Title Neki korelati različitih dimenzija stereotipa o gejmericama
Title (english) Some correlates of different dimensions of female gamer stereotypes
Author Livia Mazić-Palestrina
Mentor Vera Ćubela-Adorić (mentor)
Committee member Vera Ćubela-Adorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Vidaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Jakšić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract U današnje doba, videoigre su široko rasprostranjena aktivnost i među muškarcima i među ženama. Ipak, one se još uvijek dominantno smatraju maskulinom aktivnošću. Gejmerice, to jest žene koje igraju videoigre, često su objekti diskriminacije u svijetu videoigara, te o njima postoje različiti stereotipi. Ovom je istraživanju cilj bio ispitati tendencije stereotipiziranja gejmerica, te razlike u tim tendencijama s obzirom na rod i na gejmerski status sudionika. Nadalje, usporedila se tendencija stereotipiziranja gejmerica s obzirom na čestinu igranja videoigara i broj poznanstava s gejmericama. Podaci su se prikupili online upitnikom, te se za mjerenje stereotipa koristila hrvatska verzija Female Gamer Stereotypes Scale (FGSS). FGSS je konstruirana za mjerenje pet različitih dimenzija stereotipa o gejmericama: nedostatna femininost gejmerica, nedostatna društvenost gejmerica, slabije vještine u igranju videoigara, oslanjanje na muške gejmere, te karakterističan izbor videoigara. Rezultati su pokazali da muškarci imaju veću tendenciju stereotipiziranja gejmerica od žena na svih pet subskala FGSSa i na cijeloj skali. Negejmeri su imali veću tendenciju stereotipiziranja od gejmera na samo dvije subskale: nedostatna femininost gejmerica i nedostatna društvenost gejmerica. Rezultati su također pokazali da nema značajne povezanosti između čestine igranja videoigara i tendencije stereotipiziranja gejmerica. Negativna povezanost između broja poznanstava s gejmericama i tendencije stereotipiziranja gejmerica je utvrđena samo na subskali nedostatne femininosti gejmerica. Značajna razlika u tendenciji stereotipiziranja gejmerica između osoba koje poznaju barem jednu gejmericu i osoba koje ne poznaju niti jednu gejmericu utvrđena je na cijeloj FGSS i na tri subskale: sudionici koji poznaju barem jednu gejmericu pokazali su manju tendenciju stereotipiziranja na subskalama nedostatne društvenosti gejmerica, oslanjanja na muškarce tijekom igre i preferencije u izboru videoigara, te na cijeloj FGSS.
Abstract (english) Video games are a widespread activity among both men and women in today's age. However, they are still primarily considered to be a masculine activity. Female gamers, i.e. women who play video games, are often targets of discrimination within the world of video games, and there exist a variety of stereotypes about them. The goal of this study was to examine the tendencies to stereotype female gamers, as well as the differences in those tendencies, with regard to the participants' gender and gamer status. Furthermore, the tendencies to stereotype female gamers were analyzed with regard to the frequency of video game playing and the number of female gamer acquaintances. Data was collected through an online questionnaire, and stereotypes were measured by a Croatian version of the Female Gamer Stereotype Scale (FGSS). FGSS had been constructed to measure five different dimensions of female gamer stereotypes: lack of femininity, lack of sociability, lack of competence in gaming, reliance on men in gaming, and specific gaming preferences.The results showed that men have higher tendencies to stereotype female gamers than women in all five FGSS subscales, and in the whole scale. Nongamers had a higher tendency to stereotype than gamers in just two FGSS subscales: lack of femininity and lack of sociability. The results also showed that there was no significant correlation between the frequency of video game play and the tendency to stereotype female gamers. Negative correlation between the number of female gamer acquaintances and the tendency to stereotype female gamers was significant only in the lack of femininity subscale. A significant difference in tendencies to stereotype female gamers between participants that did not know a single female gamer and participants that knew at least one female gamer was found in the whole scale, and in three subscales: participants that knew at least one female gamer had a lower tendency to stereotype in the lack of sociability, reliance on men in gaming, and specific gaming preferences subscales, and in the whole scale.
gejmerski status
Keywords (english)
video games
female gamers
gaming status
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:952237
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-11 12:56:43