Abstract | Otok Rab nalazi se u sjevernom Jadranu, između otoka Krka, Cresa i Paga. Svojim iznimnim ljepotama, geografskim položajem, klimom te bogatstvom biljnog i životinjskog svijeta, odavno budi interes mnogih istraživača flore i faune. Svrha ovoga rada bio je napraviti cjelovit pregled flore, vegetacije i faune otoka Raba i okolnog mora. Prikupljeni su i analizirani svi dostupni podaci, Flora Croatica Database za floru, internetska baze podataka (Bioportal) za vegetaciju i zaštićena područja, te svi dostupni literaturni izvori za faunu. Prema literaturnim podacima flora otoka Raba broji 633 svojte, od kojih je 28 endemskih svojti, a 44 vrste su ugrožene (16 kritično ugroženih, 10 ugroženih, 18 osjetljivih vrsta). U vegetaciji otoka Raba najzastupljeniji su submediteranski i epimediteranski suhi travnjaci, mješovite šume i makija hrasta crnike, nasadi četinjača i mozaici kultiviranih površina. Prema literaturnim podacima u kopnenoj fauni otoka Raba ukupno je zabilježeno 209 vrsta kralježnjaka: 161 vrsta ptica, 27 vrsta sisavaca, 16 vrsta gmazova i 5 vrsta vodozemaca. Morska fauna otoka Raba je raznolika s više od 500 vrsta, od čega je 195 vrsta riba, 126 vrsta puževa, 4 vrste zaštićenih rakova, 100 vrsta školjkaša i 6 vrsta ramenonošaca. Ovim radom po prvi puta je napravljen sustavni pregled raznolikosti flore, vegetacije i životinjskog svijeta te zaštićenih područja otoka Raba i okolnog mora. |
Abstract (english) | The island of Rab is located in the Kvarner Bay in the northern Adriatic (Croatia), between the islands of Krk, Cres and Pag. With its exceptional beauty, geographical location, climate and rich flora and fauna, it has long attracted the interest of many researchers of flora and fauna. The objective of this papir was to make a systematic review of the flora, vegetation and fauna of the island of Rab and the surrounding sea. All available data, Flora Croatica Database, Bioportal databases for vegetation and protected areas, and all available literature sources for fauna were collected and analyzed. According to literature data, the flora of the island of Rab has 633 taxa, of which 28 are endemic, while 44 species are endangered (16 critically endangered, 10 endangered, 18 vulnerable species). The vegetation of the Rab Island is dominated by submediterranean and epimediterranean dry grasslands, mixed oak forests and maquis, conifer plantations and mosaics of cultivated areas. According to literature data, a total of 209 species of vertebrates have been recorded in the terrestrial fauna of the island, with 161 bird, 27 mammal, 16 reptile and 5 amphibian species. The marine fauna Kvarner Bay is diverse with more than 500 species, of which 195 fish species, 126 species of snails, 4 species of protected crustaceans, 100 species of bivalves and 6 species of brachiopods. This work is first systematic review of the flora, vegetation, fauna and protected areas of the Rab Island and the surrounding sea. |