Title Inovativno upravljanje školom – studija slučaja Osnovna škola Voštarnica-Zadar
Title (english) School innovative management – A case study of Voštarnica-Zadar elementary school
Author Irena Dukić
Mentor Božena Krce Miočić (mentor) MBZ: 26643
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 339543
Committee member Daliborka Luketić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 284505
Committee member Jurica Pavičić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 226275
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-03-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Abstract Ovaj završni specijalistički rad bavi se inovativnim upravljanjem školom na način da objašnjava temeljne funkcije upravljanja: planiranje, organiziranje i kontroliranje rada te upravljanje ljudskim resursima. Budući da su ljudi najvrjedniji kapital škole, prikazane su sastavnice, temeljne funkcije menadžmenta, upravljanja ljudskim resursima u svrhu najučinkovitijeg korištenja organizacijskih resursa škole sa svrhom ostvarivanja ciljeva kako bi se odgovorilo na sve zahtjevnije potrebe
... More okruženja, odnosno korisnika, ali i kako bi se istovremeno zadovoljile i potrebe djelatnika škole. Kao područja upravljanja ljudskim resursima opisani su educiranje kadra, zajedničko strateško planiranje s kolektivom i utvrđivanje misije i vizije, delegiranje poslova, participacija djelatnika u odlučivanju, motivacija. Prikazan je fenomen vođenja kao najvažnija funkcija upravljanja ljudskim resursima po kojoj se razlikuju uspješne od neuspješnih organizacija, nadalje vođenje u kontekstu škole, kao i liderstvo koje osigurava dobrovoljnu sljedbu, ali i vodi djelatnike da djeluju iz vlastitih uvjerenja. U radu je objašnjena dvojaka uloga ravnatelja kao onog koji upravlja (menadžerska uloga) i onog koji vodi (uloga lidera) te potreba da održava ravnotežu između te dvije uloge sukladno potrebama škole i konteksta u kojem radi. Kao inovativni modeli vođenja škole opisani su: distribuirano, timsko, transformacijsko, instrukcijsko i kontigencijsko vođenje. Kao jednako važan fenomen za upravljanje ljudskim resursima i uvođenje promjena u školi opisana je i organizacijska kultura škole te njen utjecaj na uvođenje promjena i rad škole. Objašnjeno je kako škola odgovara na promjene inovacijom kao i potreba da se u školama, umjesto poboljšanja zbog rastućih zahtjeva, provode transformacije i to istovremeno na više područja rada, odnosno promjene drugog reda. Obrazloženo je kako su promjene rada u nastavi za školu najradikalnije, ali i najviše utječu na kvalitetu osnovne usluge obrazovanja. Kao još jedan važan preduvjet za uvođenje promjena u školi istaknuta je potreba mijenjanja organizacijske strukture. Jedan od modela je uvođenje timova koji također omogućavaju delegiranje poslova, ali i odlučivanja. Na temelju sekundarnih podataka dobivenih analizom dokumentacije, opisan je kontekst OŠ VoštarnicaZadar i u njoj uvedena organizacijska struktura s pet timova: Tim za kulturu i klimu škole, Tim za unaprjeđenje nastave i profesionalni razvoj, Tim za prikupljanje sredstva i projekte i Tim za marketing i odnose s javnošću, kao i uzroci potrebe transformacije te škole. Provedeno je primarno istraživanje kao studija slučaja OŠ Voštarnica-Zadar. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi kakav je utjecaj upravljanja putem organizacijske strukture s timovima na učinkovitost uvođenja promjena u svrhu ostvarenja ciljeva škole i poboljšanje njezine efikasnosti. Pomoćni ciljevi su bili: istražiti mišljenje učitelja i stručnih suradnika o dostignutoj razini učinkovitosti formiranih timova za određena područja rada u školi u svrhu uvođenja promjena, istražiti mišljenje učitelja i stručnih suradnika o rezultatima formiranih pet timova za određena područja rada u školi u svrhu uvođenja promjena, istražiti mišljenje učitelja, stručnih suradnika o prednostima, ali i nedostatcima organizacijske strukture s timovima u procesu uvođenja promjena, istražiti postignute rezultate formiranih timova za određena područja rada u školi u svrhu uvođenja promjena na temelju analize dokumentacije, istražiti mišljenje učitelja i stručnih suradnika kako su uvedene promjene u organizacijskoj strukturi utjecale na ostvarenje ciljeva škole i poboljšanje njezine efikasnosti te istražiti mišljenje roditelja učenika škole kako su uvedene promjene putem formiranja pet timova utjecale na ostvarenje ciljeva škole i poboljšanje njezine efikasnosti. Istraživačka pitanja su bila: kako utječe upravljanje putem organizacijske strukture s pet timova na učinkovitost uvođenja promjena u svrhu ostvarenja ciljeva škole i poboljšanje njezine efikasnosti, koliko timova je optimalno i koji su to timovi kako bi se postigla učinkovitost škole i koje su prednosti i nedostatci timskog rada u procesu uvođenja promjena. Korištena je metoda fokus grupa, a za istraživanje su odabrana dva namjerna uzorka, uzorak iz reda učitelja i stručnih suradnika u školi sa osam sudionika i uzorak iz reda roditelja učenika škole s osam sudionika. Rezultati primarnog istraživanja za oba uzorka, kao i rezultati iz sekundarnih podataka, analizom dokumentacije pokazali su kako upravljanje putem organizacijske strukture s timovima izuzetno povoljno utječe na učinkovitost uvođenja promjena u svrhu ostvarenja ciljeva škole i poboljšanje njezine efikasnosti. Rezultati fokus grupe iz reda učitelja i stručnih suradnika su pokazali kako su postojećih pet timova optimalni i po broju i po području rada. Kao prednosti timskog rada u procesu uvođenja promjena sudionici fokus grupe iz reda učitelja i stručnih suradnika ističu značajno poboljšanu kulturu škole kao i jasniju podjelu uloga, paralelno unaprjeđenje više područja rada škole, uvedene suvremene metode u radu s učenicima, veću učinkovitost zbog timske sinergije, distributivno i transformacijsko vođenje, zadovoljavanje potreba višeg reda, inovacije, veće zajedništvo i osjećaj pripadnosti i još druge, a kao nedostatke činjenicu da je uvođenje timova isto zahtjevna promjena, nejednak angažman članova tima, teškoće kod delegiranja poslova članovima, nemanje slobode izbora tima za članove i potrebu još boljeg komuniciranja svrhe od strane ravnateljice, odnosno vođenja procesa transformacije te spontano otvaranje novi frontova. Mišljenje roditelja učenika škole, sudionika fokus grupe, se u velikoj mjeri slaže s mišljenjem sudionika fokus grupe iz reda učitelja i stručnih suradnika. Uvedenu promjenu škole prepoznali su kao transformaciju, smatraju kako je poslove u svrhu uvođenja promjena bilo potrebno delegirati učiteljima i stručnim suradnicima jer su potrebne promjene bile prevelike, i na više područja rada, da bi ih se moglo provesti bez timske strukture kao i da škola može s timovima učinkovitije reagirati u okružju koje se mijenja. Kao i učitelji i stručni suradnici, sudionici fokus grupe, zalažu se za umjerenost odnosno balans između dva pristupa uvođenja promjena: širi i dublji. Za razliku od rezultata fokus grupe iz reda učitelja i stručnih suradnika, roditelji sudionici fokus grupe smatraju da timovi školi služe primarno za osiguravanje resursa koji nedostaju. Kao glavni cilj, ostvaren zahvaljujući rezultatima timova, ističu edukacije učitelja edukatora rehabilitatora za suvremene metode i novu opremu. Glavni zaključak je kako svi sudionici istraživanja žele da postojeći timovi nastave s radom, da ravnateljica delegiranjem poslova koji se mogu delegirati kroz timove dobije još više vremena za vodstvo i poslova strateškog razvoja. Također, da treba uvažavati okvir kulture i prioritete birati u skladu s okvirom vizije, ali i stalno ostati u ravnoteži s okolinom. Promjene u nastavi su najradikalnije u školi, ali najviše utječu na kvalitetu usluge. Ključni resurs škole za uvođenje promjena su kompetencije ravnatelja i djelatnika koje stoga treba osigurati. Less
Abstract (english) Ayne dyeayne final specialist paper deals with innovative school management in a way that explains the basic management functions of planning, organizing and controlling work and human resources management. Since people are the most valuable capital of the school, the components and basic functions of management and human resources management are presented for the purpose of the most effective use of the school's organizational resources with the aim of achieving goals in order to
... More respond to the increasingly demanding needs of the environment and users, but also to simultaneously satisfy the needs of the school staff. Staff education, joint strategic planning, defining mission and vision, delegation of tasks, employee participation in decision-making and motivation are described as areas of human resource management. The phenomenon of leadership is presented as the most important function of human resource management, which differentiates successful from unsuccessful organizations; leadership in the context of a school is also presented, as well as leadership that ensures voluntary succession, but guides employees to act from their own convictions. This paper desribes the dual natured role of a principal; as being a manager and a leader, as well as the need to balance between the two depending on the needs of school, i.e. the context they work in. They are described as innovative models of distributed, team, transformational, instructional and contingency school management. As an equally important phenomenon for the management of human resources and the introduction of changes in the school, the organizational culture of the school and its influence on the introduction of changes and the work of the school are described. It is explained how the school responds to changes through innovation, as well as the need to implement transformations in schools instead of improvements due to growing demands, simultaneously in several areas of work, i.e. secondorder changes. It was explained that the changes in the area of teaching are the most radical ones for school, but also have the greatest impact on the quality of the basic education service. As another important precondition for introducing changes in the school, the need to change the organizational structure was highlighted; one of the models for such change is the introduction of teams that also enable the delegation of tasks and decision-making. On the basis of the secondary data obtained from the analysis of the documentation, the context of Voštarnica-Zadar Primary School is described and an organizational structure was introduced in it in the form of five teams: the Team for school culture and climate, the Team for teaching improvement and professional development, the Team for fundraising and projects, and the Team for marketing and public relation as well as the causes of the need to transform that school. The primary research was conducted as a case study of Voštarnica-Zadar Primary School. The main goal of the research was to determine the impact of management through organizational structure with teams on the effectiveness of introducing changes for the purpose of achieving the school's goals and improving its efficiency. The auxiliary objectives were to investigate the opinion of teachers and professional associates about the achieved level of effectiveness of the teams formed for certain areas of work with the purpose of introducing changes, to investigate the opinion of teachers and professional associates about the results of the five teams formed for certain areas of work in the School, to investigate the opinion of teachers and professional associates about the advantages and disadvantages of the organizational structure with teams in the process of introducing changes, to investigate the results achieved by the formed teams for certain areas of work in the School for the purpose of introducing changes based on the analysis of documentation, to investigate the opinion of teachers and professional associates as to how introduced changes in the organizational structure influenced the achievement of the school's goals and improvement of its efficiency, and to investigate the opinion of the School's students’ parents as to how the changes introduced through the formation of five teams influenced the achievement of the school's goals and improvement of its efficiency. The research questions were how management through an organizational structure with five teams affects the effectiveness of introducing changes for the purpose of achieving the school's goals and improving its efficiency, how many teams would be optimal and which teams are these in order to achieve the school's efficiency, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork in the process of introducing changes. The focus group method was used, and two intentional samples were selected for the research; a sample of teachers and professional associates at the school (eight participants) and a sample of parents of school students (eight participants). The results of the primary research for both subjects, as well as the results from the secondary data obtained via documentation analysis, showed that management through an organizational structure with teams has an extremely favorable effect on the effectiveness of introducing changes for the purpose of achieving the school's goals and improving its efficiency. The results of the focus group of teachers and professional associates showed that the existing five teams are optimal both in terms of number and area of work. As advantages of teamwork in the process of introducing changes, focus group participants from the ranks of teachers and professional associates point out a significantly improved school culture as well as a clearer division of roles, parallel improvement in the several areas of the school's work, introduced modern methods in working with students, greater efficiency due to team synergy, distributive and transformational leadership, satisfaction of higher-order needs, innovation, greater togetherness and sense of belonging and other. When it comes to disadvantages, it is pointed out that the introduction of teams is also a demanding change, unequal engagement of team members, difficulties in delegating work to members, no less freedom to choose a team for members and the need even better communication of purpose on the part of the director, i.e. leading the transformation process and the spontaneous opening of new fronts. The opinion of the parents of the students of the focus group participants largely agrees with the opinion of the focus group participants from the ranks of teachers and professional associates. The school recognized the introduced change as a transformation, they believe that the tasks for the purpose of introducing the changes should be delegated to teachers and professional associates because the necessary changes were too large and included several areas of work to be implemented without a team structure, as well as for the School to be able to react more effectively with teams in the changing environment. As well as the teachers and professional associates participating in the focus group, they advocate moderation, that is, a balance between the two approaches to introducing changes, broader and deeper. In contrast to the results of the focus group of teachers and professional associates, the parent participants of the focus group believe that the teams serve the school primarily to provide the resources that are lacking. As the main goal that was achieved thanks to the results of the teams, they emphasize the training of teachers, educators-rehabilitators for modern methods and the fact that the School obtained new equipment. The main conclusion is that all research participants want the existing teams to continue working, that the principal gets even more time for leadership and strategic development tasks by delegating tasks that can be delegated through teams. Also, that one should respect the cultural framework and choose priorities in accordance with the vision framework, but also constantly remain in balance with the environment. The changes in teaching are the most radical ones in school, but have the greatest impact on the quality of service. The School's key resource for introducing changes is the competence of the director and staff, which should therefore be ensured. Less
upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima
organizacijska kultura
organizacijska struktura
uvođenje promjena
Keywords (english)
human resources management
organizational culture
organizational structure
introducing changes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:516849
Study programme Title: Postgraduate specialist study in the management of an educational institution Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/ica vođenja i upravljanja odgojno-obrazovnom ustanovom (sveučilišni/a specijalist/ica vođenja i upravljanja odgojno-obrazovnom ustanovom)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-06-19 08:14:08