Title Provjera hipoteze kontinuiteta mehanizama obrane pri budnom i lucidnom stanju svijesti
Title (english) Testing the continuity hypothesis of defense mechanisms in waking and lucid state of consciousness
Author Marija Ivanović
Mentor Nataša Šimić (mentor)
Committee member Anita Vulić Prtorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Šimić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Arta Dodaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Biological Psychology
Abstract Hipoteza kontinuiteta upućuje na sukladnost budnih iskustava sa snovima, a može se proučavati na više razina. Jedna od njih je i zrelost osobne emocionalne regulacije, koja se empirijski može ispitati pomoću obrambenih mehanizama. Proučavanje navedenih regulatora emocionalnih konflikata radom na snovima kako bi se ublažila razna psihosomatska stanja već je odavno prepoznato među redovima psihoanalitičara. Dodatni značaj ovo je područje dobilo sve većim znanstvenim interesom za lucidne snove. Nekonzistentnost dosadašnjih istraživanja glede njihove (mal)adaptivnosti po psihičko zdravlje ukazala je na potrebu da se ovom konstruktu pristupi multidimenzionalno. U tom smislu, dokazano je da nepovoljni ishodi po mentalno zdravlje nisu povezani sa samom sviješću da sanjamo, već s manjkom kontrole tijekom lucidnosti. Također, pokazalo se da korištenje nekih tehnika samoindukcije dugoročno predviđa povećanje na mjerama shizotipije i disocijacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati kontinuitet obrambenih mehanizama u budnom i lucidnom stanju svijesti. Istraživanje je provedeno online putem, a uzorak je činilo 665 sudionika. Primijenjeni Upitnik frekvencije i intenziteta lucidnosti (engl. Frequency and Intensity of Lucid Dreams Questionnaire, FILD), pokazao je zadovoljavajuće psihometrijske karakteristike. Rezultati ukazuju na pozitivnu povezanost psihopatološkog distresa s frekvencijom, odnosno negativnu s intenzitetom i emocijama vezanim uz lucidnost u snovima. Nadalje, glavnim rizičnim čimbenicima psihopatoloških simptoma pokazalo se negiranje, nezrele obrane te samoizazvana i produžena lucidnosti, dok su se zrele obrane i racionalizacija pokazale zaštitnim faktorima. Konačno, potvrđeno je da psihopatološki profil nelucidnih sanjača u odnosu na one niskog i visokog intenziteta lucidnosti doista jest bitno različit. Također, kada je riječ o induktivno lucidnim sanjačima, pozitivne emocije vezane sa lucidnost objašnjavaju razlike u broju buđenja, kvaliteti spavanja, želji za ponovnim lucidnim snom, smislenosti radnje te njenom dosjećanju. Generalno, rezultati potvrđuju
hipotezu kontinuiteta na više razina te upućuju da emocionalnost i indukcija lucidnosti predstavljaju potencijalno dominantne odrednice psihološke dobrobiti lucidnih sanjača. Navedeno predstavlja bitan odmak od dosadašnjih istraživanja koja su naglasak stavila na frekvenciju i intenzitet lucidnosti.
Abstract (english) The continuity hypothesis suggests the congruence of waking experiences with dreams and can be studied on multiple levels. One of them is the maturity of individual’s emotional regulation style, which can be empirically examined via defense mechanisms. Studying these regulators of emotional conflicts by working on dreams to alleviate various psychosomatic states has been recognized among psychoanalysts decades ago. This area has gained additional value with increased scientific interest in lucid dreams. However, since the majority of findings about their (mal)adaptability are inconsistent, some authors approached this construct multidimensionally. It has been clarified that adverse mental health outcomes are not related to the very consciousness of dreaming, but to a lack of control in lucidity. Also, it has been confirmed that the use of self-induction techniques predicts an longterm increase in schizotypy and dissociation. The aim of this study was to examine the continuity of defense mechanisms in the waking and lucid state of consciousness. The research was conducted online, and the results were analyzed on a sample of a 665 participants. Frequency and Intensity of Lucid Dreams Questionnaire (FILD) showed satisfactory psychometric characteristics. Results indicate a positive correlation between psychopatological distress with frequency and negative correlation with intensity and emotional valence in lucid dreams. Furthermore, the main risk factors for psychopathological symptoms are denial, immature defenses, self-induced and prolonged lucidity, while mature defenses and rationalization are the main protective factors. Finally, it was confirmed that the psychopathological profile of non-lucid dreamers is indeed significantly different from those of low- and high-intensity lucid dreamers. Also, when it comes to inductively lucid dreamers, positive emotions related to lucidity have explained the differences in the number of awakenings, the quality of sleep, the desire to re-lucid sleep, the meaningfulness of dream plot and its recall. In general, the results confirm the continuity hypothesis on several levels and suggest that emotionality and induction of lucidity are potentially dominant determinants of the psychological well-being of lucid dreamers. This represents a significant step forward from previous research focusing on lucidity frequency and intensity.
hipoteza kontinuiteta
obrambeni mehanizmi
lucidni snovi
psihopatološki simptomi
Keywords (english)
continuity hypothesis
defense mechanisms
lucid dreams
psychopathological symptoms
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:911264
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-11-06 14:11:09