Title Važnost pedagoške dokumentacije u odgojnoobrazovnom radu dječjeg vrtića
Title (english) The Importance of Pedagogical Documentation in Preschool Educational Work
Author Anka Perić
Mentor Tamara Kisovar Ivanda (mentor)
Mentor Marijana Miočić (komentor)
Committee member Smiljana Zrilić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Miočić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Kisovar Ivanda (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se istraživanjem važnosti pedagoške dokumentacije u odgojnoobrazovnom radu u dječjim vrtićima, s naglaskom na percepciju odgojitelja o kvaliteti vlastitog vođenja pedagoške dokumentacije i vlastitim kompetencijama. Pedagoška dokumentacija predstavlja ključni alat u praćenju dječjeg razvoja, prilagodbi kurikuluma individualnim potrebama djece te kao sredstvo za refleksiju, samorefleksiju i profesionalni razvoj odgojitelja. Rad se sastoji od osam poglavlja koja obuhvaćaju teorijski i empirijski dio istraživanja. Teorijski dio rada uključuje pregled zakonske legislative i suvremenih pedagoških smjernica za vođenje pedagoške dokumentacije, s naglaskom na njezinu ulogu u osiguravanju kvalitetnog i individualiziranog odgojno-obrazovnog procesa. Razmatraju se različiti oblici dokumentacije te njezina važnost u procjeni postignuća i kompetencija djece, oblikovanju kurikuluma, partnerstvu s roditeljima i komunikaciji sa širom društvenom zajednicom. Uz to, istražuju se kompetencije odgojitelja, uključujući refleksiju i samorefleksiju, te sudjelovanje djece i roditelja u procesu dokumentiranja. Teorijski dio također analizira prednosti i izazove pedagoške dokumentacije te njezinu ulogu u procesu učenja svih sudionika. Empirijski dio rada sadržava istraživanje provedeno putem Google obrasca na uzorku od 101 odgojiteljice iz različitih predškolskih ustanova unutar Republike Hrvatske. Cilj istraživanja bio je steći uvid u percepcije odgojiteljica o važnosti, kvaliteti i korisnosti vođenja pedagoške dokumentacije te o njihovim vlastitim kompetencijama za vođenje pedagoške dokumentacije. Anketni upitnik korišten u istraživanju preuzet je iz postojećeg istraživanja uz dopuštenje autorice te je modificiran u skladu s potrebama ovog istraživanja na temelju recentne stručne literature. Podaci su obrađeni kvantitativnim metodama, uključujući deskriptivnu statistiku i faktorsku analizu. Ovaj rad doprinosi boljem razumijevanju percepcije odgojitelja o važnosti pedagoške dokumentacije te ukazuje na potrebu za prilagodbom edukativnih programa s većim fokusom na praktične aspekte dokumentiranja. Istraživanje naglašava važnost neformalnog i suradničkog stručnog usavršavanja, koje odgojitelji prepoznaju kao ključne za unapređenje vještina dokumentiranja, što pozitivno utječe na kvalitetu obrazovnog procesa i dobrobit djece.
Abstract (english) This thesis explores the importance of pedagogical documentation in preschool educational work, focusing on educators' perceptions of the quality of their documentation practices and their competencies. Pedagogical documentation represents a key tool in tracking children's development, adapting the curriculum to the individual needs of children, and as a means for reflection, self-reflection, and professional development of educators. The thesis consists of eight chapters, encompassing both theoretical and empirical research. The theoretical part includes a review of legislative frameworks and contemporary pedagogical guidelines for maintaining pedagogical documentation, emphasizing its role in ensuring a quality and individualized educational process. Different forms of documentation and their importance in assessing children's achievements and competencies, curriculum development, partnerships with parents, and communication with the broader community are examined. Additionally, the competencies of educators, including reflection and selfreflection, and the participation of children and parents in the documentation process are explored. The theoretical part also analyzes the benefits and challenges of pedagogical documentation and its role in the learning process for all participants. The empirical part of the thesis includes the research conducted via Google Forms on a sample of 101 educators from various preschool institutions in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the research was to gain insight into educators' perceptions of the importance, quality, and usefulness of maintaining pedagogical documentation, as well as their competencies in this area. The survey used in the research was adapted from an existing study with the author's permission and modified to suit the needs of this research, drawing from recent professional literature. The data were analyzed using quantitative methods, including descriptive statistics and factor analysis. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of educators' perceptions of the importance of pedagogical documentation and highlights the need for adjustments in educational programs, with greater focus on the practical aspects of documentation. The research emphasizes the importance of informal and collaborative professional development, which educators recognize as crucial for improving their documentation skills, ultimately benefiting the quality of the educational process and the well-being of children.
pedagoška dokumentacija
dječji vrtić
kompetencije odgojitelja
stručno usavršavanje
profesionalni razvoj
Keywords (english)
pedagogical documentation
educator competencies
professional development
professional growth
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:105505
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-11-25 09:55:58