Title Istraživanje stavova i percepcija studenata prilikom korištenja internetskog i mobilnog bankarstva u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Research of students’ attitudes and perceptions when using the Internet and mobile banking in the Republic of Croatia
Author Sara Abdagić
Mentor Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (mentor)
Committee member Jurica Grzunov (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Abstract Na putu od tradicionalnog k suvremenom bankarstvo je doživjelo teške, ali vrijedne promjene koje ostavljaju pozitivan učinak na svakog korisnika digitalnih usluga, a osobito na bankarski sektor koji svoje poslovanje podiže na veći nivo. Korisnici koji su skeptični po pitanju usluga internetskog i mobilnog bankarstva sve više prevladavaju taj strah i poklanjaju svoje povjerenje banci. Za banku je najbitnije ostvariti povjerenje svojih klijenata i stvoriti mrežu odnosa, koju će dalje nastaviti
... More graditi i nadograđivati novim procesima. Bankarski sektor Republike Hrvatske prošao je tranziciju, veliku ekonomsku krizu, konsolidaciju i u posljednjih 5 godina postigao stabilnost. Među zemljama Istočne Europe Republika Hrvatska nalazi se pri samom vrhu, a pokazatelj poslovanja i napretka su velike mreže poslovnica i bankomata. U uvodnom dijelu rada navedeni su ciljevi, hipoteze, sadržaj i metodologija istraživanja. U drugom poglavlju definiran je pojam bankarstva i povučena je paralela između tradicionalnog i suvremenog bankarstva, zatim je svaki od pojmova potkrijepljen najznačajnijim odrednicama i obilježjima. Internetsko bankarstvo je detaljno obrađeno u trećem poglavlju. Uz općenite informacije o internetskom bankarstvu analizirane su mrežne stranice pojedinih banaka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Fokus se stavio na europske zemlje koje bilježe visoko korištenje internetskog bankarstva, a to su: Finska, Nizozemska i Estonija. U četvrtom poglavlju navedeni su principi poslovanja, načini identifikacije korisnika te druga obilježja mobilnog bankarstva. Analizirane su mobilne aplikacije pojedinih banaka u Republici Hrvatskoj te su navedeni razlozi i činjenice zbog kojih je mobilno bankarstvo razvijeno u Njemačkoj, Finskoj i Velikoj Britaniji. Pitanje rizika i sigurnosti je veoma bitno i za banku i za klijenta te je detaljno obrađeno u petom poglavlju. Navedeni su rizici s kojima se korisnici mogu susresti, na koje stvari trebaju pripaziti i kako što sigurnije koristiti ove usluge. U šestom poglavlju je prikazana metodologija istraživanja u kojoj su od pet postavljenih hipoteza tri prihvaćene, a dvije odbačene. Na osnovu cjelokupnog istraživanja došlo se do zaključka da su internetsko i mobilno bankarstvo budućnost interakcije između klijenata i korisnika i da su izuzetno korisni za mlađe generacije, pa kao takvi imaju potencijala za daljnja istraživanja kojima će poslužiti navedena ograničenja i preporuke u radu. Less
Abstract (english) On the way from traditional to modern banking, banking has undergone difficult but valuable changes, which leave a positive effect on every user of digital services, and especially on the banking sector, which raises its operations to a higher level. Users who are skeptical about Internet and mobile banking services are increasingly overcoming that fear and placing their trust in the bank. The most important thing for the bank is to gain the trust of its clients, and to create a network of
... More relationships, which it will continue to build and upgrade with new processes. The banking sector of the Republic of Croatia has undergone a transition, a major economic crisis, consolidation and in the last 5 years has achieved stability. Among the countries of Eastern Europe, the Republic of Croatia is at the very top, and the indicator of business and progress is the large network of branches and ATMs. In the introductory part of the paper, the goals, hypotheses, content and methodology of the research are stated. In the second chapter, the concept of banking is defined, and a parallel is drawn between traditional and modern banking, then each of the concepts is supported by the most significant determinants and features. Internet banking is covered in detail in the third chapter. In addition to general information about Internet banking, the websites of individual banks in the Republic of Croatia were analyzed, and the focus was placed on European countries that record a high use of Internet banking, they are: Finland, the Netherlands and Estonia. In the fourth chapter, the business principles, user identification methods, and other features of mobile banking are listed. The mobile applications of individual banks in the Republic of Croatia were analyzed, and the reasons and facts for which mobile banking was developed in Germany, Finland and Great Britain were stated. The issue of risk and security is very important for both the bank and the client, and is covered in detail in the fifth chapter. The risks that users may encounter, what things they should watch out for and how to use these services as safely as possible are listed. In the sixth chapter, the research methodology is presented, in which of the five hypotheses, three were accepted and two were rejected. Based on the overall research, it was concluded that the Internet and mobile banking are the future of interaction between clients and users and that they are extremely useful for younger generations, and as such have potential for further research, which will be used by the mentioned limitations and recommendations in the work. Less
tradicionalno bankarstvo
suvremeno bankarstvo
internetsko bankarstvo
mobilno bankarstvo
stavovi korisnika
Keywords (english)
traditional banking
modern banking
Internet banking
mobile banking
user attitudes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:222566
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-11-08 11:47:31