Title Dizajn procesa proizvodnje električnih automobila
Title (english) Production process design of eletric cars
Author Ivan Arbanas
Mentor Berislav Bolfek (mentor)
Committee member Anita Peša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Berislav Bolfek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Bosna (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Automobilska industrija jedna je od relativno mladih svjetskih industrija za koju se ne može istaknuti kako seže daleko u povijest. Naime, svoj procvat doživjela je tek u 19. stoljeću, ali ono što je ključno je da od tada njezin razvoj nikad nije prestao. Put njezinog razvoja obilježen je vrlo važnim svjetskih inovacijama, poput parnih strojeva, diesel i benzinskih motora, te elektromotora. Pritom, iako se za električne automobile ne može reći kako su novost na tržištu, posebno iz razloga što je njihov razvoj započeo prije više od 100 godina, no tek u suvremenom svijetu ostvarili su zapažene rezultate na tržištu automobila. Naime, povećanje svijesti vozača o očuvanju okoliša, smanjenju buke te emisije štetnih plinova u atmosferu, zajedno s prihvatljivijom cijenom samih električnih automobila, unaprijeđenom proizvodnjom te boljim performansama potaknuli su njihovo sve veće korištenje u suvremenom svijetu. Upravo iz tog razloga cilj ovog rada je prikazati proces proizvodnje električnog automobila, zajedno sa svim njegovim karakteristikama te u empirijskom dijelu rada prikazati i konkretan primjer proizvodnog procesa i njegov dizajn kada je riječ o električnom automobilu koji se proizvodi na području Republike Hrvatske, u tvrtki Rimac Automobili d.o.o., model Nevera. Model Nevera pripada kategoriji električnih hiper automobila koji trenutno drži 23 svjetska rekorda kada su u pitanju performanse automobila, a vrlo je važna činjenica kako se glavnina njegove proizvodnje kao i samih potrebnih dijelova proizvodi u matičnoj zemlji.
Abstract (english) The automotive industry is one of the relatively young world industries that cannot be said to have a long history. Namely, it flourished only in the 19th century, but what is crucial is that since then its development has never stopped. The path of its development is marked by very important global innovations, such as steam engines, diesel and gasoline engines, and electric motors. At the same time, although electric cars cannot be said to be new on the market, especially for the reason that their development began more than 100 years ago, they have achieved notable results on the car market only in the modern world. Namely, the increase in driver awareness of environmental protection, reduction of noise and emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere, together with the more acceptable price of electric cars themselves, improved production and better performance have encouraged their increasing use in the modern world. Precisely for this reason, the aim of this work is to show the production process of an electric car, together with all its characteristics, and in the empirical part of the work to show a concrete example of the production process and its design when it comes to an electric car that is produced in the Republic of Croatia, in the company Rimac Automobili d.o.o., Nevera model. The Nevera model belongs to the category of electric hypercars, which currently holds 23 world records when it comes to car performance, and the fact that most of its production and the necessary parts are produced in the home country is very important.
dizajn procesa proizvodnje
električni automobil
proces proizvodnje
Keywords (english)
electric car
production process
production process design
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:079324
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-20 10:02:37