Title Liebe, Ehe und Familie in Hartmanns Gregorius
Title (croatian) Ljubav, brak i obitelj u Hartmannovom „Gregoriusu“
Title (english) Love, marriage and family in Hartmanns “Gregorius”
Author Vedrana Mazarekić
Mentor Zaneta Vidas Sambunjak (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Zelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zaneta Vidas Sambunjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavić Pintarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology German Studies
Abstract Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit den Themen Liebe, Ehe und Familie in Hartmanns Werk Gregorius. Das dominierende Motiv ist die unermesslich große Schuld der Protagonisten und die darauf folgende Buße, die endlich Gottes Gnade und Vergebung sowie Erhebung zur Folge hat. Es wird über die Sünde des Inzests geschrieben. Die Abwendung vom Weltlichen führt näher zu Gott, was ein Zeichen aufrichtiger Reue und Opferbereitschaft ist. Die Schuldverhältnisse nach dem Inzest sind auch ein wichtiges Element in dieser Diplomarbeit. Es werden komplizierte Familienverhältnisse aufgezeigt, die in der Folge zum Inzest führen und den Weg zu neuen Sünden ebnen. Wahre Reue und Liebe zu Gott führen den Protagonisten trotz der schweren Sünde zur Heiligkeit und dazu, dass er Papst wird. Die Legende zeigt somit, dass der Sinn des Lebens ist, in Gemeinschaft mit Gott zu leben. Der Mensch lehnt sich gegenüber Gott auf oder ist ihm gegenüber gleichgültig. Die Sünde gegen Gott führt zu einem falschen Verhältnis zum Mitmenschen und zu sich selbst. Gregorius verpflichtet sich zu einer radikalen, vorbildlichen und vor allem freiwilligen Buße. Die Geschichte von Gregorius zeigt, dass keine Sünde zu groß ist, als dass sie nicht von Gott vergeben werden könnte und dass Liebe, Ehe und Familie eine große Rolle dabei spielen.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se temama ljubavi, braka i obitelji u Hartmannovom djelu „Gregorius“. Dominirajući motiv je neizmjerna krivnja protagonista i iz nje proizašlo ne izmjerno pokajanje, koje u konačnici rezultira Božjom milošću i oprostom, ali i uzdizanjem. Također je pripovijedano o grijehu incesta ili rodoskvrnuća. Okretanje od svjetovnog vodi bliže k Bogu, što predstavlja znak iskrenog kajanja i žrtve. Odnosi krivice nakon incesta su također važan element u nastavku diplomskog rada. Prikazani su komplicirani obiteljski odnosi koji potom dovode do incesta I utiru put novim grijesima. Istinsko pokajanje i ljubav prema Bogu vode glavnog junaka do svetosti i k tome da postane papom, unatoč teškom grijehu. Smisao života jest živjeti u zajedništvu s Bogom. Čovjek ili se buni protiv Boga ili je ravnodušan prema Njemu. Grijeh protiv Boga dovodi do pogrešnog odnosa prema bližnjima i prema samom sebi.Gregorius samom sebi nameće svoju pokoru koja je radikalna, uzorna i nadasve dobrovoljno poduzeta. Priča o Gregoriusu pokazuje da nijedan grijeh nije toliko velik, a da ga Bog ne bi mogao oprostiti i da ljubav, brak i obitelj u tome igraju veliku ulogu.
Abstract (english) The master thesis deals with the theme of love, marriage and family in Hartmann´s work “Gregorius”. The dominant motive of the work is the immense protagonists guilt, and from it came immense repentance, which ultimately resulted in God´s grace, forgiveness and elevation. The thesis also covers the sin of incest or defilement. Turning away from the worldly leads closer to God, which is a sign of sincere repentance and sacrifice. The guilt after incest is also an important element in the continuation of the thesis. Complicated family relationships are shown, which then lead to incest and afterwards they pave the way for new sins. True repentance and love for God lead the protagonist to holiness and to becoming a pope, despite his grave sin. The meaning of life is to live as one with God. Man either rebels against God or is indifferent to Him. Sin against God leads to a wrong attitude towards others and towards oneself. Gregorius imposes his penance on himself, which is radical, exemplary and, above all, undertaken voluntarily. The story of Gregorius shows that no sin is so great that God could not forgive it and love, marriage and family play a big role in that.
Keywords (croatian)
obiteljski odnosi
Keywords (english)
family relationships
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:723091
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-10-03 08:27:12