Title La religion et la scienze dans le roman Lourdes d'Emile Zola
Title (croatian) Religija i znanost u romanu Lurd od Emila Zole
Title (english) Religion and science in the novel Lourdes by Emile Zola
Author Monika Budimir
Mentor Patrick Levačić (mentor)
Committee member Mirna Sindičić Sabljo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Patrick Levačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Frano Vrančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-10-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Romance Studies
Abstract Le thème principale de ce mémoire de master est l'analyse du roman Lourdes. On analyse
aussi le point de vue de l'auteur, sur la ville, les personnages qui se trouvent là, leur désir de
guérir, et l'influence de la foi sur leur guérison. Le roman suit les destins d'un jeune prêtre, son
amie d'enfance Marie et autres malades . Dans le roman les maladies sont presentés, dans la
majorité de cas, d'origine hysterique, et comme hallucination. Même l'Apparition de la Saint
Vierge à Bernadette Soubirous était, a son avis, une immagination infantile, hallucination,
causé par une lecture excessive de la Bible. Le but de son roman était de glorifier la science et
de la poser comme une religion nouvelle. Le problème est que Zola n'a pas donné des faits
réels. Ces faits irréels sont confirmés par les personnes qui étaient enqueté par Zola quand il
preparait la base pour son roman.
Abstract (croatian) Tema ovog diplomskog rada je analizirati roman Lurd od Emila Zole. Svećenik Pierre je
glavni lik ovog romana i preko njega saznajemo autorove stavove o čudesnim ozdravljenjima
te utjecaj vjere na iste. On baš poput nevjernog Tome ne želi povjerovati u postojanje bilo
kakvog čuda dok se ne uvjeri na vlastite oči. Iako njegova prijateljica iz djetinjstva u koju je
potajno zaljubljen na kraju romana ozdravlja, Pierre ostaje u još dubljoj tuzi jer shvaća da mu
njezino ozdravljenje ne donosi ništa drugo doli još dublju patnju jer je ona napokon postala
žena koja će se moći skrasiti s drugim, a on ostaje i dalje svećenik bez vjere kakav je i došao.
Zola u romanu iskrivljuje činjenice. Trenutna ozdravljenja nije prikazao takvima, a neka je
potpuno zanijekao. Pitamo se dakle, s kojim ciljem? Pa odgovor je vrlo jednostavan. Naime,
Zola dolazi u Lurd potvrditi neke novonastale znanstvene pretpostavke, a publici obećava da
odlazi u Lurd saznati istinu koja će biti vjerno prikazana u romanu. Idealnog li trenutka za
proglasiti se znanstvenikom! Ozdravljenja, po njegovom mišljenju nastaju autosugestijom.
Budući da mu ono što je tamo vidio nije išlo u prilog, čitatelja uvjerava kako su „izlječene
bolesti“ zapravo bile samo halucinacije te da su se neke vratile na kraju hodočašća. Čak i
Gospino Ukazanje mladoj Bernadetti naziva običnom halucinacijom nastalom od pretjeranog
čitanja Biblije. Pierre na kraju romana otkriva kako je njegova nova religija znanost.
Sve navdene neznanstvene činjenice u romanu potvrđene su svjedočanstvima onih s kojima je
Zola došao u kontakt dok je obavljao anketu koja mu je trebala biti temelj za roman.
Abstract (english) The main theme of this master thesis is the analysis of the novel Lourdes. Through the main
character, the priest Pierre, we see Zola's point of view about the town of Lourdes, the
characters that are there, their desire to heal, and the influence of faith on their healing. The
novel follows the story of the young priest Pierre, his friend Mary and other patients.They all
pray for a miracle.
In the novel diseases are present, in most cases with hysterical origin, and as hallucinations.
According to the novel, even the Apparition of the Holy Virgin at Bernadette Soubirous was
an immagination, hallucination, caused by excessive reading of the Bible. The purpose of the
novel was to glorify science and pose it as a new religion. The problem is that Zola didn't give
the real facts and the novel hasn't had much success. These unreals facts are confirmed by
those who were interviewed by the same Zola when he was preparing the basis for his novel.
Keywords (croatian)
čudesna ozdravljenja
Keywords (english)
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:657161
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-11-18 12:37:50