Title Ekspresionizam i primitivna umjetnost
Title (english) Expressionism and primitive art
Author Dijana Šimić
Mentor Vinko Srhoj (mentor)
Committee member Sofija Sorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vinko Srhoj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Butković Mićin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art
Abstract Ekspresionizam je umjetnički pravac s početka 20. stoljeća koji se pojavio na europskom području, a najznačajniji je za njemački i nordijski prostor tzv. sjevernjačke umjetnosti. Smatra se jednim od najbogatijih i najsloženijih umjetničkih pravaca zbog različitih izvora iz kojih je crpio inspiraciju (postimpresionistički umjetnici, primitivna umjetnost, filozof Friedrich Nietzsche, utemeljitelj psihoanalize Sigmund Freud i razni drugi izvori), ali i zbog novih ciljeva i stavova koje uvode u
... More umjetnost. Prva prava ekspresionistička skupina, "Die Brücke" (Most), nastaje u Dresdenu 1905. godine, a druga ekspresionistička grupa, "Der Blaue Reiter" (Plavi jahač) osnovana je u Münchenu 1911. godine te su one odredile avangardistička kretanja u Njemačkom Carstvu od početka 20. stoljeća do Prvog svjetskog rata. Primitivna umjetnost bila je središnje zanimanje modernih umjetnika, posebno ekspresionista te su najveći interes pokazali za plemensku umjetnost i kulturu. Ona uključuje afričku umjetnost (podsaharsku), oceansku umjetnost (pacifički otoci), aboridžinsku umjetnost (Australija) te plemensku umjetnost iz Amerike i jugoistočne Azije. Sam pojam 'primitivna umjetnost' prilično je neodređen, ali i etnocentričan te se odnosi na kulturne elemente 'primitivnih' naroda, odnosno onih naroda za koje se, prema zapadnim standardima, smatra da imaju relativno nisku razinu razvoja. No, bez obzira na takve predrasude, primitivna umjetnost je mnogo toga pridonijela modernoj umjetnosti, kao što je oslobađanje iz okova modernog čovjeka i pronalazak biti čovjekova bića, ali isto tako i oslobađanje umjetnosti iz okova akademizma i otvaranje puta eksperimentu te uvođenju novih elemenata (jednostavni oblici, apstraktne figure, geometrijski detalji, plošne proporcije dijelova tijela, živopisne boje i slično) čime su pomicali granice i stvarali poruke koje je društvo moralo dokučiti. Less
Abstract (english) Expressionism is an artistic direction from the beginning of the 20th century that appeared in Europe, and is most significant for the German and Nordic space, the so-called northern art. It is considered one of the richest and most complex artistic directions because of the various sources from which he drew inspiration (post-impressionist artists, primitive art, philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and various other sources), but also because of the
... More new goals and attitudes they introduce to art. The first true expressionist group, "Die Brücke" (Bridge), was formed in Dresden in 1905, and the second expressionist group, "Der Blaue Reiter" (Blue Rider), was founded in Munich in 1911, and they determined the avant-garde movements in the German Empire from the beginning of the 20th century to the First World War. Primitive art was the central interest of modern artists, especially expressionists, and they showed the greatest interest in tribal art and culture. It includes African art (sub-Saharan), ocean art (Pacific Islands), Aboriginal art (Australia), and tribal art from America and Southeast Asia. The very term 'primitive art' is rather vague, but also ethnocentric, and refers to the cultural elements of 'primitive' peoples, that is those peoples which, according to Western standards, are considered to have a relatively low level of development. But despite such prejudices, primitive art has contributed much to modern art, such as freeing oneself from the shackles of modern man and finding the essence of human beings, but also freeing art from the shackles of academism and paving the way for experimentation and the introduction of new elements (simple forms, abstract figures, geometric details, flat proportions of body parts, vivid colors, etc.) thus pushing boundaries and creating messages that society had to grasp. Less
"Die Brücke" (Most)
"Der Blaue Reiter" (Plavi jahač)
primitivna umjetnost
Keywords (english)
"Die Brücke" (Bridge)
"Der Blaue Reiter" (Blue Rider)
primitive art
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:135221
Study programme Title: History of Art Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/aprvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)povijesti umjetnosti (sveučilišni/aprvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-10-29 14:59:03