Abstract | Karcinom je bolest za koju je karakteristična nekontrolirana dioba stanica i nenormalan rast stanica. Kemoterapija i radioterapija su najčešće metode lječenja karcioma. Kemoterapija uključuje upotrebu citostatika koji se opet mogu koristiti kao kombinacija lijekova ili pojedinačan lijek. Radioterapijom se promijenjene ćelije karcinoma ciljano zrače pomoću ionizirajućih zraka. Kemoterapija i radioterapija vrlo često uzrokuju brojne nuspojave jer uništavajući tumorske stanice, utječu i na normalne stanice. Prehrana i nutritivni status onkološkog pacijeta su vrlo bitni aspekti lječenja bolesti. Ostali su čimbenici ovisni o tome hoće li pacijent tijekom liječenja izgubiti ili dobiti na tjelesnoj masi. Režimi prehrane bi trebali biti personalizirani i zasnovani na dokazima. Preporučene doze mikronutrijenata bi se trebale zadovoljiti iz prehrambenih namirnica , a ukoliko postoji deficit određenog nutrijenta poželjno ga je nadomjestiti suplementima. Zbog same bolesti ili posljedica liječenja, pacijenti s karcinomom imaju povećani rizik od nastanka malnutricija. Mnogo je čimbenika povezanih s pojavom malnutricije, od dobi pacijenta, lokalizacije tumora, postojanja metastaza, metoda liječenja. Kemoterapija i radioterapija značajno utječu na rizik od malnutricija, uglavnom zbog nuspojava koje mogu biti uzrokovane neselektivnim liječenjem. Stariji bolesnici i bolesnici s uznapredovalom bolešću imaju veći rizik od nastanka malnutricije. Učinak kombinirane tumorske terapije može uzrokovati simptome kao što su bol, umor, suhoća u ustima i rane na ustima, disfagija, gusta slina, mučnina, povraćanje, zatvor i proljev uzrokovan infekcijom ili malapsorpcijom. Ovakva stanja dovode do smanjenog unosa hrane i gubitka težine. Vodeći uzroci smanjenog unosa hrane su gubitak osjetila mirisa i okusa, te gubitak apetita. Onkološki pacijenti se suočavaju sa brojnim promjenama u svom prehrambenom statusu, stoga je bitno definirati ključne pojmove kao što su: anoreksija, malnutricija uzrokovana bolešću, kaheksija, prekaheksija, sarkopenija, te sarkopenična pretilost. Cilj ovog završnog rada je predstaviti način ishrane kod onkoloških bolesnika, te manifestiranje malnutricija i preventiranje nastanka istih. |
Abstract (english) | Cancer is a disease which is characterized by abnormal growth and uncontrolled cell division. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the most common treatment methods used in antitumor therapy. Systemic antitumor therapy such as chemotherapy, that involves the use of cytostatics which can again be used as a combination of drugs or as a single drug. Altered cancer cells are targeted by radiotherapy with the help of ionizing radiation. Because this treatment destroys the cells that divide the fastest, so can other normal cells that often divide in the body, because there are many side effects caused by chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy. Nutrition and nutritional status of the patient are an important aspect in ontological care. Other measures depend on whether patient lose or gain weight during treatment. Diet regimens should be personalized and evidence-based. It is necessary for micronutrients to be satisfied with food aid, in case there is a deficiency of a certain nutrient which it is desirable to replace with supplements. Due to the same diseases or treatment consequences, cancer patients increase the risk of developing malnutrition. There are many factors associated with the occurrence of malnutrition, from the localization of the tumor, the existence of metastases, the age of the patient, the method of threatment. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a combination of these significantly affects the risk of malnutrition, mainly due to side effects that may be caused by non-selective treatment. Elderly patients and patients with advanced disease have a higher risk of developing malnutrition. The effect of combination tumor therapies can cause symptoms such as pain, fatigue, dry mouth and sores on the mouth, dysphagia, thick saliva, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea caused by infection or malabsorption. These conditions cause patients to have less and thus lose weight. As the main reasons for avoiding food patients cite loss of smell and taste and loss of appetite. In order to better understand the condition in which individual patients may find themselves with regard to changes in their nutritional status, key terms must first be defined, namely: anorexia, disease-induced malnutrition, cachexia, precahexia, sarcopenia, and sarcopenic obesity.The presentation the diet in cancer patients, the manifestation of malnutrition and prevention of their occurrence is the aim of this final paper. |