Abstract | U ovom prvostupničkom radu govorit će se o starokršćanskoj topografiji ninskog područja. Radi se o užem području oko antičke Aenone koji obuhvaća prostor Zatona, Privlake, Vira, Nina, Vrsi i Ljupča. Sam grad Nin kršćanstvo je dočekalo kao urbana i dobro povezana sredina te se pretpostavlja da je kršćanstvo prihvaćeno već možda od 4. stoljeća. Prva istraživanja vršena su već od 1843. godine pod rukovodstvom P. Sticottija na prostoru župne crkve u Ninu. Od tada slijede neprekidna istraživanja u cilju otkrivanja povijesne slike ninskog područja starokršćanskog horizonta. Najmlađi istraživanji lokalitet je Smratine na otoku Viru od 2013. do 2018. godine. Crkva sv. Ansela u Ninu nastala je na prostoru rimske stambene kuće na prijelazu iz 4. u 5. stoljeće te se smatra da je crkva bila prvi oratorij u gradu Ninu. O crkvi sv. Marije u Ninu doznajemo samo iz povijesnih izvora koji su dijelom izgubljeni. Crkva sv. Mihovila nastala je na ostacima antičkog hrama. Oko nje se još uvijek vodi rasprava, ali postoji mogućnost da se radi o starokršćanskoj crkvi. Osim građevina treba spomenuti i pokretne arheološke nalaze iz okolice crkve sv. Križa. Radi se o dvije uljanice i jednom staklenom žetonu za igru s kršćanskim motivima. Uljanice su prema njihovoj analogiji datirane u 5. i prvu polovinu 6. stoljeća. Tzv „Objekt b“ kod crkve sv. Andrije smatran je prvim oratorijem tijekom 4. i 5. stoljeća na području Zatona. On postaje premalen za sve više kršćana te se iz tog razloga gradi veća crkva sv. Andrije. Zidove crkve sv. Barbare u Privlaci uočio je L. Jelić, te ih je i nacrtao. Na otoku Viru imamo dvije crkve, jednu mlađu, a drugu stariju priljubljenih zidova. U Vrsima pronađene su dvije rimske prostorije s eksedrom. Za jednu se pretpostavlja da se radi o adaptiranoj starokršćanskoj građevini. Nad njihovim ostacima izgradila se crkva sv. Jakova. U Ninskim Stanovima nalazi se crkva sv. Kuzme i Damjana. Za nju se pretpostavlja da ima povijesni kontinuitet štovanja. Mada ostaci crkve nisu pronađeni arhitektonski ulomci upućuju na takvo mišljenje. Na lokalitetu Glavčine u Podvršju nalaze se dvojne crkve s pomoćnim prostorijama. Najbolje istraženi lokaliteti područja koje je gravitiralo antičkoj Aenoni su svakako sv. Ansel u gradu Ninu, sv. Andrija u Zatonu, lokalitet Podvršje-Glavčine i sv. Martin na otoku Viru. Ostali lokaliteti poznati su na temelju kratkotrajnog arheološkog istraživanja i rekognosciranja terena, te se da zaključiti da slika starokršćanskih lokaliteta ovog područja nije još sasvim jasna. Međutim otkrivena je raznolikost tipologije arhitekture, otkriveno je dosta zanimljivih i reprezentativnih nalaza, od pokretnih nalaza do krsnih zdenaca, te činjenicu da su neke crkve imale i grobišnu funkciju. |
Abstract (english) | In this bachelor's thesis, we will talk about the early Christian topography of the Nin area. It is a narrow area around the ancient Aenon, which includes the area of Zaton, Privlaka, Vir, Nin, Vrsi and Ljupca. The town of Nin itself welcomed Christianity as an urban and well-connected environment, and it is assumed that Christianity has been accepted since perhaps the 4th century. The first excavations were carried out as early as 1843 under the direction of P. Sticotti in the area of the parish church in Nin. Since then, continuous research has followed in order to discover the historical picture of the Nin area of the early Christian horizon. The youngest research site is Smratine on the island of Vir from 2013 to 2018.
Church of St. Ansela in Nin was built on the site of a Roman residential building at the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries, and the church is considered to have been the first oratory in the town of Nin. We learn about the curch of St. Mary in Nin only from historical sources that are partly lost. The Church of St. Mihovil was built on the remains of an ancient temple. It is still debated, but there is a possibility that it is an early Christian church. In addition to the buildings, we should also mention the movable archeological finds from the vicinity of the church of St. Crisis. It is about two oil lamps and one glass token for playing with Christian motifs. According to their analogy, oil lamps are dated to the 5th and the first half of the 6th century. The so-called "Object b" near the church of St. Andrew was considered the first oratory during the 4th and 5th centuries in the area of Zaton. It is becoming too small for more and more Christians and for this reason a larger church of St. Andrew was built. The walls of the church of St. Barbara in Privlaka were spotted by L. Jelić, who drew them. On the island of Vir there are two churches, one younger and the other older with attached walls. Two Roman rooms with an exedra were found in Vrsi. One is assumed to be an adapted early Christian building. Above their remains the church of St. Jacob was built. In Ninski Stanovi there is the church of St. Cosmas and Damian. It is presumed to have a historical continuity of worship. Although the remains of the church have not been found, architectural fragments suggest such an opinion. At the Glavčina site in Podvršje, there are double churches with auxiliary rooms. The best explored sites of the area that gravitated to ancient Aenona are certainly St. Ansel in the town of Nin, st. Andrija in Zaton, Podvršje-Glavčine locality and Sv. Martin on the island of Vir. Other sites are known on the basis of short-term archaeological research and reconnaissance of the terrain, and it can be concluded that the picture of early Christian sites in this area is not quite clear yet. However, the diversity of the typology of architecture was discovered, a lot of interesting and representative finds were discovered, too from movable finds to baptismal wells, and the fact that some churches also had a cemetery function. |