Title Upitnik moralnog identiteta: Preliminarna validacija
Title (english) The Moral Identity Questionnaire: Preliminary validation
Author Nada Luetić
Mentor Ana Proroković (mentor)
Committee member Ana Proroković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Gregov (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Šimić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Pregledom dosadašnjih istraživanja koja su se bavila proučavanjem moralnog identiteta uočava se određena ograničenost metodoloških pristupa i to posebice kada je riječ o eksplicitnim mjernim metodama koje su dominantno bile usmjerene na ispitivanje samopercepcije vlastitih moralnih vrijednosti. U sklopu šireg istraživačkog projekta konstruiran je novi Upitnik moralnog identiteta koji, u odnosu na postojeće mjere, predstavlja konceptualno drugačiji pristup mjerenju moralnog identiteta. U skladu
... More s navedenim, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je napraviti preliminarnu validaciju novokonstruiranog Upitnika moralnog identiteta, što je uključivalo ispitivanje njegovih metrijskih karakteristika kao i provjeru nekih aspekata konvergentne i konkurentne valjanosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 520 sudionika pretežno studentske populacije (388 žena i 132 muškaraca) koji su ispunili Upitnik moralnog identiteta, Upitnik usporedbe moralnih vrijednosti u parovima te Upitnik sociodemografskih podataka. Obradom rezultata na Upitniku moralnog identiteta izračunata su dva osnovna parametra koji se odnose na snagu procjene (internalizacija moralnih vrijednosti) i broj odabira vrijednosti (konzistentnost u odabiranju moralnih vrijednosti). Rezultati su pokazali kako su mjere snaga procjene i broj odabira dva relativno nezavisna parametra moralnog identiteta s obzirom da se nisu pokazali značajno povezanima na većini moralnih vrijednosti. Mjera snage procjene i broja odabira pokazala se nisko pozitivno i negativno povezana unutar pojedinih konteksta različite težine na većini, odnosno svim moralnim vrijednostima što upućuje na prisutnost snažnog kontekstualnog efekta moralnih dilema. Slično, na izraziti kontekstualni efekt moralnih dilema upućuju utvrđene značajne pozitivne i negativne povezanosti između mjera snage procjene i broja odabira na pojedinim razinama konteksta i to na svim moralnim vrijednostima. Nadalje, utvrđene su značajne pozitivne povezanosti između mjere broja odabira na Upitniku moralnog identiteta i Upitniku usporedbe vrijednosti u parovima na gotovo svim moralnim vrijednostima što ukazuje na zadovoljavajuću konvergentnu valjanost navedenog parametra. Mjera snage procjene nije pokazala zadovoljavajuću konvergentnu valjanost s obzirom da se pokazala neznačajno povezana s mjerom broja odabira na Upitniku usporedbe vrijednosti u parovima na većini moralnih vrijednosti. Naposlijetku, parametri moralnog identiteta nisu pokazali zadovoljavajuću konkurentnu valjanost u odnosu na volonterski status sudionika s obzirom da su sudionici bez volonterskog iskustva postigli značajno više rezultate na mjeri snage procjene za vrijednost odanosti te na mjeri broja odabira za vrijednost odanosti i slobode u odnosu na sudionike koji su dosad volontirali. Konkurentna valjanost u odnosu na vjerski status sudionika donekle je zadovoljena s obzirom da su vjernici na mjeri snage procjene i/ili broja odabira postigli više rezultate na vrijednostima odanosti, slobode, poštovanja i odgovornosti u odnosu na sudionike koji se nisu izjasnili vjernicima, dok se suprotan smjer rezultata utvrdio za vrijednosti dobronamjernosti i istine. Slično, sudionici koji prakticiraju vjeru postigli su značajno više rezultate u odnosu na sudionike koji nisu vjernici na mjeri snage procjene za vrijednosti odanosti, slobode i poštovanja te na mjeri broja odabira za vrijednost odanosti i odgovornosti. Konačno, sudionici koji se nisu izjasnili vjernicima postigli su značajno više rezultate u odnosu na sudionike koji prakticiraju vjeru na mjeri snage procjene za vrijednost istine te na mjeri broja odabira za vrijednosti dobronamjernosti i poštovanja. Less
Abstract (english) An overview of previous research in domain of moral identity shows a certain limitation of methodological approaches, especially when it comes to explicit measurement methods that were dominantly focused on examining the self-perception of one's own moral values. As part of a broader research project a new Moral Identity Questionnaire was constructed, which, compared to existing measures, represents a conceptually different approach to measuring moral identity. In accordance with the above,
... More the goal of this research was to make a preliminary validation of the newly constructed Moral Identity Questionnaire, which included examining its metric characteristics as well as checking some aspects of convergent and competitive validity. 520 participants of the mostly student population (388 women and 132 men) took part in the research and filled out the Moral Identity Questionnaire, the Paired Moral Values Comparison Questionnaire and the Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire. By processing the results of the Moral Identity Questionnaire, two basic parameters related to the strenght of assessment (internalization of moral values) and the number of value choices (consistency in selecting moral values) were calculated. The results showed that the measures of the strength of assessment and the number of choices are two relatively independent parameters of moral identity, considering the established insignificant connections between the mentioned measures on the majority of moral values. The measure of assessment strength and number of choices was shown to be low, positively and negatively related within certain contexts of varying weight on most, that is, all moral values, which points to the presence of a strong contextual effect of moral dilemmas. Similarly, the strong contextual effect of moral dilemmas is indicated by the established significant positive and negative correlations between the measures of assessment strength and the number of choice at several levels of context and for all moral values. Furthermore, significant positive correlations were found between the measure of the number of choices on the Moral Identity Questionnaire and the Paired Values Comparison Questionnaire on almost all moral values, which indicates satisfactory convergent validity of the specified parameter. The measure of assessment strength did not demonstrate satisfactory convergent validity, given that it was found to be insignificantly related to the measure of the number of choices on the Paired Values Comparison Questionnaire on most moral values. Finally, the parameters of moral identity did not show satisfactory concurrent validity in relation to the volunteer status of the participants, considering that participants without volunteer experience achieved significantly higher results on the measure of the strength of assessment for the value of loyalty and on the measure of the number of choices for the value of loyalty and freedom compared to participants who have volunteered so far. Concurrent validity in relation to the religious status of the participants is satisfied to some extent, given that believers achieved higher results on the measure of the strength of assessment and/or the number of choices on the values of loyalty, freedom, respect and responsibility compared to participants who did not declare themselves believers, while found the opposite direction of results for the values of benevolence and truth. Similarly, religiously practicing participants scored significantly higher than nonreligious participants on a measure of assessment strength for the values of loyalty, freedom, and respect, and on a measure of the number of choices for the value of loyalty and responsibility. Finally, participants who did not declare themselves religious achieved significantly higher results compared to participants who practice religion on the measure of the strength of assessment for the value of truth and on the measure of the number of choices for the values of benevolence and respect. Less
moralni identitet
moralne vrijednosti
moralne dileme
Keywords (english)
moral identity
moral values
moral dilemmas
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:050929
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-11-15 12:07:34