Title Vanjskopolitičko pozicioniranje Republike Hrvatske kao nove članice Europske unije 2013. – 2018.
Title (english) Foreign Policy Positioning of the Republic of Croatia as a New Member State of the European Union 2013 – 2018
Author Andrej Rendić
Mentor Damir Mladic (mentor) MBZ: 226975
Committee member Stipe Buzar (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 346675
Committee member Zvjezdan Penezić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 230630
Committee member Višeslav Raos (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 311413
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 327 - International relations. World, global politics. International affairs. Foreign policy
Abstract Ovaj doktorski rad analizira vanjskopolitičko pozicioniranje Republike Hrvatske, kao nove članice Europske unije od 2013. do 2018. godine, u međunarodnim odnosima s aspekta malih država. Male države, s obzirom na svoje okruženje i prioritete svoje vanjske politike koja se svodi na stalnu dvojbu između utjecaja i neovisnosti, raspolažu različitim strategijama. Republika Hrvatska je 1. srpnja 2013. godine postala punopravna članica Europske unije, čime se promijenio i njezin geopolitički položaj. Vanjskopolitičko pozicioniranje Republike Hrvatske analizirano je kvalitativno i kvantitativno. Opisano je promatrano razdoblje i prikupljeni su podatci potrebni za kvantitativnu analizu, a korištenjem statističkih metoda korelacije i linearne regresije analizirana je diplomatska aktivnost s ciljem određivanja fokusa vanjske politike Republike Hrvatske. Izmjerena diplomatska aktivnost linearnom regresijom kreira tzv. rezidualni model za interpretaciju i vrednovanje diplomatske aktivnosti. Rezidualni ostatak korištenjem izmjerene i prediktabilne diplomatske aktivnosti vrednuje trenutačni fokus diplomatske aktivnosti na način da je razvrstava u sljedeće tri skupine: neočekivano intenzivnu, očekivano intenzivnu te iznimno nisku (potkapacitiranu). Na temelju ovog modela donose se zaključci o smjeru i trenutačnom fokusu vanjske politike Republike Hrvatske. Analiza je pokazala usredotočenu intenzivnu diplomatsku aktivnost s Crnom Gorom, Albanijom, Ujedinjenim Kraljevstvom, Kosovom i Makedonijom, a potkapacitiranu s Nizozemskom, Španjolskom, Belgijom, Finskom i Portugalom, iz čega je moguće zaključiti da Republika Hrvatska kroz svoje diplomatske aktivnosti mnogo snažnije nastupa s pozicije članice NATO-a, a slabije s pozicije članice EU-a. Nadalje, analiziranjem hrvatske sigurnosne politike zaključeno je da Republika Hrvatska provodi kooperativnu sigurnosnu politiku i pritom se koristi svojim članstvom u NATO-u i partnerstvom sa SAD-om s ciljem učvršćivanja i jačanja svojega međunarodnog položaja, ali i ostvarivanja utjecaja u regiji u kojoj nastoji postati lider. Pritom se također koristi strategijom bandwagoning s ciljem svojeg pozicioniranja kao male sile unutar sfere interesa velike sile SAD-a.
Abstract (english) This dissertation approaches the foreign policy of the Republic of Croatia as a new memberstate of the European Union in the period from 2013 to 2018 through the lens of typical behavior of small states in international relations. Due to their respective surroundings, as well as their priorities in foreign affairs, which are nearly always reduced to the eternal struggle between influence and independence, small countries have several foreign policy strategies at their disposal. With the admission of the Republic of Croatia into the European Union on 1 July 2013 as a member state in full capacity, the country's geopolitical status markedly changed. This paper examines the external political allegiances of Croatia through a combined qualitativequantitative approach. It first describes the relevant time frame and gathers the data needed for a quantitative analysis. The quantitative analysis then employs statistical methods of correlation and linear regression ibn order to study diplomatic activity and identify the focus of Croatian foreign policies. In this part, the method of linear regression creates the so-called residual model for interpretation and evaluation of Croatian diplomatic activity, which breaks down the measured and predictable diplomatic activity in order to evaluate the current stream in diplomacy as being either unpredictably intensive, predictable, or extraordinarily low (undercapacitated). Such an approach generates firmly grounded conclusions about the direction and current focus of Croatian foreign policies. For example, it showcases intensive diplomatic activity with Montenegro, Albania, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Kosova and Macedonia, and undercapacitated diplomacy with the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Finland and Portugal. This leads one to conclude that Croatia quite heavily relies on its role as NATO-member. Furthermore, the analysis of Croatia's security policies indicates an overwhelmingly cooperative strategy in security-related issues, as the country prefers NATO's to UN-missions and contributes to them quite significantly for a country of its size, all with the aim of affirming and strengthening its international status. In terms of its global positioning toward big powers' spheres of influence, Croatia utilizes its partnership with the USA and membership in the NATO to attain influence in that corner of the world where it strives to become a regional leader. In order to do that, it uses what is in political studies commonly referred to as bandwagoning strategy, in other words, it attempts to become a small power within the USA's sphere of interest.
male države
vanjskopolitičko pozicioniranje
strategije vanjske politike
mala sila
Keywords (english)
Croatian foreign policy
small states
foreign policy strategies
small power
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:753098
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Joint postgraduate doctoral study International Relations Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti iz područja društvenih znanost, polje interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti iz područja društvenih znanost, polje interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-11-23 11:50:56