Title Digitalno nomadstvo kao novi oblik poslovanja
Title (english) Digital nomadism as a new form of business
Author Jozo Barać
Mentor Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-10-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Putovanje je od početka razvoja svih civilizacija bilo neizostavan dio čovjekovog života. Osnovni motivi putovanja najčešće su bili promjena okoline, odmor, rekreacija, upoznavanje novih kultura i ljudi i slično. Danas ljudi najčešće putuju za vrijeme godišnjih odmora te se na taj način odmaraju i oporavljaju od stresne svakodnevice. Mnogima putovanje u tim količinama nije dovoljno te traže načine kako više putovati. Jedan od načina za više putovanja definitivno je digitalno nomadstvo. To je
... More pojam koji obuhvaća putovanje i upoznavanje različitih kultura diljem svijeta istovremeno zarađujući za život uz neizostavno posredovanje tehnologije i internetske veze. U ovom radu u uvodu su istaknuti ciljevi, sadržaj i metodologija istraživanja. Također su definirani problem i predmet istraživanja. U drugom poglavlju definiran je pojam digitalnog nomadstva te holistički pristup proučavanju tog pojma. Takav pristup obuhvaća okvire digitalnog nomadstva kao ekonomske aktivnosti ili modela, kao kulturnog fenomena i kao tehnološki omogućenog oblika rada. Prikazana su osnovna obilježja, pozitivne i negativne strane i najčešća zanimanja koja prakticiraju digitalni nomadi. Neka od tih zanimanja su stručnjak za marketing društvenih mreža, SEO stručnjak i e – trgovac digitalnih proizvoda. Također, prikazani su osnovni zakonodavni okviri diljem svijeta koji se tiču teme ovog rada. Valja istaknuti Republiku Hrvatsku kao zemlju koja je jasno definirala uvjete boravka digitalnih nomada na svom teritoriju izglasavanjem Zakona o strancima koji je na snazi od 1.1.2021. U trećem poglavlju prikazani su uvjeti razvoja destinacija za digitalne nomade. Osnovni preduvjeti razvoja takvih destinacija su brza i stabilna internetska veza, klimatski uvjeti i niski troškovi života. U tom poglavlju Republika Hrvatska stavljena je u svjetski kontekst takvih destinacija te se može smjestiti kao jedna od najpoželjnijih destinacija za digitalne nomade. Navedene su i osnovne mogućnosti i ograničenja razvoja takvih destinacija. U četvrtom poglavlju prikazana je metodologija istraživanja te je provedeno istraživanje nad 120 ispitanika putem online upitnika. Od tri postavljene hipoteze prva i treća hipoteza su prihvaćene, a druga hipoteza je odbačena. Na temelju cjelokupnog rada došlo se do osnovnih zaključaka o cjelokupnoj temi digitalnog nomadstva, razvoju destinacija u tom kontekstu te do brojnih istraživačkih zaključaka i preporuka za buduća istraživanja. Less
Abstract (english) Travel has been an indispensable part of human life since the beginning of the development of all civilizations. The main motives for the trip were usually a change of environment, rest, recreation, meeting new cultures and people. Today, people most often travel during the holidays which they use to rest and recover from stressful everyday life. However, for many, traveling in these quantities is not enough and they are looking for ways to travel more. One way to travel more is definitely
... More digital nomadism. It is a term that encompasses traveling and getting to know different cultures around the world while simultaneously earning a living with the inevitable mediation of technology and internet connection. In this paper, the introduction highlights the goals, content and methodology of the research. Also, the problem and the subject of research are defined. The second chapter defines the concept of digital nomadism and the holistic approach to the study of this concept. Such an approach encompasses the frameworks of digital nomadism as an economic activity or model, as a cultural phenomenon and as a technologically enabled form of work. It presents the basic characteristics, positive and negative sides and the most common occupations practiced by digital nomads. Some of these professions are social media marketing expert, SEO expert and e-retailer of digital products. Also, the basic legislative frameworks around the world concerning the topic of this paper are presented. The Republic of Croatia should be highlighted as a country that has clearly defined the conditions of stay of digital nomads on its territory by voting on the Foreigners Act, which has been valid since 1.1.2021. The third chapter presents the conditions for the development of destinations for digital nomads. The basic preconditions for the development of such destinations are fast and stable internet connection, climatic conditions and low cost of living. In this chapter, the Republic of Croatia is placed in the global context of such destinations and can be positioned as one of the most desirable destinations for digital nomads. Also, the basic possibilities and limitations of the development of such destinations are listed. In the fourth chapter, the research methodology is presented and a survey of 120 respondents was conducted through an online questionnaire. Of the three hypotheses set, the first and third hypotheses were accepted, while the second hypothesis was rejected. Based on the entire paper, basic conclusions were reached on the overall topic of digital nomadism, destination development in this context, and a number of research conclusions and recommendations for future research. Less
digitalno nomadstvo
rad na daljinu
autonomija u radu
Keywords (english)
digital nomadism
work autonomy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:229438
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-03 14:16:10