Title Definiranje ekonomskih indikatora za mjerenje održivog razvoja turizma Lošinja
Title (english) Defining the economic indicators for measuring sustainable tourism in Lošinj
Author Đurđica Šimičić
Mentor Božena Krce Miočić (mentor)
Committee member Mili Razović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-03-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Tema diplomskog rada je mjerenje pokazatelja održivog razvoja u turističkoj destinaciji, naglasak na ekonomskim pokazateljima. Konkretna mjerenja provedena su na primjeru Grada Malog Lošinja prema pokazateljima mjerenja koje se provodi od strane Europske komisije, European tourism indicator system (ETIS). Rad se sastoji od dvije glavne cjeline. U prvoj cjelini se teorijski razrađuje tema održivog razvoja, u drugoj cjelini se iznose konkretni rezultati istraživanja i pokazatelji održivog razvoja
... More za Grad Mali Lošinj. Problematika u sustavnom mjerenju održivog razvoja je vrlo kompleksna. Temelji se na tome što ne postoji zakonska osnova kao obveza mjerenja održivosti odredišta, kao mjera odgovornog upravljanja turističkim odredištem, kao niti sustav financiranja. Shodno time upravljanje turističkim odredištem sa ciljem odgovornog turizma i održivog razvoja zapravo je stavljeno na volju i savjest lokalnih vlasti. Potrebno je povezati razna ministarstva, javne institucije, gospodarstvo i stanovnike jer je za analizu, implementaciju i realizaciju održivog razvoja potrebno multidisciplinarno djelovanje. Aktivnosti se protežu od turizma, obrazovanja, poduzetništva, klimatskih promjena, komunalnih infrastrukturnih tema, građevinskih područja, biologije, upravljanja kulturnim resursima, planiranja ljudskog potencijala i zapošljavanja. U ovom radu ističe se važnost svjesnosti Europske komisije, nacionalnih, regionalnih i loklanih vlasti da je sustavno upravljanje sa poticanjem ispravljanja grešaka u upravljanju, donošenju krivih odluka i slično moguće spriječiti na vrijeme - poticanjem na uspjeh. Sustavno mjerenje sa monitoringom, usporedbom sa pokazateljima sličnih odredišta i edukacijama i izvorima financiranja za društveno odgovorna turisitčka odredišta donijela bi dobrobit na lokalnoj, a ti me sustavno i na globalnoj razini. Less
Abstract (english) The topic of the final paper is measuring of sustainable development indicators in a tourist destination, with an emphasis on economic indicators. Concrete measuring was performed for the Town of Mali Lošinj using the indicators measured by the European Commission, i.e. the European Tourism Indicator System (ETIS). The paper consists of two main sections. The first section explains the theory behind the concept of sustainable development, whereas the second section presents concrete study
... More results and sustainable development indicator values obtained for the Town of Mali Lošinj. The problems that arise in connection with the sustainable development measuring system are rather complex. To be more precise, there are no legal regulations prescribing destination sustainability measuring as a responsible tourism destination management measure, and there is no associated funding system either. Therefore, it is left to the local authorities to decide, depending on their readiness and consciousness, whether tourism destination management, aimed at ensuring responsible tourism and sustainable development, would be pursued or not. Furthermore, it is necessary to connect various ministries, as multidisciplinary efforts are needed for the analysis, implementation and achievement of sustainable development. Various activities must be performed in a number of fields, including tourism, education, entrepreneurship, climate change, utilities and infrastructure, construction, biology, cultural resource management, human resource planning, etc. In this paper emphasis is put on the importance of making the national authorities, ministries and the European Commission aware of the fact that the application of systematic management, aimed at correcting mistakes made in the management, decision-making and other similar processes, could be timely prevented if success is adequately promoted and encouraged. Systematic measuring, including monitoring and comparison of results with indicator values obtained in similar destinations, the associated education and sources of funding available for the development of socially responsible tourist destinations would bring benefits at both local and global levels. Less
održivi razvoj
Grad Mali Lošinj
upravljanje turističkim odredištem
odgovorni turizam
Europska komisija
Keywords (english)
sustainable development
Town of Mali Lošinj
tourist destination management
responsible tourism
European Commission
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:607537
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-03-07 12:48:21