Title Croatian modal particles and their equivalents in advanced language learners
Title (croatian) Hrvatske modalne čestice i njihove istovrjjednice kod napredih učenika
Author Antonela Tokić
Mentor Mia Batinić Angster (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Kresić Vukosav (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mia Batinić Angster (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marco Angster (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Linguistics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract This study investigates modal particles (MP), that is words that are counted among the means of expressing modality. Karagjosova (2004, p. 1) defines them as “conventional utterance modifiers that indicate speaker’s beliefs with respect to the propositional content of their carrier utterance or the cognitive status of the propositional content”. The research will be conducted on the basis of three languages, namely German, Croatian and English. While in German and Croatian MPs exist as a word category, in English the function of German and Croatian particles is expressed by other means (cf. Kresić & Batinić, 2014; Batinić, Kresić & Pavić Pintarić, 2015; Kresić, Batinić Angster & Diewald, 2017). The focus of this study will be the realization of the following Croatian particles in Wh sentences: 1) MP li, its equivalent MP group li+samo, and 2) MP ono. According to a previously conducted corpus analysis (Kresić & Batinić, 2014) these Croatian particles in German correspond to the following pairs of synonymous MPs – bloß und nur (1), gleich and doch (2), respectively. On the other hand, English has some equivalent expressions – on earth (1), and again (2). For the present study – the research will be conducted among two groups of participants. The first group will consist of Croatian graduate students in German studies, and the second group will include graduate students in English studies. Croatian being their L1 is the source language, whereas German and English as their foreign languages are viewed as target languages. According to Gulan, Kresić & Pavić Pintarić (2017) it can be expected that these advanced language learners will use appropriate equivalents in the target languages. Participants will be given a questionnaire in which they will have to translate sentences containing a certain MP. These sentences will be preceded by a context, which is of great importance considering MPs are anaphorically dependent on the context (Kresić et al. 2017, p. 14). It is assumed that learners of German and English will translate the particles in accordance with the listed equivalents proposed by Kresić & Batinić (2014). The aim of this thesis is to verify if these German particles and English expressions match the function Croatian MPs express in context.
Abstract (croatian) Ovo istraživanje proučava modalne čestice (MP prema engl. modal particles), odnosno riječi koje se ubrajaju u sredstva izražavanja modalnosti. Karagjosova (2004., str. 1) definira ih kao "konvencionalne modifikatore iskaza koji ukazuju na govornikova uvjerenja s obzirom na propozicioni sadržaj njihovog iskaza nositelja ili kognitivni status propozicionog sadržaja". Istraživanje će se provoditi na temelju triju jezika, a to su njemački, hrvatski i engleski. Dok u njemačkom i hrvatskom MP postoji kao kategorija riječi, u engleskom se funkcija njemačkih i hrvatskih čestica izražava drugim sredstvima (usp. Kresić i Batinić, 2014; Batinić, Kresić i Pavić Pintarić, 2015; Kresić, Batinić Angster i Diewald, 2017). Težište ovog istraživanja bit će realizacija sljedeće hrvatske čestice u upitnim rečenicama s upitnom riječju: 1) MP li, njezin ekvivalentni modalni čestični skup li+samo i 2) MP ono. Prema prethodno provedenoj korpusnoj analizi (Kresić & Batinić, 2014.) ovim hrvatskim česticama u njemačkom jeziku odgovaraju sljedeći parovi sinonimnih čestica: bloß i nur (1), gleich i doch (2). S druge strane, engleski ima neke ekvivalentne izraze – on earth (1), i again (2). Za potrebe ovog rada istraživanje će se provesti među dvije skupine sudionika. Prvu skupinu ispitanika činit će hrvatski studenti diplomskog studija germanistike, a drugu skupinu studenti diplomskog studija anglistike. Hrvatski im je materinski jezik J1, dok se njemački i engleski kao strani jezici smatraju ciljnim jezicima. Prema Gulan, Kresić & Pavić Pintarić (2017) može se očekivati da će oni kao napredni učenici koristiti odgovarajuće ekvivalente u ciljanim jezicima. Sudionici će dobiti upitnik u kojem će morati prevesti rečenice koje sadrže određenu modalnu česticu. Ispred ovih rečenica nalazit će se kontekst, što je od velike važnosti s obzirom na to da su čestice anaforički ovisne o kontekstu (Kresić i dr., 2017, str. 14). Pretpostavlja se da će učenici njemačkog i engleskog prevoditi čestice u skladu s navedenim ekvivalentima koje predlažu Kresić i Batinić (2014). Cilj je ovog rada provjeriti podudaraju li se te njemačke čestice i engleski izrazi s funkcijom koju hrvatske modalne čestice izražavaju u kontekstu.
modal particles
Keywords (english)
modalne čestice
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:164320
Study programme Title: Language and Communication in a Multilingual Society Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) lingvistike (sveučilšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) lingvistike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-09 16:49:05