Title Stvaranje online reputacije korištenja viralnog marketinga na primjeru Grada Zadra
Title (english) Creating an online reputation by using viral marketing on the example of the city of Zadar
Author Ivana Mijačika
Mentor Božena Krce Miočić (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Grzunov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-10-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Turizam je veliki pokretač svjetskih gospodarstava i kretanja populacije, te zemlja koja ima razvijen turizam dobiva određenu prepoznatljivost na tržištu. Kontinuirani razvoj informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u posljednjem desetljeću ima bitnu ulogu u razvoju turizma. Upravo je e-turizam pojam koji označava tu digitalizaciju svih procesa u turizmu. Grad Zadar ima bogatu turističku ponudu, od raznolike kulturne i prirode baštine do brojnih zabavnih aktivnosti te velikog izbora
... More smještajnih kapaciteta zbog koje turisti sve više posjećuju i ostaju u ovoj destinaciji. Ljudi danas sve više vremena provode na internetu te su se zbog toga i proizvođači proizvoda i/ili usluga okrenuli tom mediju kako bi privukli sve veći broj korisnika svojih usluga. Putem viralnog marketinga, organizacija ili destinacija može osigurati gotovo besplatnu promociju svojih proizvoda i/ili usluga i privući veliki broj novih korisnika. Bitno je samo imati dobro osmišljenu autentičnu priču koja će kod drugih potaknuti interes i biti im zanimljiva da će ju sami širiti dalje. Kod oglašavanja turističkih proizvoda i usluga na internetu moramo uzeti u obzir da su oni neopipljivi te da ih klijent može doživjeti tek kada dođe u destinaciju. Zbog toga većina voli istražiti i dobiti sve željene informacije na internetu prije kupnje određenog proizvoda ili usluge. Oglašavati se na internetu može putem web stranice, bannera, pop-up prozora, društvenih medija i tako dalje. Internet oglašavanje može biti vrlo uspješno samo je važno pratiti tržišne trendove i znati koja je određena ciljana skupina kojoj nudimo proizvod i/ili uslugu te što tu skupinu potiče na kupnju ili odluku o kupnji kako bi im mogli ponuditi relevantnu poruku koja će pokazati da ponuđač vodi računa o kupčevim željama. Turistička destinacija je krajnje odredište nekog putovanja gdje turist može pronaći sve aktivnosti zbog kojih je tu i došao. Oglašavanjem na Facebooku, ukoliko smo sve prije navedeno ispunili, možemo vrlo lako dosegnuti veliki broj novih potencijalnih kupaca. Do šire publike i do veće konkurentnosti na tržištu dolazimo i preko oglašavanja na Tripadvisoru i skupljanja dobrih recenzija jer će većina ljudi prije odluke o putovanju istražiti destinaciju i dojmove onih koji su ju već posjetili. Danas se destinacije, ako žele ostati konkurentne, moraju promovirati na društvenim medijima, a s promocijom se stvara i određena reputacija destinacije na internetu. Online reputaciju možemo pratiti te ukoliko postane negativna, možemo to na vrijeme uočiti i reagirati. Svaka turistička destinacija ima svoj imidž koji treba pratiti i težiti njegovom stalnom unaprjeđenju jer on može potaknuti zainteresiranost turista koji će na kraju tu destinaciju odabrati kao cilj putovanja. Less
Abstract (english) Tourism is a major mover of the world economy and the movement of the population, and a country that has developed tourism gets some recognition in the market. The continuous development of information and communication technologies in the last decade has had a significant role in the development of tourism. The e-tourism concept means the digitization of all processes in the tourism industry. The city of Zadar has a rich tourist offer, from diverse cultural and natural heritage to the
... More many fun activities and a large selection of accommodation, due to which tourists are increasingly visiting and remaining in this destination. People today spend more time on the Internet and therefore the manufacturers of products and/or services turned to this medium in order to attract an increasing number of users of its services. Through viral marketing, organization or destination can provide nearly free promotion of their products and/or services and attract large numbers of new users. The important thing is to have a well thought authentic story that will encourage interest in others so that they they themselves it spread further. In the advertising of tourism products and services on the Internet, we must take into account that they are intangible and that the client can only experience them when he comes to the destination. Therefore, most people like to explore and get all the desired information on the Internet before buying a particular product or service. Advertising on the Internet can be through a website, banners, pop-ups, social media and so on. Internet advertising can be very effective, it is only important to keep track of market trends and to know which specific target groups we want to provide product and/or service and what encourages this group of the purchase so that we can provide them with a relevant message that will show that the provider takes care of the customer's wishes. Tourist destination is the ultimate destination of a journey where tourists can find all of the activities for which they came there for. By advertising on Facebook, if we have completed all of the above, we can very easily reach a large number of new potential customers. One can also reach an even wider audience and achieve greater competitiveness level in the market through advertising on Tripadvisor and collecting good reviews because the majority of people like to explore the destination and impressions of those who had already visited it before deciding on a journey. Today, if the destination wants to stay competitive, it must promote through social media, and the promotion creates certain reputation of the destination on the Internet. Online reputation can be traced and if it becomes negative, it can be detected and reacted to in time. Every tourist destination has its own image, which should be monitored and one should strive for its constant improvement because it can stimulate the interest of tourists who will eventually choose the destination as the objective of their trip. Less
online reputacija
viralni marketing
internet oglašavanje
društveni mediji
turistička destinacija
Keywords (english)
online reputation
viral marketing
internet advertising
social media
tourist destination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:794017
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-12-12 12:07:02