Title Percepcija utjecaja medija i nekih osobnih varijabli na navike hranjenja
Title (english) Perception of the media influence and some personal variables on eating habits
Author Anna Krolo
Mentor Anita Vulić-Prtorić (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Ombla (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Šimunić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Vulić-Prtorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology
Abstract Na navike hranjenja mogu utjecati razni okolinski i osobni čimbenici. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 223 studenata u Hrvatskoj (78.9% žena i 21.1% muškaraca), prosječne dobi 22.77 godina. Od mjernih instrumenata korišteni su Upitnik sociodemografskih podataka, Ljestvica prejedanja, Skala percepcije utjecaja medija, Barrattova skala impulzivnosti i Upitnik poteškoća emocionalne regulacije. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati percepciju utjecaja medija i osobnih varijabli (spol, impulzivnost i emocionalna regulacija) na navike hranjenja. U usporedbi s ostalim medijima, studenti su izjavili o najvećoj učestalosti korištenja društvenih mreža i Interneta, odnosno otprilike 90% ih navedeno koristi svaki dan i to više puta dnevno. Utvrđene su razlike u nekim varijablama ovisno o spolu. U usporedbi sa studentima, studentice su sklonije emocionalnom prejedanju, percipirale su veći ukupni utjecaj medija te utjecaj medija na mršavljenje i mišićavost i imale više poteškoća u emocionalnom prejedanju. Također, s većom percepcijom ukupnog utjecaja medija i utjecaja medija na mršavljenje i mišićavost te s višim razinama impulzivnosti i s više poteškoća u emocionalnoj regulaciji studentice su bile sklonije emocionalnom prejedanju, dok povezanost emocionalnog prejedanja s impulzivnosti i poteškoćama u emocionalnoj regulaciji kod studenata nije utvrđena. Najveći i značajan doprinos u objašnjenju emocionalnog prejedanja imao je Utjecaj medija na mršavljenje. Istraživanje implicira da bi se mlade ljude trebalo educirati o raznim okolinskim i stresnim čimbenicima koji mogu poremetiti prehrambene navike studenata, kao i da obrate pažnju na određene osobne čimbenike kako bi bili svjesniji postojanja rizika za pojavu poremećaja u prehrani.
Abstract (english) Eating habits can be influenced by various contextual and personal factors. A total of 223 students in Croatia participated in the research (78.9% females and 21.1% males), with an average age of 22.77 years. The measures used were Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire, Binge Eating Scale, The Perceived Media Influences Scale, Barratt Impulsivness Scale – Bis 11 and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale – DERS-16. The aim of the research was to examine the perception of the influence of the media and personal variables (gender, impulsivity and emotional regulation) on eating habits. Compared to other media, students reported the highest frequency of using social networks and the Internet, i.e. approximately 90% of them use the above mentioned every day and several times a day. Differences were found in some variables depending on gender. Compared to male students, female students are more prone to emotional overeating, they perceived a greater overall influence of the media and the influence of the media on weight loss and muscularity, and more difficulties in emotion regulation. Also, with a greater perception of the overall impact of the media and the impact of the media on weight loss and muscularity, as well as with higher levels of impulsivity and with more difficulties in emotional regulation, female students were more prone to emotional overeating, while the relationship between emotional overeating and impulsivity and difficulties in emotional regulation among students was not established.The biggest and most significant contribution to the explanation of emotional overeating was the influence of the media on weight loss. Regarding the coronavirus pandemic, students were more prone to emotional overeating during the pandemic than after the coronavirus pandemic. The research implies that young people should be educated about various environmental and stressful factors that can disrupt their eating habits, as well as to pay attention to some personal factors in order to be more aware of the existence of risks for the appearance of eating disorders.
navike hranjenja
emocionalno prejedanje
utjecaj medija
emocionalna regulacija
Keywords (english)
eating habits
emotional eating
media influence
emotional regulation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:444409
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra psihologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-01 12:58:04