Abstract | Iako je prvobitna namjena Interneta bila razmjena informacija, odnosno komunikacija, s vremenom se Internet asimilirao u gotovo sve aspekte života. Stoga, Internet zasigurno ima veliki utjecaj na naše živote, osobito na društveni aspekt. U ovom istraživanju naglasak je bio upravo na društvenim aspektima problematičnog korištenja Interneta kojeg karakterizira neprilagođena zaokupljenost korištenjem Interneta, koja se doživljava kao nekontrolirana upotreba tijekom vremenskih razdoblja duljih od predviđenih i značajnih poteškoća koja proizlaze iz tog ponašanja. Shodno tome, glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati doprinos socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti, potrebe za pripadanjem, straha od propuštanja i sramežljivosti u objašnjenju problematičnog korištenja Interneta. Dodatni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je validirati Skalu potrebe za pripadanjem (Leary i sur., 2013) i Revidiranu Cheekovu i Bussovu skalu sramežljivosti (Rai, 2011) na uzorku hrvatskih studenata. Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću online obrasca na prigodnom uzorku koji se sastojao od 344 studenta/ice s područja Republike Hrvatske. Upitnik je sadržavao sljedeće skale: Skalu socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti (DiTomasso i Spinner, 1993), Skalu generaliziranog problematičnog korištenja Interneta 2 (Caplan, 2010), Revidiranu Cheekovu i Bussovu skalu sramežljivosti (Cheek i Buss, 1983), Skalu straha od propuštanja (Abel i sur., 2016) i Skalu potrebe za pripadanjem (Leary i sur., 2013). Istraživanjem je utvrđena jednofaktorska struktura Revidirane Cheekove i Bussove skale sramežljivosti (Rai, 2011) i Skale potrebe za pripadanjem (Leary i sur., 2013) na hrvatskom uzorku studenata/ica. Osim toga, utvrđeno je da je viša razina problematičnog korištenja Interneta predviđena višom razinom socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti, višom razinom straha od propuštanja (socijalna anksioznost i nisko samopoštovanje), višom razinom sramežljivosti i višom razinom potrebe za pripadanjem. Ipak, nakon uvođenja potrebe za pripadanjem u analizu, nisko samopoštovanje je postalo neznačajan prediktor problematičnog korištenja Interneta. |
Abstract (english) | Although the original purpose of the Internet was to exchange information, i.e. communication, over time it assimilated into almost all aspects of life. Therefore, the Internet certainly has a big effect on our lives, especially on the social aspect. In this research, the emphasis was placed on the social aspects of problematic Internet use, which is characterized by unadapted prepossession with Internet use, which is perceived as uncontrolled use over time periods longer than anticipated and significant difficulties arising from this behavior. Therefore, the main aim of this research was to examine the contribution of social and emotional loneliness, the need to belong, the fear of missing out, and shyness in explaining problematic Internet use. An additional aim of this study was to validate The Need to Belong Scale (Leary et al., 2013) and The Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (Rai, 2011) on a sample of Croatian students. The research was conducted using an online form on a convenient sample consisting of 344 Croatian students. The questionnaire contained the following scales: Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale (DiTomasso and Spinner, 1993), Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2, (Caplan, 2010), The Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (Cheek and Buss, 1983), Fear of Missing Out Scale (Abel et al., 2016),) and The Need to Belong Scale (Leary et al., 2013). The research confirmed the one-factor structure of the The Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (Rai, 2011) and The Need to Belong Scale (Leary et al., 2013) on the Croatian sample of students. In addition, results in this study showed that a higher level of problematic Internet use is predicted by a higher level of social and emotional loneliness, a higher level of fear of missing out (social anxiety and low self-esteem), a higher level of shyness, and a higher level of need to belong. Yet, after the introduction of the need to belong, low self-esteem became an insignificant predictor of problematic Internet use. |