Abstract | Izbijanjem globalne pandemije tijekom 2020. godine, izazvane virusom COVID-19, zdravstveni sustavi diljem svijeta, pa tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj su postali iznimno dodatno opterećeni. Brzo širenje virusa doprinijelo je naglim promjenama i povećanju opsega posla, povećanju rizika od infekcije novim virusom te samim time i povećanju stresnosti radnih uvjeta. Takva situacija stavlja zdravstvene djelatnike u radni kontekst koji je obilježen iznimnim fizičkim i psihičkim naporima i ugrozama. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati neke aspekte opće i radne dobrobiti kod zdravstvenih djelatnika u Republici Hrvatskoj primjenom longitudinalnog nacrta mjerenja pri čemu su vrijednosti ispitivanih varijabli bilježene u dva vala pandemije (u svibnju te kroz studeni i prosinac 2020. godine). U ovom istraživanju opća dobrobit je mjerena samoprocjenama razine depresije, anksioznosti i stresa te mentalnog zdravlja, a radna razinama zadovoljstva poslom te sagorijevanja na poslu (koje uključuje otuđenost i iscrpljenost). S obzirom na epidemiološku situaciju, istraživanje je provedeno putem online verzije upitnika. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 92 zdravstvenih djelatnika iz 15 županija Republike Hrvatske. Od toga su žene činile 89.1% (N=82), a muškarci 10.8% (N=10). Od 92 ispitanika njih 88 (95.65%) su medicinske sestre/tehničari, a četvero su liječnici (4.35%). Rezultati su potvrdili hipotezu da će se razine depresije, anksioznosti i stresa povećati u drugom mjerenju u odnosu na prvo. Unatoč tome, razlika u razinama samorpocjene mentalnog zdravlja nije bila statistički značajna. Što se tiče varijabli vezanih za radnu dobrobit, statistički značajim se pokazao jedino porast vrijednosti u razinama iscrpljenosti. Razine otuđenosti se, suprotno očekivanjima nisu statistički značajno povećala, niti su se razine zadovoljstva poslom statistički značajno smanjile. Također, rezultati su pokazali da postoji povezanost između opće i radne dobrobiti. Odnosno povišene razine depresije, anksioznosti i stresa te manje razine mentalnog zdravlja su u pozitivnoj povezanosti sa višim razinama otuđenosti i iscrpljenosti, a u negativnoj povezanosti sa zadovoljstvom poslom. Nadalje, utvrđena je značajna međusobna povezanost konstrukata radne i opće dobrobiti između dvije toče mjerenja. Neke od varijabli radne dobrobiti iz prvog mjerenja bile su statistički značajno povezane s varijablama opće dobrobiti iz drugog mjerenja. |
Abstract (english) | With the outbreak of the global pandemic during the year 2020, induced by the COVID-19 virus, healthcare systems around the world, along with the one in the Republic of Croatia became extremely overloaded. The rapid spread of the virus contributed to sudden changes and expanded workload, increasing the risk of infection with a new virus and thus increasing the stressfulness of working conditions. Such a situation puts healthcare professionals into a working context that is marked by extreme physical and psychical efforts and threats. The aim of this study was to examine some aspects of general and work well-being among healthcare professionals in the Republic of Croatia by applying longitudinal study where the values of the examined variables were measured during the two pandemic waves (in May of 2020 and throughout November and December of 2020). In this study, the general well-being was measured with self-assessment levels of depression, anxiety, stress and mental health, while work well-being was measured with levels of job satisfaction and burnout at work (which includes disengagement and exhaustion). Considering the epidemiological situation, the study was conducted via an online version of the questionnaire. A total of 92 health professionals from 15 different counties of the Republic of Croatia participated in this study. 89.1% (N=82) of participants were female and 10.8% (N=10) of participants were male. Out of 92 participants, 88 (95.65%) of them were nurses/technicians, and four of them were doctors (4.35%). The results confirmed the hypothesis that the levels of depression, anxiety and stress increased in the second measurement compared to the first. Nevertheless, although there has been growth in mental health levels, the difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, the increase in exhaustion levels proved to be the only statistically significant difference between examined variables related to work well-being. The level of disengagement, contrary to expectations, did not increase statistically significantly nor did job satisfaction decrease statistically significantly. Also, the results have shown that there is, indeed a link between general and work well-being. Specifically, elevated levels of depression, anxiety and stress as well as lower levels of mental health are positively associated with higher levels of disengagement and exhaustion, and they are also in a negative correlation with job satisfaction. Furthermore, there was a significant interrelation of the constructs of work and general well-being between two measurements. Some of the variables of working well-being from the first measurement were statistically significantly associated with the variables of general well-being from the second measurement. |