Title Fraseologia comparativa : las unidades fraseológicas con el componente gato en español y croata
Title (english) Comparative Phraseology : Idioms with the Component of Cat in Spanish and Croatian
Title (croatian) Poredbena frazeologija : frazemi sa sastavnicom mačka u španjolskom i hrvatskom
Author Matea Petrović
Mentor Ivana Lončar (mentor)
Committee member Stijepo Stjepović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Zovko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-10-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Abstract El objetivo principal de la investigación fraseológica, en este estudio, es comparación de dos sistemas fraseológicos, tanto del punto teórico como de aquel práctico. Por lo tanto, en los primeros capítulos podemos observar la fraseología, sus normas y características en la teoría, tanto aquella croata como española. Ya en esta altura notamos diferentes concepciones sobre la fraseología, sobretodo en cuanto a la organización y sistematización de las unidades fraseológicas. En la parte teórica podemos observar los inicios de fraseología, su evolución y las teorías más aceptadas hoy en día. La clasificación de las unidades fraseológicas como también las normas y características de la fraseología croata y española diferencian en gran medida. Por lo tanto, el análisis de las unidades fraseológicas, en este trabajo, se basa en las normas establecidas por Corpas Pastor.
En la parte práctica, analizamos el corpus coleccionado, es decir todas las unidades fraseológicas que contienen la palabra gato tanto en croata como en español. Cada unidad fraseológica es descrita de manera que se ofrecen informaciones sobre la tipología de la unidad fraseológica, los equivalentes establecidos, los ejemplos de uso de la unidad fraseológica y los significados que se le asocian. Por lo tanto, la ficha lexicográfica es muy bien elaborada, las unidades fraseológicas se organizan en dos "diccionarios" el croata-español y el español-croata. En la ultima parte del estudio, las unidades fraseológicas, elaboradas en la ficha lexicográfica, se organizan, una vez más, en una lista, donde cada unidad fraseológica es representada a través de lsignificado y la traducción literal.
Abstract (english) The main goal of this study is the comparison between two phraseology systems in both practical and theoretical contexts. In the very beginning of this work, these two systems are differing in some important patterns in theory. Starting with introduction, evolution of the phraseology, the most accepted theories regarding the definition and classification of idioms we can appreciate different point of views and different ways of organization of the groups to which the idioms belong. Therefore, a theoretical basis of this study is, mostly, the one according to Corpas Pastor. To avoid any conflicts in definition and delimitation of the idioms, the analysis is based upon standards determined by Corpas Pastor.On the other hand, the practical part of this study is based on the rules and standards represented in the theory. The analysis has three aspects, semantic, syntactic and translational. The selected corpus is formed of those idioms which contain the component of cat in Spanish and Croatian language. The corpus is organized in two kind of dictionaries, Spanish Croatian and Croatian Spanish. In these dictionaries every idioms it's represented with the equivalent, the literal translation, the typology, the meaning and examples of use. Analyzed idioms are represented also in annex, the list of idioms in Spanish and Croatian, described by their meaning and literal translation.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj rad ima za cilj, prije svega, usporediti dva frazeološka sustava koja se u
mnogome razlikuju jedan od drugog. Ta usporedba se odnosi kako na teorijski tako i
na praktični dio. Na samom početku, kroz uvod u tematiku i daljnja poglavlja,
predstavljen je razvoj frazeologije, početci, povijest, karakteristike i način unutarnje
organizacije odnosno klasifikacije frazema, kako u hrvatskoj tako i u španjolskoj
frazeologiji. Kao što smo već spomenuli, ova dva sustava organizacije frazema se bitno
razlikuju i prema tome ovaj rad se oslanja većinom na norme i podjelu frazema koje
je obradila španjolska lingvistica Corpas Pastor. Teorijski dio nas uvodi u daljnju
podrobniju analizu frazema, kao i njihov opis u frazeološkim natuknicama.
U drugom dijelu rada, korpus, odnosno skup frazema se analizira prema
normama, koje smo predstavili u teoriji, bilo na sintaktičkom, semantičkom ili
traduktološkom planu. Svaki frazem koji se analizira, sadrži riječ gato odnosno mačka
u svim svojim oblicima. Nadalje, svaki frazem je opisan u frazeološkoj natuknici, koja
sadrži tipologiju frazema, njegovo značenje, doslovni prijevod, ekvivalent i primjere
odnosno reprezentativni kontekst u kojem se koristi. Korpus frazema na španjlskom i
hrvatskom jeziku je organiziran u dva „rječnika“, španjolsko-hrvatski i hrvatskošpanjolski.
Primjeri frazema iz frazeološke natuknice su analizirani s tri aspekta, prvi
je semantički, drugi sintaktički i treći traduktološki. Na kraju samog rada, frazemi su
predstavljeni u aneksu, koji sadrži njihovo značenje, doslovni prijevod i ekvivalent.
fraseología comparativa
la componente gato
Keywords (english)
comparative phraseology
the component of cat
Keywords (croatian)
komparativna frazeologija
sastavnica mačka
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:640676
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: general direction (double major) Course: general direction (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-12-21 12:34:38