Abstract | Ovaj rad istražuje povezanost čitateljske navike i načine provođenja slobodnog vremena među studentima koji se aktivno bave sportom. Cilj istraživanja je istražiti koliko osobe koje se aktivno bave sportom čitaju u slobodno vrijeme, a svrha rada je steći uvid u važnost čitanja u životu mladih aktivnih sportaša. Teorijski rad usredotočuje se na čitanje i pismenost, karakteristike čitanja u djetinjstvu i čitateljske navike. Metode istraživanja uključuju online anketu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 243 UniSport natjecatelja. Nastojale su se utvrditi tri glavne aktivnosti UniSport studenta, a to su sport, slobodno vrijeme i studiranje. Ispitale su se tvrdnje od najranije dobi značajne pri određivanju razine čitanja kod studenata na kasniji čitalački razvoj, kao i na veći poticaj samoinicijativnog čitanja. Također, istražile su se čitateljske i sportske navike studenata. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju zastupljenost više od 20 sportova, najviše u području Zagreba. U istraživanju najčešći sport je odbojka, te studenti u prosjeku provode svaki dan na treningu 1-2 sata dnevno osim nedjelje. S druge strane gotovo polovica studenata ne troši vrijeme na studentski posao, dok samo malen broj posvećuje dovoljno pozornosti na studiranje. Organizacijom vremena na studiranje, sportske aktivnosti i slobodno vrijeme studenti su zadovoljni. Za čitalački razvoj najzaslužniji su roditelji, a od sadržaja za čitanje najčitanije su bajke i kasnije avanturistički romani. U sportu studenti najviše čitaju o zdravoj prehrani i ozljedama, dok su liječnici, nutricionisti i drugi stručnjaci i dalje najpouzdaniji izvor informacija. Do tema vezanih uz sport studenti najčešće dolaze preko Instagrama i YouTubea. |
Abstract (english) | This paper investigates the connection between reading habits and ways of spending leisure time among students who are actively involved in sports. The goal of the research is to investigate how many people who are actively involved in sports read in their leisure time, and the purpose of the work is to gain insight into the importance of reading in the lives of young active athletes. The theoretical part of the work focuses on reading and literacy, characteristics of reading in childhood and reading habits. Research methods include an online survey. 243 UniSport competitors participated in the research. Three main activities tried to be determined of UniSport students, namely sports, free time and studying. Claims from the earliest age were examined, significant in determining the reading level of students on later reading development, as well as on greater encouragement on self-initiated reading. Also, reading and sports habits of students were investigated. The research results show the representation of more than 20 sports, mostly in the University of Zagreb. In the research, the most common sport is volleyball, and students on average spend 1-2 hours a day in training every day, except for Sundays. On the other hand, almost half of students do not spend time on student work, while only a small number pay enough attention to studying. Students are satisfied with the organization of study time, sports activities and leisure time. For early reading development parents deserve the most credit, and when it comes to content, fairy tales and later adventure novels are the most read contents. In sports, students read mostly about healthy eating and injuries, while doctors, nutritionists and other experts are still the most reliable source of information. Students usually come to topics related to sports via Instagram and YouTube. |