Abstract | Ovaj rad je imao za cilj analizirati i istražiti mogućnosti stvaranja marke turističke destinacije otoka Paga. Radi toga istražilo se trenutno stanje turističke ponude na otoku Pagu te njegovo ciljno tržište. Ciljevi su bili istražiti značaj brenda tj. marke kroz stručnu literaturu te ispitati primjer dobre prakse brendiranja destinacije, ispitati mišljenje relevantnih pojedinaca koji direktno utječu na turizam na otoku, definirati najvažnije resurse i atrakcije koji će služiti kao temelj ponude na kojem će se graditi brend tj. marka otoka Paga. Stručna literatura dokazuje da je marka tj. brend destinacije potreban kako bi se ona istaknula u moru drugih destinacija. Ona mora na autentičan način prikazivati svoju kulturu i u promocijama komunicirati što točno budući turist može očekivati prilikom posjeta. Kako bi destinacija bila uspješna i kao bi se mogla nadmetati na tržištu, mora održavati svoju konkurentnost. Cilj je proizvoditi visokokvalitetne proizvode koji će se prodavati po visokim cijenama. Destinacija mora posjetitelju stvoriti osjećaj da je donio dobru odluku i dobro potrošio svoj novac. Takav turist može biti povratni turist, a može svojom preporukom dovesti i još turista. Dobro ispunjenje obećanja o destinaciji koje je predstavljano marketinškim aktivnostima, stvara najbolju konkurentsku prednost. Kao jedna od uspješnijih marketinških aktivnosti pokazalo se upravo brendiranje. Cilj je da se potrošač emocionalno veže uz brend te da joj se iznova vraća. Kao dobar primjer prakse istaknuo se Otok Lošinj koji početke turizma ima u zdravstvenom turizmu pa je svoj današnji brend gradio upravo na tome i stvorio si naziv „ Otok Vitalnosti“. Ovo je primjer organskog brendiranja. Otok Pag kao destinacija ima dugu tradiciju. Otok ima pretežno kamenu površinu zbog čega često dobiva naziv „Mjesečev otok“. Na otoku nema puno plodnog tla, a dijelom je za to zaslužna i bura, sjeverno zapadni vjetar koji donosi snažne nalete i posolicu. Zbog ovog vremena specifična je proizvodnja sira jer ovce koje žive na otoku nemaju mnogo hrane već preživljavaju na bilju koje raste na otoku. Paški sir i Paška janjetina simbol su otoka i čine ga prepoznatljivim. Otok u zadnjih nekoliko godina razvija i aktivni turizam sa projektom Pag Outdoor, a također je i poznata party destinacija.. Trenutno tržište otoka jesu turisti iz Slovenije i Njemačke, turisti koji dolaze primarno zbog sunca i mora, ali također i gastronomi, aktivni turisti, te turisti veće platežne moći. Otok već godinama stvara svoj brend na spomenutim proizvodima Pag cheese, Pag lamb, Pag lace i na ovoj ponudi ima svoje tržište. Prema mišljenju autorice brend otoka treba se graditi upravo na tom imenu Island of P.A.G – Island of Party Activity an Gastronomy. Riječ Pag lako je izgovorljiva na većini jezika te se lako piše što je čini idealnom za promociju. Svaka marka tj. brend mora imati svoj slogan i svoj logo. Slogan kao što je Find your Thrill poziva turiste da dođu na otok i otkriju ono što ih uzbuđuje, što im izaziva trnce i zadovoljstvo. Logo mora prikazivati važne odrednice brenda. Logo otoka mora sadržavati oznaku za gastronomiju kao što je sir, čipku, neku aktivnost kao što je trčanje te oznaku partya. Prema istraživanju Facebook i Instagram čine najpopularnije društvene mreže na kojima se treba oglašavati, uz odlaske na sajmove i tiskanih materijala. |
Abstract (english) | This paper aimed to analize te possibilities of creating the brand for tourist destination for Island of Pag. Due to that the current state of tourism on the island of Pag and its target market was investigated. The goals were to investigate the significance of the brand, through professional literature and to examine an example of good practice in destination branding, and the opinion of relevant individuals who directly influence tourism on the island, to define the mostimportant resources and attractions that will serve as the basis of the offer on which the brand will be built. Professional literature proves that a branding a destination is needed to make it stand out in the sea of other destinations. It must present its culture in an authentic way and communicate in promotions exactly what future tourists can expect during their visit. In order for a destination to be successful and able to compete on the market, it must maintain its competitiveness. The goal is to produce high quality products that will be sold at high prices. The destination must make the visitor feel that he made a good decision and spent his money well. Such a tourist can be a returning tourist, and he can bring more tourists with his recommendation. Delivering well on the destination promise represented by marketing activities creates the best competitive advantage. Branding proved to be one of the more successful marketing activities. For the consumer, the brand does not only represent the characteristics of the product, but has a more important meaning such as the personality of thebrand or the image in the public. The goal is for the consumer to become emotionally attachedto the brand and return to it again and again. As a good example of practice, the Island of Lošinj stood out, which has its beginnings in health tourism, so it built its current brand on that and created the name "Vitality Island". This is an example of organic branding. The island of Pag has a long tradition as a destination. The island has a predominantly rocky surface, which is why it is often called "Moon Island". There is not much fertile soil on the island, and this is partly due to the bura, the north-west wind that brings strong gusts and salt. Because of this weather, the production of cheese is specific because the sheep living on the island do not have much food but survive on the herbs that grow on the island. Pag cheese and Pag lamb are symbols of the island and make it recognizable. In the last few years, the island has been developing active tourism with the Pag Outdoor project, and it is also a famous party destination. The island's current market are motly tourists from Slovenia and Germany, tourists who come primarily for the sun and the sea, but also gastronomes, active tourists, and tourists with higher paying power. The island has been creating its own brand for years on the aforementioned products Pag cheese, Pag lamb, Pag lace, and this offer has its own market. According to the opinion fo the author, the brand of the island should be built precisely on thatname Island of P.A.G - Island of Party Activity an Gastronomy. The word Pag is easy to pronounce in most languages and easy to write, which makes it ideal for promotion. Every brand must have its own slogan and logo. A slogan like „Find your Thrill“ invites tourists to come to the island and discover what excites them, what gives them tingles and pleasure. The logo must represent the important determinants of the brand. The island's logo must contain a gastronomy symbol such as cheese, lace, an activity such as running, and a party symbol. According to the research, Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social networks on which to advertise, along with going to fairs and using printed materials. |