Title Ispitivanje odnosa uključenosti u seksting i privrženosti školi između adolescenata i adolescentica
Title (english) Examining the relationship between involvement in sexting and attachment to school among male and female adolescents
Author Mateja Kolarić
Mentor Arta Dodaj (mentor)
Committee member Arta Dodaj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Izabela Sorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Šimić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract S razvojem tehnologija seksting je sve češća pojava današnjice, a samim time i predmet interesa suvremenih istraživanja. Neka od istraživanja upućuju na povezanost sekstinga i privrženosti školi kao zaštitnog čimbenika, ali još je uvijek premalo nalaza koji bi se mogli sistematizirati s ciljem generalnog zaključka o povezanosti dvaju konstrukta. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost sudjelovanja u slanju seksualno eksplicitnog sadržaja različitim osobama s različitim dimenzijama
... More privrženosti školi u adolescenata. Na uzorku srednjoškolaca (Ndječaci=74, Ndjevojčice=159) u razdoblju adolescencije (Mdobi=16, SDdobi=0.84) iz Republike Hrvatske primijenjen je Upitnik općih sociodemografskih podataka, zatim Upitnik privrženosti školi (Fredericks i sur., 2003) preveden na hrvatski jezik i dopunjen za potrebe ispitivanja privrženosti školi kod učenika srednjih škola (Kumrić, 2010) te Upitnik sekstinga u adolescenata (Molla-Esparza i sur., 2020). Rezultati pokazuju kako ukupno 21.5% dječaka i djevojčica šalje seksualno eksplicitne sadržaje osobi koju poznaju isključivo na internetu, 34.26% ih šalje osobama koje osobno poznaju, dok 75.83% djevojčica i dječaka seksualno eksplicitne sadržaje šalje u kontekstu romantične veze. Pritom između djevojčica i dječaka nema razlike u slanju seksualnih sadržaja ovisno o primatelju istih. Također, na uzorku dječaka i djevojčica utvrđena je negativna povezanost svih oblika sekstinga s aspektima kognitivne i ponašajne privrženosti školi. Na uzorku dječaka utvrđena je negativna povezanost slanja seksualnog sadržaja osobi koju dječaci poznaju samo na internetu i kognitivne privrženosti, a na uzorku djevojčica ponašajne i emocionalne privrženosti školi te je utvrđena statistički značajna negativna povezanost između slanja seksualnog sadržaja osobi koju djevojčice osobno poznaju i ponašajne privrženosti školi. Dobiveni rezultati razmatraju se u kontekstu dosadašnje literature u području sekstinga i privrženosti školi, osvrćući se pritom na metodološke nedostatke i ograničenja provedenog istraživanja kao i njegove praktične implikacije. Less
Abstract (english) With the development of technologies, sexting is an increasingly common phenomenon today, and therefore the subject of interest in contemporary research. Some of the research points to the connection between sexting and attachment to school as a protective factor, but there are still too few findings that could be systematized with the aim of reaching a general conclusion about the connection between the two constructs. The aim of this research was to examine the association of
... More participation in sending sexually explicit content to different people with different dimensions of attachment to school in adolescents. On a sample of high school students (Nboys=74, Ngirls=159) in the period of adolescence (Mage=16, SDage=0.84) from the Republic of Croatia, the General Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire was applied, then the School Engagement Scale (Fredericks et al., 2003) translated to Croatian and supplemented for the purposes of examining school attachment among high school students (Kumrić, 2010) and the Adolescent Sexting Scale, A-SextS (Molla-Esparza et al., 2020). The results show that a total of 21.5% of boys and girls send sexually explicit content to a person they know exclusively on the Internet, 34.26% send it to people they know personally, while 75.83% of girls and boys send sexually explicit content in the context of a romantic relationship. There is no difference found between girls and boys in sending sexual content depending on the recipient. Also, in a sample of boys and girls, a negative association of all forms of sexting with aspects of cognitive and behavioral attachment to school was established. In the sample of boys, a negative association between sending sexual content to a person whom the boys know only on the Internet and cognitive attachment was determined, and in the sample of girls, behavioral and emotional attachment to school, and a statistically significant negative association was established between sending sexual content to a person whom the girls know personally and behavioral attachment to the school. The obtained results are considered in the context of previous literature in the field of sexting and attachment to school, looking at the methodological shortcomings and limitations of the research as well as its practical implications. Less
privrženost školi
Keywords (english)
school attachment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:958979
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-09-19 13:29:02