Abstract | Majstor i Margarita Mihaila Afanasjeviča Bulgakova je iznimna knjiga koja se ističe po svojoj tematici, upotrebi fantastike i groteske, te brojnim likovima kojima se autor služi u pokušaju prikazivanja i kritike života u Rusiji. Kompleksni, simbolični i temeljito razrađeni likovi stvaraju dubinu i složenost priče, istražujući istovremeno univerzalne teme koje su i danas relevantne. Kroz njih Bulgakov propituje i predstavlja teme slobode, otpora, umjetnosti i ljudske naravi. Njegovi su likovi nositelji različitih priča i perspektiva, a opet, svi su međusobno povezani ili suprotstavljeni, čime obogaćuju priču i omogućavaju čitateljima da razmišljaju o dubljim pitanjima života. Stoga su likovi romana i njihova karakterizacija glavni predmet analize ovoga rada, pri čemu je fokus na njihovim imenima te kostimima i portretu. Bulgakov se pri imenovanju likova služi brojnim drugim, svjetskim i biblijskim tekstovima, no i onima koji su čitatelju manje poznati, kao i postupcima neimenovanja i stvaranjem novih imena. Značenjima i denotatima imena on povezuje i kostim te portret lika, pri čemu spomenuti elementi nadopunjuju jedni druge i zaokružuju karakter, odnosno djelovanje samih likova. Za potpuno razumijevanje romana i njegovih poruka, potrebno je temeljito proučavanje označitelja (imena) likova, onoga što je njima označeno te vanjštine likova. |
Abstract (english) | Mihail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita is an exceptional book that stands out for its theme, the use of fantasy and grotesque, and the many characters the author uses in his attempt to portray and criticize life in Russia. Complex, symbolic and thoroughly developed characters create depth and complexity to the story, while exploring universal themes that are still relevant today. Through them, Bulgakov questions and presents the themes of freedom, resistance, art and human nature. His characters are the bearers of different stories and perspectives, and yet, they are all interconnected or opposed, thus enriching the story and enabling readers to think about the deeper questions of life. Therefore, the characters of the novel and their characterization are the main subject of analysis in this paper, with the focus being on their names, costumes and portraits. When naming the characters, Bulgakov uses numerous other, global and biblical texts, also those that are less familiar to the reader, as well as the procedures of not naming and creating new names. With the meanings and denotations of the name, he connects both the costume and the portrait of the character, whereby the mentioned elements complement each other and complete the character, that is, the actions of the characters themselves. To fully understand the novel and its messages, a thorough study of the signifiers (names) of the characters, what is signified by them, and the appearance of the characters is necessary. |