Abstract | Tema ovoga rada je utjecaj rata u BiH na narodnosnu strukturu Bosanske Posavine. Cilj rada je bio prikazati kretanje ukupnog broja stanovnika te broja triju najvećih naroda u Bosanskoj Posavini. Također, cilj je bio prikazati utjecaj koji je rat u BiH imao na samu narodnosnu strukturu na području Bosanske Posavine. Zbog različitih definicija Bosanske Posavine, u radu je analizirano područje koje je činilo Hrvatsku zajednicu Bosansku Posavinu. Podatci su analizirani te obrađeni i grafički prikazani pomoću Microsoft Office Excela. Problem proučavanju kretanja narodnosne strukture su različite metodologije popisa stanovništva gdje sve do druge Jugoslavije nije bilo izjašnjavanja na nacionalnoj osnovi. Unatoč tome, analogijom su utvrđene poveznice između katolika i Hrvata, Pravoslavaca i Srba te muslimana i Bošnjaka. Još od prvoga sveobuhvatnog popisa stanovništva 1910. godine Hrvati su kao narod bili najbrojniji sve do zadnjeg popisa prije rata, onog iz 1991. godine. Porast stanovništva u Bosanskoj Posavini je bio poprilično velik sve do sredine druge polovine 20. stoljeća kada dolazi do smanjenja porasta. Dolaskom 90-ih godina i rata dolazi do velike prekretnice u narodnosnoj strukturi Bosanske Posavine. Nakon rata najbrojniji narod postali su Srbi, čiji se broj neznatno smanjio, dok je broj Hrvata smanjen za više od 50%. Nažalost, zbog izostanka popisa stanovništva iz 2001. godine, u radu su uspoređeni podaci popisa iz 1991. i 2013. godine. Unatoč tome, može se primijetiti veliki pad nesrpskog, a poglavito hrvatskog stanovništva. Takva opustošena, podijeljena i razrušena Posavina s trećinom stanovnika manje danas je u izrazito teškom političkom i gospodarskom stanju. Njezina budućnost je vezana uz Republiku Hrvatsku unatoč tome što je ona integralni dio susjedne nam BiH. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this graduation thesis is the impact of the the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the ethnic structure of Bosanska Posavina. The aim of the work was to show the changes of the total number of inhabitants and the number of the three largest nations in Bosanska Posavina. Also, the goal was to show the impact that the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina had on the ethnic structure itself in the area of Bosanska Posavina. Specifically, the area that made up the Croatian Community of Bosanska Posavina was studied. The data were analyzed, processed and graphically presented by using Microsoft Office Excel. The main problem with the study of the changes of the ethnic structure were different methodologies of the population census, where until the second Yugoslavia there was no declaration on a national basis. Despite this, links between Catholics and Croats, Orthodox and Serbs, and Muslims and Bosniaks have been established by analogy. Ever since the first comprehensive population census in 1910, the Croats as a nation were the most numerous until the last census before the war, the one from 1991. The population growth in Bosanska Posavina was quite high until the middle of the second half of the 20th century, when the growth decreased. With the arrival of the 90s and the war, a major turning point occurred in the ethnic structure of Bosanska Posavina. After the war, the largest nation became the Serbs, whose number decreased slightly, while the number of Croats decreased by more than 50 percent. Unfortunately, due to the absence of the 2001 census, the 1991 and 2013 censuses are compared. Despite this, a large decline in the non-Serb, especially Croatian, population can be observed. Such devastated, divided and destroyed Posavina, which lost a third of its pre-war population, is today in an extremely difficult political and economic situation. Its future is tied to the Republic of Croatia despite the fact that it is an integral part of neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina. |