Title Modeli podrške roditeljima djece s autizmom kroz Udrugu za autizam Zadar – očekivanja i iskustva
Title (english) Support Models for Parents of Children with autism through Zadar Association for Autism – Expectations and Experience
Author Orieta Marcelić
Mentor Smiljana Zrilić (mentor)
Committee member Diana Nenadić Bilan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Smiljana Zrilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Valjan Vukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-05-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Namjera ovog rada bila je ispitati stupanj zadovoljstva roditelja participacijom pomoći djeteta u Udruzi i doprinosu Udruge u napretku djece, njihova iskustva i očekivanja te napraviti usporedbu modela podrški između udruga u različitim gradovima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Modeli podrške za djecu iz spektra autizma (PSA) u Hrvatskoj se provode najčešće u posebnim ustanovama i jednim dijelom u udrugama koje se skrbe za takvu populaciju. Kod nas postoje pomaci u pružanju podrške, ali je to još
... More uvijek nedovoljno, a posebno na nivou lokalnih zajednica (Popčević, Ivšac Pavliša, Bohaček, Šimleša i Bašić, 2016). Osim podrški za djecu postoje podrške i za odrasle osobe ove populacije te podrške za njihove roditelje koje su važne u stvaranju kvalitete života istih te cijele obitelji. Polazilo se od sljedećih hipoteza: prva hipoteza je: roditelji čija djeca s autizmom sudjeluju u udrugama zadovoljni su s radom udruga, druga je: roditelji djece s autizmom imaju pozitivna iskustva, te očekuju bolji razvoj svog djeteta, zatim treća je da su roditelji svjesni kako je i njima samima potrebna pomoć udruge čiji su članovi/korisnici i četvrta hipoteza je da su modeli podrške u različitim gradovima u Republici Hrvatskoj različiti. Istraživanje se provodilo kroz online upitnik koji je sadržavao demografska pitanja o djeci i njihovim roditeljima, te o programima i duljini programa koje dijete pohađa, pitanja o stupnju zadovoljstva roditelja sa Udrugom, o očekivanju i iskustvu roditelja, o stupnju osviještenosti potrebe roditelja za pomoći te pitanja o modelima podrške koje koriste, a ispitanici su bili roditelji djece s PSA-om koji su članovi/korisnici usluga u udrugama koje se bave problematikom ove populacije. Osim online upitnika istraživanje se provodilo kroz intervju koji je proveden s jednim predsjednikom udruge (Udruga za autizam Zadar) uživo, a zbog udaljenosti s drugim udrugama koje su sudjelovale u ovom istraživanju (Udruga obitelji djece s autizmom Dar Osijek, Udruga za skrb autističnih osoba Rijeka, Udruga za autizam-Zagreb, Udruga Pogled Nedelišće i Udruga za djecu s teškoćama u razvoju Zvončići Karlovac) provedeno je s predsjednicima iz drugih gradova telefonskim putem, te su im postavljana pitanja o udruzi koju sami vode s fokusom na modele podrške koje pružaju u Udruzi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 94 roditelja/skrbnika i 6 predsjednika udruga u različitim gradovima koje se bave problematikom ove populaciju u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da roditelji nisu u potpunosti zadovoljni, ali se ipak vidi njihovo zadovoljstvo. Najveći stupanj zadovoljstva roditelja u radu udruga vidi se u zadovoljstvu roditelja u radu djelatnika, a najmanje su zadovoljni prostorno-materijalnim uvjetima te je stupanj zadovoljstva različit među udrugama. Utvrđeno je da su najbolja iskustva roditelja kod razmjene iskustva s roditeljima druge djece u udruzi, što potvrđuje važnost postojanja udruga kao podrška djeci i odraslim osobama s PSA-om te njihovim roditeljima. Najveća očekivanja roditelja su da njihova djeca napreduju u komunikaciji, socijalizaciji i suzbijanju nepoželjnih ponašanja, da budu adekvatno smještena u stambene zajednice kao odrasle osobe te da modeli podrške budu organizirani kroz sustavno rješenje. Utvrđeno je da kod većine roditelja postoji osviještenost da je i njima samima potrebna pomoć. Usporedbom modela podrški u udrugama u različitim gradovima postoje razlike u pružanju usluga. Neke udruge su usmjerene na mlađu dob ove populacije, neke su razvile podrške za odrasle osobe dok ostale nastoje zadovoljiti sve dobne skupine. Modele podrške za roditelje pružaju sve udruge bilo kroz druženje roditelja i međusobnu razmjenu iskustva i informacija, bilo uz stručnu podršku kroz radionice, individualna savjetovanja ili predavanja. Važnost postojanja udruga je u senzibilizaciji javnosti i poticanju na inkluziju, u osiguranju kvalitetnijeg i dostojanstvenog života djece i osoba s PSAom i njihovih obitelji kroz sustavno rješenje te kako bi bili njihova podrška. Sve navedeno se potvrđuje i kroz intervjue s predsjednicima udruga. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this study was to examine the parents’ level of satisfaction regarding the help the Association provides for their children and its contribution to the child's progress. It also comprises their experience and expectations as well as a comparison of support models among associations in different cities in the Republic of Croatia. In Croatia support models for children with autism spectrum disorder are usually carried out in special institutions and partly in associations that
... More take care of such population. There have been some improvements in support-giving area but it is not sufficient, especially at the local communities’ level (Popčević, Ivšac, Pavliša, Bohaček, Šimleša i Bašić, 2016). Along with the support offered to children there are different types of support for adults in this population as well as support for their parents. These are also important in creating a quality life for children and for the whole family. We started with the following hypotheses: the first hypothesis refers to the parents whose children with autism participate in associations and are satisfied with their work; the second hypothesis refers to the parents who have positive experience and expect better development of their child; the third hypothesis refers to the parents who are aware of the fact that they too need help of an association of which they are beneficiaries. The fourth hypothesis claims that the support models in the Republic of Croatia are different in different cities. The research was carried out through an online questionnaire which comprises demographic questions about children and their parents, as well as about the programmes and the length of the programme a child is following. There were questions about the parents’ level of satisfaction with the association, about their expectations and experience, about the awareness level concerning parents’ need for help as well as questions about support models they are using. The examinees were parents of children with ASD who are beneficiaries of the associations that deal with problems of this population. Besides an online questionnaire the research was carried out through an interview with the president of the Zadar association (Udruga za autizam Zadar) in person, while telephone interviews were carried out with other associations’ presidents that participated in the research (Udruga obitelji djece s autizmom Dar Osijek, Udruga za skrb autističnih osoba Rijeka, Udruga za autizam-Zagreb, Udruga Pogled Nedelišće i Udruga za djecu s teškoćama u razvoju Zvončići Karlovac). The main focus of these interviews was laid on the support models that are offered in the Association. 94 parents/guardians and 6 presidents of the associations, who are dealing with the problems of this population in different cities in the Republic of Croatia, participated in the research. The research results show that the parents are satisfied with the work of associations to a certain extent. They are not totally satisfied, but the highest level of satisfaction is related with the work of the staff members. They are least satisfied with premises and material conditions. However, the level of satisfaction varies among the associations. The results have shown that the parents find sharing experience with other children’s parents as one of the greatest benefits of the Association. It can be concluded that the role of the associations that support children and adults with ASD as well as their parents are of vital importance. The greatest expectations of the parents are for their children is to improve their communication skills, socialisation level and reduce potential misbehaviour. They also expect their children to be placed in residential communities as adults, and the support models to be systematically organized. According to the research, most of the parents are aware of the fact that they themselves need help. The comparison of the support models in the associations in different cities shows differences in the services they offer. Some associations focus on younger population, whereas others develop support activities for adults or try to be beneficial to all age groups. Support models for parents are being offered by all associations, both through parents’ meetings and their exchange of experience as well as by professional support in workshops, individual counselling and lectures. The importance of these associations lies in raising public awareness and promoting social inclusion, and ensuring a better quality of life and dignity of the children and people with ASD and their parents. It needs to be a systematically organized support, which was also confirmed in the interviews with the presidents of the associations. Less
modeli podrške
udruga za autizam Zadar
savez udruga za autizam Hrvatske
očekivanja i iskustva roditelja
zadovoljstvo roditelja
Keywords (english)
support models
Zadar Association for Autism
Croatian Union of Associations for Autism
parents’ expectations and experience
parents’ level of satisfaction
social inclusion
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:306740
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-07-07 12:06:23