Title Die Rolle der Frau in Theodor Fontanes Effi Briest
Title (croatian) Uloga žene u romanu Theodora Fontanea Effi Briest
Title (english) The role of women in Theodor Fontane Effi Briest
Author Rozalija Kaluža
Mentor Goran Lovrić (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Jeleč (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Lovrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikolina Miletić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract Theodor Fontane ist einer der bekanntesten deutschen realistischen Schriftsteller und Autor von vielen berühmten Werken wie Effi Briest, Irrungen, Wirrungen, L‘Adulteria, Cecile usw. Der Mittelpunkt diese Abschlussarbeit ist die Rolle der Frau in seinem Roman Effi Briest. Um überhaupt die Lage der Frauen im 19. Jahrhundert zu besprechen, ist es sehr wichtig, die sozialen, historischen und politischen Fakten zu kennen, denn es handelt sich um eine der interessantesten Epochen der deutschen Geschichte und der Wilhelmis-Bismarckischen Ära. Die Inspiration für dieses Werk war eine wahre Geschichte, die Fontane gehört hat, und zwar den Ardenne-Skandal, in dem es um eine Ehetragödie geht. Effi, die Hauptfigur des Romans, befindet sich in einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen ihren Wünschen, Gefühlen und Instinkten und den gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen und Konventionen. Sie musste einen viel älteren Mann heiraten, den Baron Geert von Innstetten, den sie weder kannte noch liebte. Es handelte sich um eine einvernehmliche Ehe, die ihr Prosperität und ein „gutes“ Leben bringen würde, aber in Wirklichkeit war ihr Leben alles andere als ideal. Sie kämpfte gegen sich selbst, gegen ihre eigenen Überzeugungen und versuchte eine gute und vorbildliche Frau zu sein. Aber, als sie den Major von Crampas kennenlernte, war das alles nicht mehr möglich, denn sie entdeckte in ihm die Liebe und Leidenschaft, die Zärtlichkeit, die ihr fehlte. Das resultierte mit ihrem endgültigen Ende – mit dem Ehebruch, ihren sozialen Tod und der Trennung von ihrer Tochter.
Abstract (croatian) Theodor Fontane je jedan od najpoznatijih njemačkih pisaca realizma i autor poznatih djela poput Effi Briest, Irrungen, Wirrungen, L’Adulteria, Cecile itd. U središtu ovog završnog rada je uloga žene u njegovu romanu Effi Briest. Da bi se uopće moglo dalje pričati o položaju žena u 19. stoljeću, važno je poznavati društvene, povijesne i političke činjenice, jer se radi o jednoj od najzanimljivijih epoha njemačke povijesti. Inspiracija za ovo djelo bila je stvarna priča koju je Fontane čuo. Naime, radi se o skandalu Ardenne, u kojemu se radi o bračnoj tragediji. Effi, glavni lik romana, nalazi se u sukobu između svojih želja, osjećaja i instinkta te društvenih očekivanja i konvencija. Morala se udati za mnogo starijeg čovjeka, baruna Geerta von Innstettena, kojeg nije niti znala, niti voljela. Bio je to sporazumni brak koji joj je trebao donijeti prosperitet i "dobar" život, ali u stvarnosti njen život je bio sve samo ne idealan. Borila se protiv sebe, protiv vlastitih uvjerenja i pokušala biti dobra i uzorna žena. No kad je upoznala bojnika von Crampasa, ništa od toga više nije bilo moguće jer je s njime otkrila ljubav i strast, nježnost koja joj je nedostajala. To je rezultiralo njezinim konačnim krajem - preljubom, društvenom smrću i odvajanjem od kćeri.
Abstract (english) Theodor Fontane is one of the most famous German realistic writers and author of many famous works such as Effi Briest, Irrungen, Wirrungen, L'Adulteria, Cecile etc. The main thesis in this assigment is the role of women in his novel Effi Briest. In order to talk about the situation of women in the 19th century at all, it is very important to know the social, historical and political facts, because it is one of the most interesting epochs in German history. The inspiration for this work was a real story that Fontane heard. Namely, it's the Ardenne scandal, which was a marriage tragedy. Effi, the main character of the novel, finds herself in an argument between her desires, feelings and instincts and social expectations and conventions. She had to marry a much older man, the baron Geert von Innstetten, whom she neither knew nor loved. It was a consensual marriage that would bring her prosperity and a “good” life, but in reality, her life was anything but ideal. She fought against herself, against her own convictions and tried to be a good and exemplary woman. But when she got to know the Major von Crampas, none of this was possible anymore, because she discovered in him the love and passion, the tenderness that she lacked. This resulted in her ultimate end - adultery, social death, and separation from her daughter.
Theodor Fontane
Effi Briest
gesellschaftliche Konventionen
Keywords (croatian)
Theodor Fontane
Effi Briest
uloga žena
društvene konvencije
Keywords (english)
Theodor Fontane
Effi Briest
the role of women
social conventions
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:599666
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) njemačkoga jezika i književnosti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) njemačkoga jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-01 17:13:08