Title Traducción audiovisual: Análisis del lenguaje coloquial y soez en la película “Búfalo de la noche”
Title (croatian) Audiovizualno prevođenje: Analiza kolokvijalnog i vulgarnog govora u filmu Noćni bizon
Title (english) Audiovisual Translation: Analysis of Colloquial and Foul Language in the Movie Night Buffalo
Author Karmen Jerolimov
Mentor Ivana Zovko (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Zovko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Špadić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Hispanic and Iberian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract El trabajo fin de máster aborda la subtitulación, la modalidad de la traducción audiovisual más extendida a lo largo del mundo. Concretamente, abarca el análisis lingüístico de la traducción y subtitulación de una película juvenil mexicana con el principal enfoque en el lenguaje coloquial y el lenguaje soez usados en situaciones auténticas. En primer lugar, ofrecemos la parte teórica que define y explica las modalidades de la traducción audiovisual y, en especial, la subtitulación, dedicándonos a sus aspectos lingüísticos y técnicos, donde se enumeran también los métodos y ejemplos en el proceso de traducción. A continuación, se presenta la herramienta que se ha utilizado para ejecutar la subtitulación y los métodos de adaptación del texto traducido para los subtítulos. En la parte central del trabajo exponemos el tema del lenguaje coloquial a través de la variación lingüística, fórmulas de tratamiento, interjecciones y agramaticalidad, entre otros asuntos. Asimismo, se clasifica según determinadas categorías el lenguaje soez, cuyos términos a veces poseen significado ambiguo. Finalmente, se analizan dos aspectos primordiales mencionados, junto con varios otros conceptos lingüísticos, tales como la ortografía de nombres propios en la versión traducida, unidades fraseológicas, calcos y el procedimiento de naturalización en el proceso de traducción. El apéndice del trabajo ofrece la transcripción original de la película junto con la traducción.
Abstract (croatian) Rad se bavi podslovljavanjem, globalno najraširenijom vrstom audiovizualnog prevođenja. Sadrži lingvističku analizu prijevoda meksičkog filma za mlade s glavnim fokusom na kolokvijalnom i vulgarom govoru koji se koristi u autentičnim situacijama. Najprije nudimo teorijski okvir u kojem definiramo i objašnjavamo vrste audiovizualnog prevođenja, posebice podslovljavanje, te ističemo njegove lingvističke i tehničke aspekte, gdje se također navode metode i primjeri u procesu prevođenja. Isto tako, predstavljen je i alat korišten za podslovljavanje te metode primijenjene u prilagođavanju prevedenog teksta titlovima. U glavnom dijelu rada izlaže se uporaba kolokvijalnog govora, između ostalog kroz lingvističku varijaciju, načine obraćanja, usklike i neispravne gramatičke strukture. Osim toga, svrstavamo po kategorijama vulgarni jezik, čiji izrazi katkad posjeduju ambivalentno značenje. Naposljetku, analiziraju se dva navedena primarna aspekta, kao i nekoliko drugih lingvističkih koncepata, poput pisanja vlastitih imena u prijevodu, frazeoloških jedinica, kalkova i metode naturalizacije u procesu prevođenja. Rad sadrži i dodatak u obliku transkripcije i prijevoda filma.
Abstract (english) The thesis tackles the subtitling, the most widespread modality of the audiovisual translation on a global level. Concretely, it includes the linguistic analysis of the translation and subtitling of a Mexican adolescent movie with the principal focus on the colloquial and foul language used in authentic situations. Firstly, we offer the theoretic framework in which the modalities of the audiovisual translation, especially subtitling, are defined and explained along with its linguistic and technical aspects, where we also list the methods and examples in the process of the translation. In addition to that, the tool that has been used for executing the subtitling process is presented, as well as the methods implemented to adapt the translated text in order for it to suit the subtitles. In the thesis’ central part we engage in the topic of the colloquial language by the means of linguistic variation, direct addressing, interjections, incorrect grammar structures, among other issues. Besides, we classify the foul language according to determined categories, whereby the expressions of the bad language occasionally carry an ambiguous meaning. Ultimately, the two major aforementioned aspects are analyzed, along with other few linguistic concepts, such as spelling of personal names in the translated version, phraseological units, calques, and the means of naturalization in the translation process. The appendix of the thesis offers the original transcription of the film along with its translation.
traducción audiovisual
lenguaje coloquial
lenguaje soez
lenguaje tabú
variación lingüística
Subtitle Workshop
Keywords (croatian)
audiovizualno prevođenje
kolokvijalni govor
vulgarni govor
tabu izrazi
lingvistička varijacija
Subtitle Workshop
Keywords (english)
audiovisual translation
colloquial language
foul language
taboo language
linguistic variation
Subtitle Workshop
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:415900
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-10 10:08:33