The painful, extremely expressive wooden crucifixes attributed to the Split canon and woodcarver Juraj Petrović occupy an important place among the woodcarving works of 15thcentury Dalmatia. Information about the life and woodcarving activity of this enigmatic personality is contained in only a modest number of archival documents created between 1441 and 1486, in which he is mentioned as a canon and primicerius of the Split cathedral, but also as a woodcarver. In addition to two signed crucifixes, one in the Šibenik Cathedral and another in the church of Our Lady of the Angels in Orebić, other works attributed to Petrović through stylistic analysis include the crucifixes in the church of St. Blaise in Pridvorje, in Split Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (or Saint Domnius), in the parish church of St. Michael in Omiš, in the Hvar Cathedral of St. Stephen as well as the statues of the Virgin and St. John from the Crucifixion group made for the church of St. Frane in Šibenik. There are several other crucifixes that display similar stylistic tendencies, but whose authorship is ultimately uncertain. Namely, they include the crucifixes in the church of St. Francis in Šibenik, in the Holy Cross church on Čiovo, in the Holy Cross church in Gruž and in the church of the Franciscan monastery of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Krapanj. By using naturalistic elements to emphasize the torture and pain the Saviour endured, such as those that appear on the numerous crocefissi dolorosi of the 14th century, and by reconciling them with the new, harmonious vision of the human body brought on by the Renaissance, Petrović developed a recognizable and distinctive style that sets him apart as one of the most important sculptors of 15th century Dalmatia. This paper contextualizes the emergence of the phenomenon of "painful crucifixes", it provides an overview of archival documents in which the name of the master Juraj Petrović is mentioned, analyzes his signed works and those attributed to him with greater or lesser certainty, and it also refers to existing issues related to the attribution of certain crucifixes.
Juraj Petrović
15. stoljeće
Keywords (english)
Juraj Petrović
15th century
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:961112
Study programme Title: History of Art; specializations in: Art history: General Module (double major) Course: Art history: General Module (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2025-02-03 13:42:08